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Phoebe(tanya) babys


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OK, got your email, replied. How do they sound sleeping? It's hard with out being there. If there's fluid on their nostrils, And if they cut down on their eating, you'll need to take them to the Vet, always call the vet and talk to them...What is their night time temp/ You really need to get a scale... Keep calm and watch them close....Jayd

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there nose is dry..no fluids...they sound o sleep today when i was holding them.my vet is only on tuesdays.and i tryed to weigh them on this scale i bought but its not working and ill be taking it back this weekend to walmart.the temp is cooler at night but i have them coverd up.The last few days i see a diff in the bigger one eatting. he doesnt eat as much at night..and the small ones crop was full but the bigger greys wasnt. they was a sleep when it came time for a feding i had to wake them up. the smaller wanted to go to bed. i gave her her blanket she kicked around and lie down. the bigger want in my lap and dint want to eat or go back to his cage for bed.im trying to stay calm...omg what did i do wroung, ive tryed so hard to do everything i was told to do....

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yes they eat there other feeding...im sure they will be hungrey in the morn.I really dont know how much seeds or pillets they ate today bc i was gone most of the day and tonite the other mommy came to see them.Ill try to get those scales this weekend and weigh them. walmart is on the other side of town wish it was closer..ok maybe not then i wouldnt have money...but anyway,they are a sleep.i dont hear anything out of them when i sit beside ther cage...thanks again..ill be worried all night about them..ill get up and check on them again in a few..not usre what to check on bc they are coverd up....

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Hi Tanya,


I am in the same boat you are here with my going on 10 week old baby girl. I just brought her home last Saturday on 2 feedings a day. She would not eat hardly any of her formula for me the first few days but I just think it was a temperature thing and it was not warm enough because she is sucking it up now the last couple days 50-60cc morning and before bed.

One thing you might try is putting a 2 or 3 inch piece of surgical tubing on the end of the syringe to get the food down a little farther quicker so they just can't play with it in their beaks. It seems they can't spit it back up so easily (unless they really don't want it or their full) and less of a chance to injure them with the hard plastic tip of the syringe. Just a thought. Works good for me but maybe jayd can tell me if this is not a good thing to do.


Good luck to you and the twins.



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Works good for me but maybe jayd can tell me if this is not a good thing to do.


Please don't do this!!!! This really isn't a good thing to do! This is very dangerous!!!The tip of the syringe is placed just inside the side of the beak, not down the throat, I won't even get into Gavage feeding here, it's a no-no!! The head bouncing motion is what keeps the bird from aspirating. Thanks Jayd

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Oh ok jayd.(seems funny calling somebody else that) I always just used a spoon with me other birds but the breeder gave me the syringe with the hose on it because she feeds all her babies this way. I wasn't sticking it all the way down her throat though, just to the back of her mouth but I will try it with it off or go back and try and use my spoon.


Thanks jayd.



Please don't do this!!!! This really isn't a good thing to do! The tip of the syringe is placed just inside the side of the beak, not down the throat, I won't even get into Gavage feeding here, it's a no-no!! The head bouncing motion is what keeps the bird from aspirating. Thanks Jayd
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Oh ok jayd.(seems funny calling somebody else that) I always just used a spoon with me other birds but the breeder gave me the syringe with the hose on it because she feeds all her babies this way. I wasn't sticking it all the way down her throat though, just to the back of her mouth but I will try it with it off or go back and try and use my spoon.

Thanks jayd.

Thank you. Yes, some breeders Gavage feed or needle feed it's called, there's no need to feed a baby that way, it's very unnatural and I feel it does little for bonding....


If I may, could you please use your user name or sir name in your threads or postings so as to not get people confused? It would be greatly appreciated..

Thank You


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Good morning

My twins has eatting there breakfest ...55cc and ive cleaned ther cage.now , im fixing some rice and peppers for them to snack on. they seem to be doing good. Ive heard one sneeze i think .i wasnt in the room to know for sure.They are playing with there play cards chewing on them.Ill post again in a few when i get them more settle for the day. Thanks JAYD for your help and info and loving my twins

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Thats Grey't, good Mama, play and hold and talk to them as much as you can, when they grow up they don't cuddle as much. Talk to them all you can, start saying hello whenever you get near them.....Talk later....Jayd

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ok I do..i talk to them all the time.i made them a mixture of rice,peppers, carrots, and afew cheerios.they will be busy for a little while.I garee with the name MRJAYD. I was confused at first .I agree he needs a name change please.Thanks and talk later....love

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Do you think the twins are to young to set on a porch outside they cage. is there bal. good enough?I hate that they sit at the door of there cage looking at me when im doing things in the house or reading i cant read or doing anything with out together....they have the sad face going on for me to hold them.The bigger one likes it out and walking around and see whats new in his world but the smaller grey wants to cuddle and hide her face.the new mommy came last night and pushng to choose one...and im having a hard time with that.

ive not heard but maybe 2 sneezing today.which is good.

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Is the porch enclosed? Drafty or to cool? Your going to have a long time of that sad look![so cute] is there any chance of another animal getting at them? You'd still have to be right there with them!


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no its a porch i made...it like a T stand....ill send a pic tomorrow when i get it out of the basement.Ill have grad. at the high school tonite but my other half is staying with the babys while im gone.so, who knows what they will be doing...LOL..i just thought it would get them out of there cages with out me having to hold them.but i think they want me to hold more.also, those nails they have are like needles going through my finger and arms..what to do??

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Maybe you better wait awhile till they get a little better balance. Yes, they love you very much!!! Take a paper finger nail file, the smoother side, and drag it lightly across the tips of their nails, not to much! have your styptic powder right there ready, all it will take is a little filing, very little. Does your partner like the babies? Love ya Jayd

P.S. You have a good time tonight.....

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ok,they ateonly eat 45cc. and yes, my other half loves them very much.And i think im going to put them basket to bal.and ok on the file do that tomorrow..thanks i hope i have a good time....post when i get back and let you kow how they was with the baby sitter..lol.. thanks love

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The twins are good.They was out playing and loving when i was gone to my grad. i got home i feed them and put them to bed. my smaller grey eat 55cc and the bigger one ate maybe 45 to 50. he has started to sling it all over me.He just dont want much at night to eat. he eats good in the morn and after noon but at night he dont and he dont the little one eats real good in the morn but at night it take her loner to eat.well, there in bed and talk tomorrow..nite nite..love

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Been in and out all day....The twins are doing good today..I sent new pics of them playing to Jay.They are eatting seeded treats.still not sure about them but I crumble them up and they will eat them out of my hand. They still want to bite on me???Still working on step up..not getting it...the smaller one is closer to step up then the bigger grey.Takes time..Thanks

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