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Phoebe(tanya) babys


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OMG!! They are sooooooooo cute! Not only are Jay & Maggie offering their parenting skills, they are also "technical support" too!!! Thank you all so much (especially to you Tanya) for letting these kind people from our family help you, and introduce us to the terrible two! Never mind Arnold and Davito - more like two of the little piggies! Check those crops!!! :)

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I think they look great, Tanya is doing an excellent job feeding and taking care of them, they look healthy in the pictures she shared and what a lifesaver Jay and Maggie have been, helping her with her questions and guiding her in the right direction, she is so lucky to have you two assisting her in this task she has taken on for herself.

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can i give them a bath yet???i turned them upside down and there bottoms and tummy is dirty..The bigger one holds his foot inside his wings and the smaller one is climbing up her cage now.I gave them apples and the small grey eats it down but the bigger one just cant got that down yet.i think he trys to hold it and falls.

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At this age, when you see dirty areas like you describe, just take very damp soft cloths and wipe those areas off. Also wipe off the feet, legs and claws. Check the beaks and wipe off any crusty material you see. They're too young to be bathed. You can very lightly mist them but only a little. Their feathers aren't waterproof yet and they'll stay wet too long.

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Told you you were popular.... Apples, just a little piece, if we eat a whole apple, compare our size to them, so just a small piece. In general a parrot needs very little fruit, and it makes their poop runny. LoL Jayd

Thank you for posting, we all could listen to this all day......

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Ok on the apples..I think Ive been giving them to big of a peace.quarter of a slice.Im going to try carrots tomorrow. Half done i think you said.Yes I do wipe there feets and nails but there tummy is dirty. Im going to clean them tomorrow when its warmer in the house.with a warm soft wash cloth.I son baby sitt tonite.I made sure they have ate and cages was cleaned. I didnt let him get them out but he would walk through the living room every 15 to 30mins to speak to them and check on them for me.He was a big help. I had plans a month ago before the babys to go on a ghost tour of Asheville NC town with friends. Had a good time,but called and checked on the babys.Then it was feeding time when I got home. they was happy mommy was home food.cleaned them up to bed they went. i wanted to play with them but it was already past there bedtime. I told them play tomorrow love them nite nite. cover them up and turned out the light.

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Wow! I'm just catching up, I was down with homework all week, and school this weekend, what an amazing thread. Tanya, you have some many positive attributes to have taken on this feat of hand feeding two babies!!! Jayd and Maggie (and of course Spock) thank you for being there in person to assist Tanya with this extraordinary effort. The babies are amazingly beautiful, I loved the pictures. Thank you!!!


I hope to find out more from all of you!



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GOOD MORNING...The twins are doing good. Today Im cleaning cages.Also Im taking them outside, its going to 75 today.i thought that they may like getting some fresh air..getting out of the house some.Also, im going to get the dirty off of them.Im sure they will hate that.Im to fix them a mixtuere of carrots, rice,beans and pappers and something like this.they are drinking some water but not alot.check in later

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Thank you, so happy you and the twins are feeling so good, I'm really glad they found the water...Not to much sun, they don't have enough feathers to protect them yet, they can get a sun burn, and you found out about overheating the hard way. We always welcome your updates, and take care of yourself to Mama! Jayd

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Good to hear the twins are doing well - but definitely watch out for that over heating. They are too small to soak up much sun - I only had Harvey out for 20 minutes today (in the shade) and I could tell he was uncomfortable and took him in. Can't wait for the next installment :)

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Yes i agree they do get hot so easy. I let them play outside maybe 15mins in the shade.i cleaned there cages and just handfeed them.I also gave them a tiny bite of strawberry,melon and red pepper to play with.now, I have to take my son to the mall when i get back im going to wash off there underside.im sure they will love me after that.The bigger grey is wiping his beak on his porch. Thats new today.Be back on later.....after ther little bath.

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It's so nice reading your post. Wish I could be there to see them, I wouldn't help, you doing to good of a job.....In the next 2 weeks your going yo see changes, so relax.....Jayd P.S. Wait till you have to jump off the couch, flapping your arms to teach them how to fly!!!!

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lol..lol..I dont think so.I draw line here...lol...should I up there cc in food this week .they will be 9weeks tues.?things are easier now but they still poop every time they breath out.lol.also when will they start bal. better on there porches?anything new for this week??thank you again

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Go ahead, ask anyone here how they think your doing!! This week keep up with what your doing, keep food at 45cc's. Their balance gets better, but not till they start flying doe's it really improve. Cut down on the fruit some more. How thick do you make their formula? What do they weight, it would really help me with a daily morning after big poop weight...Jayd

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sorry, im making a mistake ive been giving them 50cc..I went to walmart and bought scales but they are not showing there wieght. i got the dig. kind.ill try again tonite when i get them out.there food is like baby food. is that to thick of runny?

How am I doing??also what size cage should they be in? They are in a small cage for a conure.

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Sorry Jayd but I gotta butt in here and give an extra bit of info. As far as consistancy, people who make their own formula get the mixture to a baby food thickness, so that's not a bad thing and as far as the 50 cc. * sorry, im making a mistake ive been giving them 50cc*, there is no mistake. if your birds are accepting it without spitting it up, continue that amount. There's no set amount at a certain age because all are different. You can't overfeed a bird. Some will accept more, some less at each feeding. I hope abundance feeding will be discussed here. With that type of feeding, there's no exact time in which a chick will wean. The birds tell you when they don't want a particular feeding. They simply turn their heads away or spit it up. With you being new to this, abundance feeding guarantees a healthy, fat, strong, well conditioned, fully weaned bird. It may take longer for the birds to wean but it's the safe way to do it. I wouldn't wean any of my chicks with any other method except adundance feeding. Ive used that method for years. Pet shops who buy then sell birds are not fed this way and that's why those birds are not in the best of shape.

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i have them on the floor with me at all they want to do is bite me?i turned the small upside and she screemed like i scared her to dealth....but after a few mins she was ok...now time to do the bigger one...upside down he will go....but why r they biting so much

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Thanks Dave. The babies were on 45cc's a day and I wanted to stabilize them and get Tanya used to feed them a exact amount and consistency. She's using a commercial formula, I personally, like my formula slighty thicker, again this was to familiarize her with a common product, ketchup which is pretty much the the same everywhere as opposed to baby food can differ from brand to brand, again so Tanya and I would be on the same track. Abundance feeding I've gone over a couple of times different thread, it's the only way to go as you said. I don't want to overwhelm anyone with to much info at one time. As each week goes on, I try to explain a little more and go into a little more details in hopes of less mistakes..... Thanks so much Dave anything you say is appreciated.


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