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Hi, my name is Kevin and we just adopted a baby Congo.


I am ecstatic because I have wanted a grey since I was a kid. Of course my parents could never afford to give me one so I was left just reading books on them and dreaming. Once I became an adult starting a family consumed all of my time. My wife of 12 years knows I've always wanted a grey and the subject was resurrected recently when an acquaintance of hers asked if we would be interested in adopting his 14 year old moluccan. We considered it but it came up that if we took in this cockatoo it would mean I'd probably never have a grey due to the time and space the cockatoo would take in our lives. Her response was "Well then lets look for your Grey!". And so the search began.


We brought our baby home last wednesday. The baby was hatched on April 11th and turned 5 weeks yesterday. I know that some here frown on adopting unweened babies and I respect that. I do however have experience handfeeding with cockatiels as well as many mammals(Dogs, cats, bunnies, mice ect.). So we feel up to the task and understand the risks and dangers which we will endevour to avoid.

I know many believe it makes no difference to the bird being adopted after weening, but it definetly makes a difference on the human side. My wife was always of the opinion that Greys were "Scary looking" compared to other parrots but after holding ours and listening to it "coo" is absolutely in love.


We do not know the sex yet but intend to take the baby to the vet in the next few weeks for a checkup and DNA test. So for now we are pondering Unisex names while getting to know our baby. Actually earlier today I had "Jack" stick in my head from the namesake Jack Sparrow. I suspect our baby will soon enough be living up to such a mischevious namesake. And it can always be changed to Jackie should we discover its a girl :)


Here is a picture from when we got the baby home on Wednesday. Its already grown a good bit! I'll get more recent picutes up soon.



Edited by Mawnee
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Hello Kevin and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and so happy you have finally realized your lifelong dream. I know you are on top of the world right now and you have a grin from ear to ear.

Your baby looks wonderful, they are so precious looking at this age but one suggestion, could you resize the photo so it is not so big, it would be easier to view it if you could do that for us.

Yes most of us do frown on people getting unweaned babies but if you have experience then that makes a difference but reputable breeders should be doing the handfeeding and weaning before they sell their babies, it is not something to be tried by just anyone, since so much can go wrong. We do have some members here who do have lots of experience and breeders too that will help you if you should need any advice, just ask for it and you will receive.

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Thank you for the welcome Judy. Yah, I noticed the immense size as soon as I posted eeeep! I've resized it on photbucket :)


The breeder I purchased the baby from was very keen on quizing my knowledge on handfeeding. He has also been in contact with me since I brought the baby home to make sure everything is ok and to see if I need any advice or assistance :)

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Greetings, welcome to the forums. I've been coaching Tanya through this ordeal along with Spinner and others. She has two 8wk olds. If you'd like to follow along and join in, it's....http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189623-just-asking .Were here for you. Jayd... Note: One of our members [Malikah] wrote this up, might be useful to you.


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Just wanted to update everyone. The baby is doing greyt!


I cant believe how fast it is growing. When we got the baby a week ago it could barely get its beak over the top of the plastic bin we are using for a nursery. Now not only can the baby get its whole neck over the side, but it has discovered how to climb out! Baby wanted to be on my lap, and sure engouh threw one foot up to grab the top edge and pulled itself up. I was there to help the baby balance :) I had a feeling it would happen sooner or later. So when we arent watching the baby that plastic bin sits inside of a much larger box with a blanket on the bottom that we use for a short term playpen(trying to keep it poo free....yea right). The babies new cage arrives tomorrow, though I dont think it'll be quite old enough for that for another week or so. will be 6 weeks old on sunday :)



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Thanks Jayd, I have been following those threads closely. Lots of great info in there :)

Also been following that....laker.... thread, very scary. I really hope its just a hoax =/


We just got done with the afternoon feeding a bit ago and the baby is on my chest playing the "talking game" with me. The baby makes one or two "coo"s and I respond by imitating. If I get distracted and fail to respond I get growled/squawked at! So cute! :D

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New cage came in yesterday. Got that all setup and introduced the baby to it. Baby proceeded to climb right up the inside of it :eek: We have a piece of cardboard covering the grate, a thick blanket folded over that then topped off with many layers of newspaper. It is pretty padded, but I'm not sure I feel comfortable with the baby in it just yet. Baby was in its glory though :) Running all over the place and chewing on the two perches I put in it (at belly and head level). :)

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The baby should be about 6 weeks old now so do not put any perches up high until he/she gets more adept at perching but that idea of padding the cage bottom was excellent.

The lady hit the nail on the head! Like Judy said, put the perch touching the bottom of the cage, and when you go to bed at night, remove everything your baby could fall on!.Jayd

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The two perches I have in the cage are very very low. One is a smooth wood one and is at the birds belly level. The other is a dragonwood perch and I put it at about beak level(without the bird stretching). I figured that would be low enoguh for the bird to grab around on and get a feel for them without risking a seriosu fall. :) I even made a point of putting no toys or dishes in the cage above this level so the baby isnt drawn to explore anything up high.

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Hi, I personally wouldn't put a perch any higher then the diameter of the perch itself, personal opinion only. CAG's are known for their clumsiness...Jayd


ok, I removed the dragonwood perch and moved the other as low as it would go. The baby does seem to like it better as its new game is to keep climbing back and forth over it :)

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Thats good for the baby is exercising and moving about, greys do seem to be clumsy when they are babies, maybe it is because they are a heavy bodied bird but the climbing and such is good, you wont go wrong with Dave's or Jay's advice.

It probably would be a good idea to put your baby in a smaller cage for sleeping at night, that way he/she couldn't climb but so high, just a suggestion.

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Thank you, better safe then sorry. Judy made a good point about a sleeper cage, our fids are out most of the time so all but the big one they all have a sleeper cage. and when you get a transport cage they'll be used to it, thank you Judy....Jayd

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Just an Update. Baby is 6.5 weeks now and doing greyt! Just starting to nibble on softened pellets and veggies. Growing fast, lots of new feathers. Baby is now moved into the cage full time and getting pretty good at climbing and perching. Baby has a favorite toy now and will play with it and talk to it for long periods of time. Heres a pic of the baby and the toy(hanging on the right) :)



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The baby is adorable and I wouldn't put that perch any higher than you have it now, you don't want the baby to have to far to fall and be sure to put some towels or other soft material under the papers so it is padded, that way the baby can't hurt itself. He/she is doing a good job of perching already and provide some foot toys to play with.

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