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Hi all after being away for a while as work as been mad :(, Well went to the parrot santary yesterday for the first time this year, Well had a walk around and as we where leaving seen a massive cage at the side of the building went in and asked if was for sale and it was so had it, After cleaning and filling the cage with all his toys put him in and he looks lost the cage is massave so this come to my problem.


Should i get a female for him to share the cage with, He is two and very weary of new things me and my g/f work 9 to 5 we have had him a year now and never had any problem so do you think this will be a good idea what are the pros and cons so any help would be nice


thanks martyn :D

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Welcome back Martyn but no in my opinion he has a nice big cage to himself, the likelihood that he would accept another grey into his cage is very minute, more than likely they would not get along with each other, just consider him lucky to have an oversize cage to play in.

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Hi Martyn - nice to hear from you again. I agree with Judy - let him play in his huge cage alone! What a joy! Working 9 - 5 and leaving him alone isn't a problem - leave the radio on and let him have plenty to keep him occupied. Harvey's alone longer than that and doesn't blink an eye when I leave him - or return!!! :)

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Judy and Jill gave good advice. There is never a guarantee 2 greys will get along. Also, you never place 2 in a cage that have not already established a good re;ationship that is proven and even then, they may not want to sahre the same cage.


Sounds wonderful, could you post a photo or 2 of this monster? :)

Edited by danmcq
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Will take some pics asap starting to think its a little to big plus a little worried he will jump of his play stand on top of the cage as at the min he thinks he can fly but he can not so we will see tonight on the big let out lol

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The largest cage you can afford is the best choice. Don't let him on top of the cage unless you are there or provide padding around the cage so if he jumps his landing will be safe and soft. If you want another bird it is not a good idea to share the cage. Each bird needs his or her own area as they cannot get away from each other if there is a squabble and a serious injury or death can be the result. Seperate caging and if you do get another bird it need not even be of the same species just another active sound making companion like a Cockatiel can help entertain and provide some company if you feel the need.

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I doubt the cage is too big... our Yoshi has a huge cage that she loves... she goes everywhere in it and I think it's nice to leave her in a big area when we are gone since we can't do an actual 'bird room' just for her. I've attached a picture of when we first got the cage... it's got a bunch of different stuff on and in it now but at least you can see the size :P It's got plenty of toys and she still has plenty of room to spread her wings. We just removed the divider and have never used it.


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