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Hi, thanks for having us! :)

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Spock here! Cosmos, logical choice for a name! As time goes on, I'll be teaching you how to control your parronts! My caregivers are Maggie and Jayd, so if I'm not around and you need something you can contact them along with all the grey't members of this grey't forum.


Live Long and Prosper

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You are off to a good start with Cosmo. He is gorgeous, of course. It is a lot of hard work to bring a young one home and your family seems to be in love with him and enjoying the bonding process. I wish you years and years of companionship, laughs and good times together. It has been almost a year since we were introduced to a chick about the age of Cosmo. A lot has happened and now I look across the room and see a one year old grey playing and chatting and I am just in awe and feel so lucky to have him, so even with the work and challenges and ups and downs, it doesn't wear off. I am really glad you have joined us and have become one of those bird people. LOL. Good job on making your little one safe, comfortable and entertained.

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Mawnee, you couldn't pick a better name? Poor kid. He's going to have his head in the stars all the time now. ;) Congratulations on finally getting a name for baby! Hope to see you in that other place a little more often, you're missed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cosmo turned 11 weeks old yesterday!


Today he had his first short flight. We keep his small tabletop playgym on one leg of a huge U-shaped desk. He climbed up his playgym and flew to the other leg. He actually landed pretty gracefuly. We knew this was coming soon, hes been doing ALOT of wing flapping the last week or so. :)


I"ll try to get some new pics up soon :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cosmo is 13 weeks old today! What a change over the last few weeks. He started flying a couple weeks ago here and there. But now uses those wings to get everywhere! If he wants something or wants to be somehwere he goes right for it. Usually its my shoulder :P Getting pictures has been difficult as he is a very busy bird, and loves my phone. So I had to sneak up on him in the middle of a nap to get a picture of him sitting still :P



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