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He got stuck!


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Rene was playing today and one of his talons got stuck in the cage bars, (it is the ONLY spot on the whole cage that has an uneven spacing I don't know why) he remained very calm just hanging there upside down waiting for someone to come to his rescue, I had to push his talon up and with some force got it out. I have been watching his feet nothing is swelling and nothing is red he is still climbing the cage as nothing happened...but he is very very afraid of me every time I go anywhere near him he races to get as far away from me as possible I think in rescuing him I accidentally lost some trust, does this sound odd to anyone or is this typical for them to shy away?

and I have been watching him very closely just in case there is something wrong he is eating drinking playing, just not talking or whistling????

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Ok it feels good to know he will love or atleast like me again :) I am going to try to move his toys around in the cage so he doesn't have to play near the smaller spacing. He does a funny karate kick to it and then shakes it, this is one of his favorite activity but I don't want to be panicking every time he is over there.

btw THANKS!!!!

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I really have to try a sneak a video of it, he backs up to it gives a quick glance back and then shoots his leg out back wards, gives it a a couple kicks then turns on it and shakes the life out of it.. He really is a comical when he is channeling his inner Jackie Chan or someone LOL

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I really have to try a sneak a video of it, he backs up to it gives a quick glance back and then shoots his leg out back wards, gives it a a couple kicks then turns on it and shakes the life out of it.. He really is a comical when he is channeling his inner Jackie Chan or someone LOL


That sounds great lol... will be waiting for a video! They do make us laugh huh? :)

Funny thing is I'm sure we make them laugh too with how silly we are :P

Glad his foot seems to be okay... he will act normal again with you he is probably just unsure as to whether you were helping him or how he got stuck.

Just give him a treat and some time :)

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I failed miserably at trying to get a video of him today, as I think he is still mad at me, he will NOT talk when I (only me) am in the room, he will not take treats from me and is being waaaaayyyy to friendly to James. alittle while ago I was washing dishes and he came flying in bopped me on the head and then flew right back to his cage uh oh!! I think that was his version of "SEE HOW DO YOU LIKE IT???":mad:

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It takes a while... I took Paco to the vet three weeks ago, and he has just started saying "Hello" again as of yesterday, but not very frequently. He remained stand-off-ish with me too, but I think we have come around a corner in the last two days, he even accepted some food from my hand today. Be patient, it takes a bit of time, but he'll come around next time he wants scratches.

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