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Dipping food in the water??


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About a month ago I noticed Bandit's water had food in it. Like she was taking it and dropping it in her drinking water. I started watching her more closely when she ate and she takes her Zupreem and dips it in her water and then eats it.


I had to laugh at her. Some times she will drop it in there, push it around and then eat it. It is the funniest thing ever.


Does anyone elses bird do this? Is there possibly something missing from her diet causing her to do this?


If this is not un normal it is the funniest thing ever and makes me laugh when she does this.

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My conures have their water changed 3 times a day because they make pellet and veggie soup. It's pretty disgusting at times. Dixie occasionally will dunk a pellet, but it just stays there uneaten and dissolving in the water bowl. Beau just eats his food. They all do it, even with their water bowls on the opposite sides of their cages. It's really funny watching Blue and Bean carry pellets and veggies across their cage (no direct access) via ropes and perches and the cage itself to get to the perch by the water bowl so they can dunk.

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Actually, Brutus, our Grey, is the only one of our fids that doesn't do it. Phoebe, the Conure, and Echo the Ringneck, get their water changed two or three times a day because it always has food in it. That water gets nasty!

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Paco does this as well, I have to change his water as soon as I get home from work, and again at night. Even when the water looks fairly clean, I can't stand the smell, and I notice that he avoids drinking from the bowl when the water isn't fresh.

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I wonder if it has something to do with the kind of pellets or food they are eating. Like maybe some dont have much moisture in them or something and just too dry.


To the ones that said they DONT dip there food, What kind of food are you feeding???


I feed Zupreem to all my birds...And of course with a seed mix and there veggies and fruits and stuff. But it seems to just be the pellets they all dip. It will be interesting to find out if the ones that said thier birds dont do this feed the same food...If so I am switching to whatever kind of food it is, cuz they make thier water DISCUSTING, SO I change it ALL the time. haha

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Josey did do it for a while when she had a toy made with colored wood pieces, she would chew off some of it and dunk it in the water and it turned the water whatever color the wood was, I think she liked the color it made the water, she especially liked the purple.

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