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Phoebe(tanya) babys


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Baby greys doing good today..Little greys mommy is coming today to see her...wish.. I think its great.I had a melt down last night over them..it seems like they poop every time they breath and Here at home Im getting no help that was promised when I got them.My bigger grey is doing good eatting pellits .There wings are growing so much.Once Again Ill say I wished I knew how much work it took to weaned them But Its ok..Jay has been alife savor for my babys and me. Its over whelming sometimes when Ur life is on 4 hours time .Ill be across town and have 30mins or so to get home..its hard.But I already love them, and they are so worth the all the time they need.Thanks so much

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Don't worry, it'll soon ease up a bit. Doing something like this is always hard in the beginning but time and success makes things easier. Your little chicks will soon start refusing that one feeding. Who knows when but that's the time that a few more hours of sleep can be had and you'll have nice dreams about birds pooping all over the place and it'll lift your spirits. It'll be a time for celebration. Make sure you have a bottle of your favorite spirit near by. Jady's gonna help you get to that day so I guess congrats are in order to you and Jayd.

Edited by Dave007
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Thank you. How bout we refer to these wee one as, "The Forums Twins" ? A day will come when you'll check plates, cups, bowls etc, for that famous 4 letter word! Poop.....Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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lol...Hi there....Im sorry but I had to seperate the twins...The bigger one climb on the smaller one and hurt her..and then the small one bite the big one to hurt him back. I know it had to hurt a diff. cry came out and then they started to climb on each other..I put the smaller gry in a diff. cage they are still by each other and ill get them out togther. since ive put them in diff. the smaller one has learned to climb on her porch...Ill wigh them tonite before bed . i just got back from walmart with that. the other mommy didnt come tonite.which i was hoping she would but ok with that.i begaining to think she may have changed her mind..i hope not.

things are good so far......

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Hi Tanya, glad things are going good, If you'd like, try to put them back together, they can teach each other so much, if not, it's ok. They are siblings right? How many times are you feeding them now? How much are they eating each meal? Jayd

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hi there, I posted this but i guess i lost it.so, if it post twice im sorry.

yes i have them sep and ill put them together when im home to watch them.the bihher one is so much bigger that he can hurt the smaller one easy. there cages are together.I feed them at 930,200,715,and i been putting them to bed around 930 or so.but since they ate so early i may try to feed them again at 11.if im still up.the small grey is learning to stand on her porch ..her mommy didnt come tonite. i think shes changing her mind about her grey.i hoipe not bc i cant keep her.i gave them 45 cc to 50 cc at a feeding. is that still ok??

plus they are still eatting there pellits and ppl foods with that.

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Thanks, Feed them when you go to bed, then 8 1/2 hours later in the morning, Example: If you go to bed at 10pm, feed them at 6:30 am, then again at 2-2:30 pm, 3 times a day, 8 to 8 1/2 hours apart. You'll be keeping this schedule for a few weeks, remember, you can't rush them..and always feed them before you go to bed. Try not to feed them any sooner or later then 8to 8 1/2 hours apart.

Keep up the good work Mama. Jayd

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Thanks...now we are on 3 feedings..at 45 to 50 cc?ok will do.ill feed them about 11 tonite then in the morn.then every 8 hours...ill let them sleep together but i willhave to sep. when they are awake.the bigger one is so much bigger that he really does hurt her.she makes a diff. sound when he climbs all over her.you can just tell...thanks so much and good nite...friend

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Hope the Twins are doing Grey't... Most important in raising babies is stability and their assurance that a meal is coming the same time each day, now that you've shone them they have nothing nothing to fear, it's training time. Their not to young to start, they just won't learn to much. I feel the most important command for a Grey is the step-up, step-down command. When your playing with these guys, whenever you put your finger in front of them, push it againest their chest, and say, "step-up", don't expect anything, your just getting them used to the words and sound. Now is also the time to socialize them, get as much daily outside contact with others that you can, others don't have to hold them, just be near them, touching them, and talking to them! Remember to change out their fresh food every couple of hours, same with water, and "Keep up the good Work....Jayd

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Tanya, I just want to say that I absolutely admire your defiance in the rearing of these babies. You realise how important the commitment is that you have made, but most importantly you have made some friends for life! The "forum twins" I fear would have been nothing without the support of our fantastic, experienced, caring, loving, dedicated (the list goes on) members - and just shows what an important part they can play in such delicate situations. Keep up the good work :)

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Spock here! In case you didn't know, I tell Jayd every thing to write, I was there....Some times Maggie doe's threads and makes post, I always edit them... I'm setting up the twins so they will know how to control you when they're older, they're responding well, it's only logical.....


Live long and prosper

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It sounds like the babies are doing just fine but one point I want to make is that they are not "twins" they did not hatch from the same egg, they may have the same mom and dad but they are not twins but it is easy to think this but they are siblings and one is older than the other.

I so wished I could have come down to visit with the babies but I cannot manage it but if you continue to take Jay's advice, I mean Spock's then you should do fine.

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Sorry Ive not posted..The twins are doing good.The feathers are growing and they are starten to climb.There face are begaining to feel out and the wings are also. Ill send jayd some pics and maybe he will post them for me for everyone to see them.They are eatting seeds , pellits, beans,corn,rice and peppers.Not liking water to much.Im going to try to get them out more this weekend and start with step up...Thanks everyone for your prayers and concerns. and hats off to jayd and maggie.

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Tanya, JayD Maggie, You guys are doing such a great Job!!! Tanya I commend you for your dedication even now when the other grey mommy is having second thoughts, they are growing and look great!! Jayd and crew are great foster parronts aren't they?? I look forward to these posts all day everyday thanks so much, its like re-living last year :)

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