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Question about Nibbling Baby Grey


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I have been to see several babies and made no decisions yet . . . . :)


Out of all the babies that I have been to see there is one in particular who comes and snuggles down on my lap and lets me touch his legs and wings and belly and tickle its head.


Out of all of them he seems to like me best and I am fond of him too (the nice man and lady who reared the babies seem to think he is a boy although he hasnt been dna'd)


My question is that he nibbles (at the moment he not ready to go he is having one feed a day and the rest of the time he eats independantly) he doesnt bite or nibble my fingers when he is sitting on my hand but what he does is seeks out my arm and then he puts a bit of my skin in his mouth and then he wiggles his beak from side to side (it doesnt break the skin although it does pinch a little) its not nasty and its not attacking and when you gentley say no and slowly and gently push his beak away he accepts it and chirps and gets on with something else. Other times I also handed him a little toy and he nibbled that instead.


So my question is should it be a definate NO as in should I not even consider it in your opinions could it turn into aggressive biting? Is the baby just exporing a little harder then he should? I mean I wont hold any of you ransom for your answers.


He happily sat on my lap for over an hour and I twiddled with his toes and opened his wings and stroked his head and beak played with his ring on his leg etc and he sat and just loved it.


I know any parrot can and will bite and I understand that but as he is exploring quite hard do you think that will have an effect on the outcome of the friendliness of the bird at the end of the day or do you think it is a stage that he will come through . . . .


Oh I dont think I am explaining this too well I hope that you get the gist of what I am asking and I am looking forward to your replied



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Hi Nooey,


It sounds like normal feel testing to me. Sometimes this is just to ensure what they are about to perch on is sturdy and sometimes it is just a feel test.


Dayo, which is 14 Weeks old does the same thing.


It sounds like this little guy picked you and has a great temperament :-)


To let you handle and scratch him in the areas you described takes a ton of trust from a Grey or any other Parrot for that matter.


I am so happy for you!! :-)

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I would just move his beak away from where he is nibbling. It takes them a while to work out how hard they can do this to certain things, so he is probably unaware of putting any pressure on you.

He sounds very lovely.

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Thanks Dan


I thought that it was feel testing too . . . . But I guess I am just being extra cautious because of recent events (that you may or may not know about) and I guess I am just wanting all to be perfect.


Its funny though isnt it how it seems Male Greys feel tests usually seem to be harder then females.


I guess I just am being super careful when making a decison it does seem that he picked me and sat on my lap for so long he isnt ready till next week at least so I am going to see him again this evening before I even make a decision.


I know that greys can bite out of the blue for what seems to be no reason at all until we look at the case senario and then work it out later but my main concern was that this could be the start of a bird that will bite?


Thank You for your reply x

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Thanks for your reply too Lydia


LOL I must of been writing a thank you to Dan as you wrote your reply as it wasnt there a minute ago


This is what I was thinking but I thought who best to ask then the peeps that have birds and the experiences of living with them.


Its just the way he wiggles his beak from side to side getting a little harder with each tweak of his beak but he was using his tongue too



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Nooey, I think Dan is right, he is just testing the waters, it does not mean he will be a biter. Just do as Lidia said, and move his beak away or distract him with something else.


I think this is your grey if he picked you, that is always a good sign, he could turn out to be the best one of the bunch, you never know. Don't hold it against him if he beaks you a little harder than the rest of them.


I am so glad you have found some babies and also that one picked you, you are very lucky.


Keep us informed as to which one you take but I think I know which one it will be, right.:)

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I've had Joshua since he was about 4 months old and he is 18 years old now.


AGs do go through a difficult and bitey phase, but yours is two years too young to be going through this! He is just exploring at the moment, and he sounds as though he is playing with you.


In a way, you have to think of the beak and especially the tongue as an extra hand. AGs use their beaks and tongues to explore their world, to feel the textures of different things.


I have no doubt that the behaviour your (potential) little fella is exhibiting is NOT early-biting behaviour. I would not pay it any attention in that respect, and instead would simply move the little fella's beak when he is doing it too hard and/or distract him, as Judy suggested. He will get the picture quickly.


I WOULD take good notice of the fact that he seems to have chosen you. This is a good sign.


I think a lot of us in this Flock have acquired our AGs on the basis of their choosing us! Joshua flew over to me the first time I met him and I was a goner after that.


I envy you the fun you will have with your little fella (if you get him).<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/10 15:20

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He was so funny the lady of the house tipped a box of toys of the floor cat balls coloured cotton bobbins tons of little foot toys and he flew off my lap and dived right into the middle of all the toys that had bells in and rattly things sending them flying around the wooden floor then he started picking them up and tossing them around in the air, falling over in them and rolling around he was so hilarious I couldnt stop laughing and the more I laughed the more foolish he acted.


I know it sounds so silly doesnt it cos in all other ways he is just about perfect (he is perfect) but I thought unless I ask here it would always be on the back of my mind 'I wonder if a hard beaker would turn into a biter more readily then another grey'


I hoped for the replies that I have had so far and even the man and lady who reared him said go home ask your friends on the internet as I had told him I was joined to a grey family on here and he said get there opinions they're the ones that live with these wonderful birdys.


I can tell how kind and nice the man has been that he is a honest and genuine person and I did tell him that I was looking for a baby grey to join my family (forever) and so making the right decision for the bird and for me is the only way to go


Thank You Dan, Lydia and Judygram x

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LOL Lidia


You must be psychic you have just answered most of my questions on here at the same time that I was asking them in your introduction post 'how funny is that'?


I think the more I think about the more relaxed I am beginning to feel about it . . . .


I guess it is just a big decision isnt it, I mean a grey is a living breathing sensitive ickle bird its not like buying a sweater that if I didnt like it I just wouldnt wear it ;)



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No, Nooey, a hard beaker won't turn into a hard biter, his owner will be the one to do that, if you catch my drift. If he does start biting, you will be the one to stop it if it ever starts. But I don't think you have a problem here unless you make it one.


He is just exploring and testing his world and if you follow the advice you have received here, you will be happy with this bird, give him all the love you have and we will be here to help you in any way we can. Plus you will have the support of the breeder, he sounds like a good person to know.


I think in your heart you have already made your decision and it is the best one, and I back you 100%.

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LOL Your right Judygram :cheer: I have lol


I am going to see him again this evening and he is going to be ready roughly by next weekend possibly a little before this though (fingers crossed) x


Im going to see him tonight at 9pm as that is when Eric gets in tonight and I will remember to take my camera this time lol I was so excited the other day when I posted I was going to see some babies that I ran out the door with out my camera or my handbag lol


So if not tonight I will post some pictures tomoro oh and I will take some of the female birdy that is also for sale she has red feathers across her tummy and chest and also through her back feathers she is very very pretty but apparently this can moult out on the first large moult sometimes but not always


So if anyone is in the Uk and wants to have a beautiful (with extra red feathers) gentle bird (who already preferes males) you can see a picture of her on here



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Josey likes to preen my hair sometimes, Celery, and that is fine with me, I love it.


Nooey, I am so excited for you, I can read the anticipation in your posts, and I am so happy for you right now. Please don't forget the camera this time, we want pics and we want them now. LOL :laugh:

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LOL I do have freckles and lots of pale hairs if you look closely :blush: fine light ones that only something with extremely good eyesight would see . . . .


Ok We are off now and I have camera and spare batteries


Love nooeyxx

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:woohoo: I went to see the babies again last night :) Eric let no 1 and no 5 out (number 5 is the little boy) no 1 got straight onto my hand and then flew off to be with Eric (as usual) cos she likes male company :)


no 5 came and sat on my lap made a hole in my trousers, tried to pull my lace out of my trainers, climbed up and down me from the top of my head to my shoes and back again many times. My neice who came with me (she is 6) tipped their box of toys out onto the floor (balls, bells etc) no 5 again flew down right into the middle of them picking them up and throwing them around then he selected one and walked across the floor with his selected toy in his mouth climbed up me and sat on my lap chewing it.


He only nibbled my skin twice and nibbled my thumb quite hard once but I think that was my fault as he was nibbling it gently and I left it in his mouth he was nibbling all round my nail then he kindof put the end of my thumb and nail in his mouth and gave it a squeeze I said gently and he let go. It does just seem like exploring.


I asked Eric how old he is and he is 11 weeks old so that may explain his nibbling as I was comparing him to no 5 who is 14 weeks? Would this age gap make a big difference?


When I went to see him 3 days ago he didnt know how to step up properly by the end of our visit last night he was stepping up on command and climbing my hands one over the other 'what a good boy'


Again he let me play with his toes and his tail and his wings, stroke his beak and all round his eyes and again he actually snuggled down in my lap 'bless him'

He is doing really well and I have been told he will be ready by next weekend?????????????


Love nooeyxx


I do have 3 photos they are not great quality as I took them on my phone in the end as the batteries I took along with me werent for my camera lol 'dumb blonde' syndrome even though I am dyed blonde :blink:

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Hi Nooey,


It sounds like you had a wonderful time and that #5 seems to have definitely chosen you :-)


Everything you have said he is doing is normal and sounds like a very smart fellow.


Yes, there is a big difference between 11 and 14 weeks old in how bold they are and coordination etc.


I can't wait to see those photos :-)

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