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Salsa'a Breakfast Toast!!!


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Spock Here! Thank You, We demand only the best Whole grain or oatmeal with those tasty tidbit on top, you know 7-8-9-12 grain breads, low sodium, yum, gotta fly, breakfast time, lets see, plain pasta, pasta with tomato sauce, smash, split peas and yellow lentils, peanut butter with my vitamins mixed in, That's all????


Live Long and Prosper

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Well Spock I have a question for you...Would mind uuuhh talking to Rene and reminding him the food is really yummy and he needs to eat some??!?!?! I think he is trying to guilt me into giving him some sunflower seeds hahahaha but I would really like him to eat something more nutritious!


btw I think Salsa is just gorgeous!

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Spock here! Rene, you have to eat a nutritious balanced diet...it's only logical...you must remain strong to stay in control of your parronts...


Live Long and Prosper


I had to wrestle away the computer from Spock so I could make a post in Foods and write in my own two cents here....If I may suggest, it is okay for our fids to have about 1/2 a teaspoon of sunflower seeds a day. I'm sure you are trying to get him to eat a balanced diet. You might want to try to put a good seed mix for two to three hours a day in the afternoon and then remove it (leave the pellets and food you feed him in there). Sometimes, this will help stimulate feeding habits. Lord knows I have my hands full with Spock and the rest of the Fids...and trying to get Jay to eat a balanced diet...aaarrggg! hahahahahaha);)

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HaHaHa i know just what you mean Maggie! James doesn't understand why all these veggies are taking so much room up in the fridge!! Ok I will start tomorrow giving seeds in the afternoon instead of all day like usual!! Thanks for the tip

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