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Phoebe(tanya) babys


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i have them on the floor with me at all they want to do is bite me?i turned the small upside and she screemed like i scared her to dealth....but after a few mins she was ok...now time to do the bigger one...upside down he will go....but why r they biting so much
Why are you turning them upside down?LoL [to clean them]. I believe their playing, Maybe you might play with them separately...When they're out, let them explore put some small wood or plastic toys down, a small wiffle ball is a fun toy...Jayd
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ok,i was told it help build trust turn them upside down..and yes also to clean them.dirty bottoms.lol. Ill start playing with sep. bc they are biting me. at the same time.they bite me or each other.ill go tomorrow and get some wooden toys for them to play with.i need to get form. anyway.

I did talk to the other mommy and she will be here tomorrow to play with one of them and says bring food for them.Im going to talk to her about if she still wants the baby or does she feel she has to keep her not to hurt my feelings...well they are sleeping again after there there baths...

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Its good to hear the babies are doing well but biting some, I would assume this is pretty much normal for they are exploring with their beaks and testing things out and if you stick your finger in their face then curiosity takes over but they should not be hard bites I wouldn't think. Maybe it is because you are turning them upside down but I don't think you have to worry about trust right now, that will come later and you will know soon enough if they like being on their back but I wouldn't force it.

Thanks Dave for chiming in with your advice as Jay has been doing a great job but two heads are always better than one, Tanya is very lucky to have the both of you advising her or this would not be possible.

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ok,i was told it help build trust turn them upside down..and yes also to clean them.dirty bottoms.lol. Ill start playing with sep. bc they are biting me. at the same time.they bite me or each other.ill go tomorrow and get some wooden toys for them to play with.i need to get form. anyway.

I did talk to the other mommy and she will be here tomorrow to play with one of them and says bring food for them.Im going to talk to her about if she still wants the baby or does she feel she has to keep her not to hurt my feelings...well they are sleeping again after there there baths...

Tanya, you're a good and caring women....Lol, Let them get used to being upright for a while, then wrap them in a blanket, hold them to your chest talking softly to them and slowly turn them on their back....[smile] Jayd, get some rest...

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thanks for posting the pics...ok i want rock there world around no more ..lol..And ye4s judy its already so hard to think i have to choose.how do you do this??choose???well, it bed time feeding and then they are down for the night,,,good nite friends

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omg,i took my little poodle for her walk and I stop to hear what i thought i heard was a... meow..no didnt hear it..but it went again jump out from under a car.He was so so sweet. he fellows me for my walk then I told him noway little guy my house is full.I went arcoss the stree toa friends who loves cats. I told her my house is full with teenager,dog and my twins.I just cant take anything else.she was happy to feed it and love on it,,about 2 hours ago i hear my dog barking and it was over that cat who has found my house,nononono..i sent it back across the street..lol

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Good morning..Yes i agree about the cat. I dont need anything else. my neighbor took the little cat and i hope she keeps him.

The twins are good. I fixed them a few things this morning to snack on. The smaller grey jump into her snack but the bigger one stands back and looks at it.The smaller grey is a good ppl food eatter,the bigger grey isnt. I have to watch him and try to get him to taste things.Things are pretty quite this morning.Ill get them out in a few mins.They norm. take a morning nap but today they seem to be up and awake.they seem bord,just sits there looking at me. i gave them toys and chewing wood and paper things to play with.ok ill check back later today and give u a report on there day.If you have info please send it....Thanks again jay,maggie,dave and judy.my twins are so lucky to have u guys

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Good morning Tanya, it's so nice you keep all of us posted and keep doing what your doing with the twins...Jay asked me to remind you to be as active witn them as you can, and have you weighted them. Maggie, Spock and Jayd

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yes i tryed to weigh them but the scale isnt taking there weigh. its dig. but i dont understand why its not weighing. i think im going to take them back and get diff. scales.i do need to get them out more and play with them. jay told me to play sep. now bc they are biting me...there so funny.ok as im typing they are napping.i do try to play with them as much as i can..in between the norm of things i do during the day.this is why i need the other mommy here to help me play and spend more time with them. my son likes them but dont want to touch them.hes scared of them.thanks for getting back with me...

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Good morning Mama, Your doing Grey't keep it up. Sometimes the digital scales from Walmart have a piece of clear plastic on the battery's to keep them fresh, and they don't tell you to remove it , check the battery's, I took 2 back before some one told me...In the next couple of weeks they're going to start to change and look more like adult Grey's. In the next couple of days we'll start preparing for what's to come. I'll be posting a lot for you to read, some of the things I know you already know, will just go over them....Jayd

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Jayd and the others, thank you so much for all this work. I am learning so much. Now I definitely know I don't want to raise babies! But I really appreciate the learning and what a great start these twins are getting with all of your help.

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The other mommy came tonite with food and bedding..which im glad to have.I think shes wanting the small grey. she always wants to hold that one.The twins are pretty quite tonite..just playing in there cages. I had them out earlier.Feeding is at 10:00 then bed they go.Tomorrow if i get to the other side of town ill take the scales back.if not it will be this weekend before i can go to walmart.

the twins are playing more with there feet and chewing on hanging toys.

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That's great...was waiting to hear from you. If you would, would you read the post I made on Abundant Feeding today? http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189769-Abundent-Feeding!

This is to explain what Abundant Feeding is...Tomorrow I will posting one for you and others in this thread on preparations. Get some rest because the weeks ahead are going to be busy. Remember, if you have any questions, either post here or email me, 24/7...


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I am so glad the other mother came forward with some food and bedding and she needs to take a more active part of her baby's life and give you the help you are gonna need in the coming weeks, now is the time for her to pitch in and be a great help to you. The babies are becoming more active and will be awake more and getting into everything to explore their new world. I can just see you playing with them and having such a good time, keep up the great work.

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Thanks jay. i will read it for sure.Eveery thing is mostly quite tonite. I had a friend over and we played with the babys for a long time. they are a sleep but im sure theyll be awake in a few mins to eat...These twins has been so much fun.Lots of work but worth every min. I had a stroke a few years ago,which took me out of work but the twins seems to bring alot of joy and for me to feel like i doing something again for a reason. If this make sence.They have kelpt me busy with out feeling sorry for myself...I do wish that i got them older but ive learned so much and met someone new friends through them.

now, i have to choose..i still have a few weeks but i just dont know how im going to do that.It will break my heart to choose and to lose one.i love them both.there my babys thats put a smile on my face

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Thanks Judy,i agree...The big grey seems to be the one i always reach for and he seems to like me more. he is into everything u have to watch him every sec. the small one will play in the same spot and not move. the bigger one is every where. u cant leave him.Thanks for your post, you have been such a great friend over this past year losing my phoebe to getting this baby. thank you for being there over these past months.

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OK, it's house cleaning time, I'm sure you know about a "Bird safe house" It's no longer your home but your birds!!!LoL. Get some supply's, styptic powder for bleeding, apple cider vinegar for cleaning cages and food dishes and veggies. A carry-all to take your bird to vet and outside etc. Flight harness if you so desire. On windows and mirrors you can put "Sticky's" so your new flying babies don't crash into them, also big screen TV's can be a danger when there turned off, your babies are going to fly "Where no birds have flown before!".

Tanya, if you would, I'd like 1 [or more] question a day from you.

Hope you and the Twins are OK!


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hi there

I have the stypic powder and the apple cider vig. already.But i do need to get a carry cage for the vet. i have a small cage that i was going to use. for the vet and to sit outside.

when can i move there porches up a little?they are still sitiing on the cage floor.also can i move out the place mates. the little poops on her and lies in it if i dont clean it first before she naps.

things are good...i was gone alot today and will be tomorrow.but will be here on time for there feedings.wed is pt during the day for a few hours.i have to go.its for my stroke.

i hope u had a good day today?? the twins are doing good but they are growing and featers are coming in so soft.

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