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Issac 6 Months


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I had hoped to have the video I am working on done by this time, but I am still workin on it. In addition, Issac isn't doing many brand new things, so I thought I would go over my experience with him since he has come home.

One thing that I have noticed is how much my schedule and daily activities have changed. I don't do much after work other than head right home and take care of Issac. By the end of the day I can't wait to see him. More healthy foods have been in the house. I have been cooking bird treats so that gets me in the kitchen more. I have had to place bird omens throughout the house or remove things that could get Issac into trouble. I have had to watch what I wear around him if I want to keep certain clothes nice. I became a professional spot cleaner of carpets. In general, I have developed a sense that always keeps on eye on what Issac is doing, like a little toddler.

In return, I have the most wonderful friend that I could not initially imagine. He hears me set the alarm on my car and then I hear his contact call. From there, there is simply nothing like coming in the door and having Issac looking at me excitedly. I open his cage door and he hops onto my hand. I praise my little baby and communicate my love to him as fully as I can. I smile a whole lot more since he has been home. I laugh more too. I became a more nurturing person. I would say that the most significant reward is having an outlet for love that is so much deserving of all that I can give. There will always be a spot on my shoulder that welcomes Issac completely, even when I am on my last leg of the day and getting tired. The flapping sound of wings has become the sweetest sound I hear as Issac explores or tracks me down. The contact calls will always be welcomed and returned. Seeing the satisfaction of when I have found the perfect treat or toy is truly rewarding. Watching him hold something in his talon with great focus and determination is always a sign that everything is just perfect and Issac’s desires are being fulfilled. Or watching his little legs float him across the floor when he sees something he wants. Or the little tail flutter. Being serenaded from the shower curtain rod. Playing peek-a-boo. There is really something magical about befriending a parrot, and I feel the magic every day.

As far as what I have given up, and what I receive from this relationship, I would say that I came out very much in the positive. A fortune cookie I had a couple weeks before I went looking for Issac said,

"A new relationship is about to blossom. You will be blessed"

Truer words have never been spoken. I am blessed in my life with Issac. Happy half birthday lil guy. :)

Here are some pics of him over the last few months (oldest to newest -ish). Video will come later this week. Thanks for reading.












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I really enjoyed your post & pic's, my Biscotti will soon be 1 yr old & I feel exactly as you do. Having him in my life has been such a blessing, and the few small sacrifices we make to keep our feathered friends happy & healthy are nothing in comparison to all the joy we gain by having them in our lives. Happy 6 mo. b-day Issac!

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Thats about one of the sweetest tribute to a grey I have ever read, you are so good at describing how Issac is such a big part of your life and you two have a wonderful relationship, may it never end and Happy Half Year Hatchday Issac, you lucky boy.

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