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Phoebe(tanya) babys


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Thank you, I know your doing good. The cage is Grey't, Go ahead and move them up "2 fingers high". Place mats, if their feet won't get stuck in the bottom wire, remove it. You do what ever you have to do......Picture time....Jayd

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The job you are doing with your babies is awe inspiring. Taking care of one with no experience would be a challenge, but two is a labor or love and a miracle of life for them. Congratulations on doing what it takes and keeping your little ones safe and growing. To all of you who have had experience and are putting your advice and your hearts into this, you are all my heros.

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ok ill send pics tomorrow. i just feed them and they must know its bed time bc i bed them in frount of there cage on a mate and when im done they turn around to go back into there cage for bed.i put in a baby blanket for them to sleep on and they go and lie down on it and then i cover them up telling them nite nite see u in the morning

also,i ment to ask you when im feeding the bigger one he is starten to bob his head real fast and sometimes hard for the food. its like he gets excited. but he dont eat it fast also, his put his beak on me more like nippy me.the smaller one is still shy and cuddly.

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Fast bobbing's OK, let's start feeding them 55-60cc's tomorrow! So cute, keep them in the habit at bed time.... When it comes to choosing one, size doesn't matter, all that matters is which one you prefer...

Get some rest, you still have a few weeks to go. Jayd, Maggie and Spock

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I've just sat here at 07.00am, Wednesday 26 May 2010 and read this thread from the start (again)! Every single member here who has posted encouragement and support have no doubtedly kept both Tanya sane, and these babies alive. I'm now waiting for their first flight, and their first words!!


Come on Tanya - what's your bubba going to be called? I'm rooting for "Jaybird". :)

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Why is the bigger grey not wanting to eat as much. This morning I went to feed them and the smaller one sucks it down but the bigger one isnt wanting to eat as much. i after about 20cc he acts like he dont want. He keeps food on the bottom of his beak and i he is begaining to look around and see whats going on around him. I dont know if he dont want to eat bc he wanting to be out into stuff or what???ill get some pics todayand send them to jayd.I have notice that they are up more playing inn there cages.

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Hi, this is normal, they're growing up, be patience, you can try the formula a little ticker or thinner to get his interest, put a dab of Skippy's or Kroger's or Laura Scudder's Organic or Natural peanut. just a tad, tip of the spoon and stir it into their formula..It's a big world out there to them...LoL Can't wait for pictures.......I'll be doing more posts for you and the twins!! Jayd

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Just look at those babies, have you ever seen anything more adorable and Tanya is feeding them, they have grown and starting to feather out nicely, soon they will be fully feathered and starting to take their first flight, are you ready for that Tanya, better prepare yourself to be amazed.

Thanks Jay for posting them for Tanya, I love them.

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hello things are good. I have them sitting in frount of a window with the sun coming through...way to hot outside for them.There are starten play more. I put in new toys today for them to chew on.The other mommy is coming tonite.

omg while im typing this the bigger grey just pour his water over...be back later.. they are moving around so much now.

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Hahahahaha... Oh yes, they do grow fast. I look forward each day for your post's and updates.I'm glad the other mama's coming over, she really needs to spend more time with the Babies! They're ready for a name now. Try to get some morning weights for us, It's real important. In the next couple of days we'll go over "fledgling" and flying. You take care, were all here for you!!!!!


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Hi there..my twins sound like they have a cold.there sneezing(sp?)and they sound a little like a horse. or is that a sound they have??I have them at frencg door windows but theres no cold air coming in on them since its in the 70 plus here. i do have the air con. on but not on them. They are in cages on the floor.i cover them at night..the air cond. is set on 70.im kinda worried here..

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Hi there..my twins sound like they have a cold.there sneezing(sp?)and they sound a little like a horse. or is that a sound they have??I have them at frencg door windows but theres no cold air coming in on them since its in the 70 plus here. i do have the air con. on but not on them. They are in cages on the floor.i cover them at night..the air cond. is set on 70.im kinda worried here..

Tanya, I don't know what to say, I hope they didn't get a chill when you washed them the other day. Are they're nostrils clear? no fluid in them? How often do they sneeze? cough sound? How are they eating? Playing? When you wash them you just take a damp rag and wipe them a little, they're still to young for a bath! Keep them out of direct drafts! Going from Hot to cold isn't good for them Remember they're room temp should be between 78 and 80 degrees. Please get back to me asap... Jayd,...

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ok...yes i gave them a bath..i sit them in warm water bc there bottoms was dryed with poop and food and i tryed to get it off first with a warm cloth but it wasnt coming off. the smaller one kelp picking at it.also,the air con. is 72 in the house.no there nostrils are clear and dry..i keep watch them. also they are eatting.the smaller one eats better then the bigger one.im giving 50 to 60 cc. of form. they are playing like norm.they are sneezing a few times.im not sure how to keep it 78 to 80 in the house. that would be hot in here.ive not heard no cough at all.im on line

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OK, it would be better no baths for a while, keep a watch on they're nostrils, try to put them in a warmer spot, when they get older 72 will be fine. Keep them out of drafts, and direct sunlight. I'll be online for a couple of hours. Has it been dusty in your house today? They'll sneeze to clear their nostrils of dust... Good Mama....Jayd

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ok.,i emailed u..i tryed to feed them but they wouldnt eat but 40cc or so.the bigger grey didnt want to eat maybe 30cc but i got close to 40 in him. he wanted me to hold him and not go back to his cage but i put them to bed...cover them up and gave them there baby blankets. ive vaccuum today but i do that everyday.i have them in frount of the door window where it would be the warmest of all. the sun comes in.i shouldnt have to give them a bath now that i took the place mate out the walk on the bottom of there cage but at nite they do have the blanket to sleep on.ummm...poop..the nose is dry,i look at the at every time i feed them.

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