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My name is Derek and I just picked up my first African Grey; a 6 month old CAG that I named Pazuzu. I am extremely excited, as I have wanted one since I was young and I cannot wait to start bonding with it.


From what I can tell it has seemed to adjust pretty quickly. At first it just perched at the swing on the top of the cage, taking eveyrthing in. He did not move or sing, he just seemed very wary of everything around him.


He seemed to settle in a bit and even started to explore one of the nearby toys I had bought for him. It was as successful purchase, I think he likes it alot. Upon seeing him getting more active, I decided to try and give him a raspberry, which he promptly plucked from my fingers and threw to the floor. I also noticed he didn't eat any of the millet or pellet/ dried fruit/ seed mix I provided for him, but I figured he is just stressed out. I decided to leave him alone for a bit and just watched him from afar.


After a few more hours I opened the top entrance to the cage which leads to an external perch. I did not expect him to leave the swing, but to my suprise he actually started exploring the top portion of the cage and then crawled out the entrance butt first. Keeping a watchful eye on us he slowly climbed to the top of the cage. At this point a few of my friend came over and we all talked near the cage. The bird was still wary, but he let out a few noises and seemed very interested in our conversation. My two friends extended their hands to him, but he backed off, not ready to be approached.


After a few minutes we wanted to go to the basement, so I decided to try and put him back in the cage. I expected to get chewed up but very politely he simply grasped my finger with his beak and simply pushed my hand to the side as if to say "You seem ok, but I can't trust you yet". It was pretty endearing, but I did need ot get him back in the cage so I put my forearm in front of his feet. After some backing up and loud protesting he did eventually step up to my arm and allow me take him back inside the cage without me restrainign him, so I guess that was a good thing. I hope I did not spook him too much, he seems torn between trusting me and being afraid.


After that I left him to sleep in his cage. I can't wait to get home tonight and see if I can make any more progress with it trusting me. I want to give him room adn not push him too far, too fast, so please let me know if there is anythign else I could do for him during these first few days.


Thanks in advance.

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Today was pretty productive. He explored the entire cage and tested out each of the toys. He has been eating, drinking, and pooping A LOT, which I assume is a good sign. I opened his cage doors and let him come out on his own again and he seemed very content and even started to make some consistent noise. He seems to be getting a little more comfortable with us and even comes to the edge of the cage that we are standing at to check us out. He also has started to eat and drink from the outside bowls, so I am thinking he is getting more comfortable outside the cage. The thing that seems to still bother him is if we put our arms anywhere near him.


The only issue I had was the same as last night; when I reach to put him back in the cage he screams bloody murder. Hopefully this reaction will stop over time, once he figures out I am not trying to kill him. Should I not let him out like this until he is more used to interacting with me? I don't want him to associate me as the scary guy who suddenly puts him back in his cage.


Anyways, thanks for any advice.

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Hello Derek and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and congrats on getting your first grey, such an exciting time for you.

You are doing fine and others will be along soon to give you some advice but remember it takes time and patience but you will be well rewarded.

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Go slow and allow Pazuzu to set the pace. Let him decide when he is ready to interact and getting brave enough to explore his new world. Don't rush him into stepping up or leaving his safety zone you need time to build trust and that can last a lifetime once you have it.

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Thanks for the welcome and replies.


Will it be bad in the long run to let it out on its own this early and then have to pick it up to put it back in the cage? I do not want it to be afraid of me, or associate me with any trauma.



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dont always put him right back into the cage when you get him to step up a little. Mix it up so he doesnt associate stepping up with going back in cage. try and get him to step up to come out of the cage,then he will like that!

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Thanks Capster, I can see how he would associate stepping up with going back in the cage if that was the only correlation.


I usually just leave the two cage doors open when I want him to come out, and let him leave the cage on his own accord. Getting him back in is the problem. He usually does not step up and I am forced to try and get him on my arm or actually pick him up to return him to the cage. He screams and flaps and I am worried that he will not trust me if I continue to do this.


Should I not be letting him out this early? Any advice or wisdom?



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I agree with Capster - keep picking him up and carrying him around the house - just pick him up, put him down, give him a kiss! Why don't you try "taking" him out of the cage, rather than "letting" him out. If he feels he has control of leaving the cage, then he will also feel he should have control going back to the cage. I wouldn't try and physically "pick him up" - as I presume you mean "like a chicken" - holding him either sides of his wings - this isn't advised.


Letting him out of his cage is part of the adventure - he's just that little bit older than a "baby, baby" and is trying his luck a bit more. He is still susceptible to change - and you must show him you are boss!! Good luck - it'll take time and patience, but you will have your just rewards :) Oh - and welcome - I look forward to hearing more about you both xx

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Thanks Jilly. Is there a suggested way to entice him to step up? Like I said, he backs off when I put my arm near him and refuses to go into the cage, so I don't know what to do when I need to put him back in the cage, or to encourage him to step up to come out.

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Harvey has the same issues with my husband - I'm primarily the chosen one and don't even need to ask him to step up - I stick my hand out and he just gets on. My husband however gets attacked!! He offers his arm, rather than his hand, and Harvey usually obliges - but if Pazuzu (mint name!) isn't forthcoming with this, then diversional tactics are in order! Is there a treat he seems to like (pine nut, sunflower seed, bit of biscuit) - try showing that to his face, whilst showing your arm to step up - it might just give him the nudge (and confusion) to oblige.


It's definitely a case of "time and patience" - and these greys have such a strong personality that they know what they want and how they are going to get it! Pazuzu will come around with your care and attention - but it may take a little time to encourage Pazuzu that this is the way forward. You'll get there!

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Well the bribing has begun.


I was able to feed him two peanuts and bunch of blackberries and raspberries. His face was so funny the first time he tried a raspberry; his eyes kept dialating large and small like he was tripping out on how good it was! He even tried to grab a pizza crust from my girlfriend.


One mistake I think I was making earlier was holding the berries directly in front of his beak. I know since they are prey animals their eyes are situated on the sides of their heads, so when I just kind of shoved it in his face I don't think he realized I was giving him food and just nipped it thinking it was my finger. I have been holding them to the side of his head now and he eagerly plucks it from my hands and chows down. I dunno if this a is a typical noobie mistake, but it seems to have worked for me and my bird.


So now I am going to condition him to relate me with possible food and safety, and then try and bribe him to step up with the berries down the road. Thanks again for the advice guys.

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Thanks for the update Derek - see, a little bribery goes a long way!! What you may find though is that he'll accept raspberries as his most favourite thing in the world - then change his mind in the blink of an eye!! Harvey won't touch pine nuts nowadays - but loved them as a "youngster".


Enjoy it while it lasts though! Keep us updated :)

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You guys know what you are talking about! I really appreciate the advice. I bribed him up to my forearm with a raspberry lastnight, and he cautiously stepped up when I asked. I was able to bring him down to the basement to the stand I bought him and he watched some Dexter with my girlfriend and me. Throughout the rest of the night I was able to ask him to step up, even without food and with minimal protesting. He even let me give him a few kisses on the beak and seemed relaxed enough to preen while on my arm. I was very pleased with both of our patience with each other.


Today before work I continued the training and he stepped up again with minimal work and no bribing. He seemed more relaxed, but he still gets upset if I try and scratch his head. I dunno if he doesn't trust me to do it yet or if he just doesn't like to be scratched. I hope he eventually becomes acceptive, but I really can't complain with how much he was willing to do in such a short amount of time with me.


I picked up a very small spritz bottle that seems perfect for giving him a shower. I tested it right before I left for work. It dissipates the water perfectly so that a gentle mist falls on him. I was scared he would get spooked or become agitated, but he stood in place and just kind of shook it off. Does anyone have any recommendation on how much water I should spray on him, and how frequently throughout the week? I just gave him a light spray, didn't drench him or anything, but I wasn't sure if it was enough. Thanks in advance!


So far each day has shown progress, this first week has been very rewarding. I believe in a few weeks he and I will be good friends with a solid routine.

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More progress this weekend.


I was able to take Pazuzu into the shower. He did not appear to be afraid at all. I splashed a little water on his back and he did not protest and even stuck his head under the stream to get a drink. I think after a few more sessions he will be completely used to it and I can toss the spritz bottle.


My girfriend took him down from his perch and put him on the couch and he actually walked up to me and climbed onto my leg. I placed him on the back part of the couch and was teasing him by attempting to kiss him on the back of the head. He did not seem to be as agitated so I tried to scratch his head and neck. At first he was a little upset but after a few scratches he realized that it wasn't so bad after all. He even came down to my chest as I was laying on the couch and rested his head on my shoulder so I could scratch him. After this he has started to bend his neck towards me to ask for scratches!

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What a GreYt update.


You are doing things properly by introducing things slowly and respecting fear he may display when encountering something new. Time and patience will pay off. The worst mistake some people make is trying to handle and cuddle a Parrot like a dog right off the bat. It does not work and they are not dogs, nor do they ever act like one.


You've done a great job and your new grey is showing that by the contual progress you are reporting.


Looking forward to hearing more updates. :)

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They can have their bad days just like us and it is better to just leave them alone and he will join in when he feels like it. Thanks for the updates and realize that progress will seem slow but you take it in short steps a little at a time but you are doing great.

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