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Rangi totally told on my BF the other day. I was away for over a week and my BF was meant to be on a diet of sorts, just cutting out the chocolate and chips.


So I got home and was alone with Rangi and Kea just catching up and suddenly Rangi says "chips". I thought I heard wrong and said what is it you want Rangi. He then goes "shall we go and eat chips". I was totally shocked and wondered how he had learnt that. He then said "can I taste chips".


It then clicked that while I was away my BF was obviously eating lots of chips and Rangi had learnt it from him as he always tells the birds what everything is that he has.


My BF then comes in the door and I said to him, did you have chips when I was away. He looked all guilty and started to laugh. I then told him Rangi had told me about the chips. My BF then goes I didn't have many and then I said to him I hope you didn't give them to the birds. Again a guilty look and he admitted giving them a very small bit of a chip.


So great to know that when I am away that the birds will keep an eye on my BF and report back to me, HAHA.

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