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Update on my greys x


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All four of my babies are doing really well since I was last on, they are fit, healthy, happy and very loved.


Charlie and Keeko are still the terrible twosome they always have been, you very rarely see them apart they are always together and act as a duo. They dont let the other two share with their antics but thats fine, we are all individuals.


Jasper my youngest grey is still a cuddle bunny and has just celebrated his 2nd hatchday. He is such a sweetie and is desperate to fit in with the others but for some reason they never accepted him.

He is a very happy Grey and is quite happy to sit with me or play on his own, he just gets on with things and dosent let it really bother him. He loves to come out with me and now the nice weather is here I take him to BBQ'S etc and visits to friends.


My special boy Tully has come a LONG LONG way! Tully came to us in January after he spent 8 years in a builders yard then a year in a pet store. He was in a bit of a state as Im sure some of you will remember those first sad pictures of him.

He is now nearly fully feathered, has total trust and the must solid realtionship with me its unreal!

He now spends all day out of his cage, eats a good healthy diet and well, loves to be loved!

Bringing Tully home and looking at him now to 5 months ago is the greatest feeling ever. He was so quiet when he came here and used to shiver all the time, he is a constant chatter box now, and full of confidence! I love this boy to bits.


I will try and get some more pictures soon to share with you all. Still a mad bird woman and love the birds to bits!!!

I hope everyone and their fids are well, will try and get on more often x

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Yes, please post some photos!


I loved this update and especially the portion describing Tully's full featheredness now and outgoing personality that blossomed under your loving care. I hope Jasper remains the cuddle muffin of the flock for you. Those are the most relaxing and personal moments you can have and enjoy with them. :)


Your updates have been missed, but with that flock it's totally understandable where your time is spent. :)

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I always thought you were a mad bird woman having three - but when the fourth arrived........!!


Thank you so much for the update - I love hearing about your brood! I take my imaginary hat off to you (as I have done so, so many times before) for having the time and patience to have the three of them - then rescuing the fourth, the lovely Tully. I remember those first photos of a sad, bedraggled Tully - and check him out now!! He's super!


Glad the other three are still as troublesome and fun loving as ever! :)

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Thanks for the update on all your fids Caroline, so glad to hear that all of them are well and doing fine and you have worked some wonders with Tully, you truly are an amazing woman and it is no small feat to take care of four demanding greys, maybe we should call you Superwoman!

I look forward to seeing some pictures of the "gang" when you get a chance.

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Wonderful update Caroline, I'd been wondering how you were doing with Tully and the gang. I'm so glad to hear that Tully is thriving under your care. I hope Jasper always remains your cuddly lovey boy- it's great to have that special connection with one of your feathered children!

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