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Yoshi's Sounds...


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So Yoshi picked up 'Peek-A-Boo' about a month ago... and while that still sounds odd she is getting more clear at it. Last weekend I took Yoshi out on her first harness walk, about a 5 minute walk to the mailbox... and it seems she picked something up while we were out. This week she has been making a loud seagull call... it sounds funny because you don't expect a pitchy seagull sound to come out of her lol. She doesn't do it often, probably because its no fun lol because we can't make that sound back to her :P We say 'Peek-A-Boo' back to her whenever she says it and she loves it.


Besides these... it's just a lot of weird noises, nothing recognizable :P


I'll try to get a video up... getting her to say 'Peekaboo' is easy but I'll have to be lucky to capture the seagull sounds lol.

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