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This is what happens while I'm away...


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Large parrot-related structures (aside from his cage, of course) eventually get in the way and are stored in the basement. I recently brought up his... Well it's not a playstand, because it basically consists of one perch and a bowl that I screwed into a table... from the basement and cleaned that off, and today I decided to venture down there to get his travel cage so I can start bringing him outside in the sun. Well, as expected, it was pretty gross. Covered in dust, etc. So I brought it outside to hose it down, and that's when I realized... the tray that slides into the bottom to hold newspaper or whatever has vanished. I have no idea where it went. Why does something like that get separated from it's rightful place anyway? (On the bright side, I found a food dish I'd been looking for.)


The main point/question of this post is:


His spiral rope perch has been in the unfinished basement as well. It wasn't on the ground (at least, it wasn't when I found it) but our basement flooded recently and who knows what's growing down there. My question is, how can I assure that it's safe for Jacques, and also, would that be safe to put inside his cage? there's really no spot to hang it anymore (there used to be, but now there's a desk beneath it)...


Jacques loves the rope perch I put in his cage but it's starting to fall apart (it used to be an X, now it's just an I... and the middle is starting to fray).


Everyone keep your fingers crossed that I can find a summer job and buy Jacques some new cage furnishings...

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I think you should throw away the frayed one because Jacques could get injured. I would soak the other one in a cup of bleach to a gallon of water for about 10 minutes and then rinse rinse rinse it. Let it dry in the sun for a few hours until completely dry. If it still smells like bleach rinse it a few more times and dry in the sun again. I would think it would be as safe as any other rope perch.

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I think you should throw away the frayed one because Jacques could get injured. I would soak the other one in a cup of bleach to a gallon of water for about 10 minutes and then rinse rinse rinse it. Let it dry in the sun for a few hours until completely dry. If it still smells like bleach rinse it a few more times and dry in the sun again. I would think it would be as safe as any other rope perch.
Malikah, I'm sorry Really, the bleach to water ratio to water is 100 to 1, to be safe, 2 to 3 drops per gallon of water, no more. What most people use is Apple Cider Vinegar, this is used to clean and sanitize cages to veggies to toys. Im afraid if you soak any kind of rope, it will start to disintegrate. No matter how long you let a rope or porous object soak in the sun, all the bleach will never come out. Again, Malikah, I'm sorry. Jayd
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Ah. I don't really think there's a good way to save it then (or if there is, it'd be way too much work.) I guess I'll just have to get a new one and tell my family to stop storing birdie stuff in the basement...


I can't wait til I have the money to give his cage a nice makeover

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Malikah, I'm sorry Really, the bleach to water ratio to water is 100 to 1, to be safe, 2 to 3 drops per gallon of water, no more. What most people use is Apple Cider Vinegar, this is used to clean and sanitize cages to veggies to toys. Im afraid if you soak any kind of rope, it will start to disintegrate. No matter how long you let a rope or porous object soak in the sun, all the bleach will never come out. Again, Malikah, I'm sorry. Jayd


Oh, that's how we sanitized the moldy horse halters. I suppose rope being so thick you couldn't rinse the bleach out good enough. Sunlight is a natural sanitizer, but if there are mold spores it is best to just toss it. Start saving Tricky, and I hope you find the tray for the travel cage. :)

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Oh, that's how we sanitized the moldy horse halters. I suppose rope being so thick you couldn't rinse the bleach out good enough. Sunlight is a natural sanitizer, but if there are mold spores it is best to just toss it. Start saving Tricky, and I hope you find the tray for the travel cage. :)

Your Grey't,....Thank you....Jayd

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After the cleaning and drying regime you can try wrapping the rope with Vet Wrap to seal it and prevent frayed ends entangling your bird. It is a cheap way to extend the life of a toy and it is often used to make PVC perches less slippery.

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Decided to just buy a new spiral rope perch, as well as replaced his old, fraying rope perch with a nice new one AND a new cement perch to try and help keep his nails trim.


His cage looks quite nice again, although I have to go search for some more toys!

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Decided to just buy a new spiral rope perch, as well as replaced his old, fraying rope perch with a nice new one AND a new cement perch to try and help keep his nails trim.


His cage looks quite nice again, although I have to go search for some more toys!

Thank you, Jayd

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