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phoebes greys


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things are doing good this morn..the biggest one is trying porc h...he did for a few mins then fall off.im fixing them there mixture of beans ,rice and corn. im give hem some peppers also.will i need to cute back ona feeding ??the bigger grey will eat but not suer about the small one. ill have to watch and see what happenes...thanks for all the concerns on my bigger one from last night. he seems to eb fine today..we think he got to hot...its a cooler day today outside...ill keep u updated on the food mixture..thanks so much

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wow i put 2 middle size tablespoon of mixture with a piece of red pepper and they are eatting...do i handfed again at 3?there are really eatting like they have done this before...they like the rice and corn,pepper...not much on beans

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wow i put 2 middle size tablespoon of mixture with a piece of red pepper and they are eatting...do i handfed again at 3?there are really eatting like they have done this before...they like the rice and corn,pepper...not much on beans

YES feed them.....Don't stop hand-feeding,[or miss a feeding] this will go on for a long time, a couple of months or more, I'll advise you when to drop a feeding. You must be patient!!!! It's a lot harder job to wean a bird then get one already weaned..


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ok ill feed them like norm..they are having a good day.playing with there peppers...im sure its going to take time to get them to just eat food with handfeeding them.they are doing real good...with foods.I want to take mine to the vet in a few weeks but my friend dont want to take hers.so, i may put it off till my friend takes hers home.

thanks aGAIN FOR ALL YOUR HELP...dont know what i would have done with out you.

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It's grey't that these babies are playing with their solid food so well. Unfortunately their not eating enough to keep them alive. Read the label on your formula and see all that's in it. Spock took 26 weeks to stop eating formula, plus all the other bird food and veggie' we gave him...A lot of babies stop at 16 + weeks. You can't rush the weaning time, the babies will let you know when they don't want any more formula and that,s a long time away. When your babies get ready to fly, there going to want to stop eating, everything, They'll be more interested in flying instead of eating, you have to make sure them don't stop eating. Eating the formula also stimulates solid food eating.


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If you would, please post their morning weight. Always weight them after their big poop each morning before feeding!!! You can get a digital food scale at Walmart, etc, fairly cheap, the spring scale don't work good. If they won't hold still get a small bowel, weigh it first and then weigh them. Thanks Jayd,

Here's Spock at about 10 weeks old, they grow fast!!!



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ok will wiegh tomorrow.thats going to be fun...they get so scard to be picked up.they hold on for dear life....they are staying awake more now there in a cage.they have changed so much in this past week....the other mommy wanted to know how old can she take her baby??i told her when they are wened bc she want handfeed..ok thanks, im making spagg tonite for dinner.ill give them a noodle to play with...should it be cooked??

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ok will wiegh tomorrow.thats going to be fun...they get so scard to be picked up.they hold on for dear life....they are staying awake more now there in a cage.they have changed so much in this past week....the other mommy wanted to know how old can she take her baby??i told her when they are wened bc she want handfeed..ok thanks, im making spagg tonite for dinner.ill give them a noodle to play with...should it be cooked??
Good decision!!!!! keep till weaned and flying.....Yes a little noodle won't hurt, cooked, and in a week or two, raw will be ok.......Good job....Jayd
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good night..just feed them about 9. and played with them a few mins ..then to bed they went.cleaned there cage AGAIN...clean blanket for them to sleep on.ill check on them in a little whle before i go to bed.good day today...the bigger one learned how to walk on his proch a few steps then fall off. the little one want try.GOOD NIGHT MY NEW FRIEND

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good night..just feed them about 9. and played with them a few mins ..then to bed they went.cleaned there cage AGAIN...clean blanket for them to sleep on.ill check on them in a little whle before i go to bed.good day today...the bigger one learned how to walk on his proch a few steps then fall off. the little one want try.GOOD NIGHT MY NEW FRIEND
Your doing so good, Good night my friend......Jayd
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