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WooHoo Success!


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So, today I finally got Yoshi completely into the harness! She grumbled the whole time... I was a little confused on how tight it should be... will have to view the video again since it has been over a month...


So we just went to the mail box and back, a little short walk... and although half of the time preoccupied with chewing on the harness... I kept talking to her and telling her how excited I am for her and she did look interested in her surroundings!


Here are some quick photo's I snapped... does this look right? I know it's hard to tell. Yay :)


The pictures are here: http://picasaweb.google.com/jmcase1426/20100516#

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That looks great Jess - well done for persevering and having a succesful outing - keeping it short and sweet will helf her to accept it! It looks fine - there should be just enough room to allow her muscles and chest etc to move if she should fly in it.

Thanks for the update.

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I think the buckle should be on the other side so if she flys it can slide round easily to the back of the harness if you get what I mean, somebody correct me if I'm wrong though. I watched the vid recently & that is how they have their harness fitted.


Well done on getting it on & persisting, she will love being outside :D

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That's so awesome!


I just bought 5 harnesses. 2 for Willow and Leo, and 3 for our sun/jenday/gold cap conures.


I should just invest in medical equipment and about 4 pints of blood to cover me.


Lol good idea :P I wish you luck... It will be interesting to hear how they all take to the harness differently

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You are wearing it correctly. Congrats. :)


Lol I'm not Yoshi, I'm Jessica... I'm not like a crazy person that lets their bird take over the computer when they aren't using it... *cough Spock cough* :D Or perhaps Yoshi just isn't that smart yet :P


I'm glad Yoshi seems to be wearing it correctly then... I'm excited to try again :)

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Lol I'm not like a crazy person that lets their bird take over the computer when they aren't using it... *cough Spock cough* :D Or perhaps Yoshi just isn't that smart yet :P


Spock here! nice post.......[shhhh Yoshi, HeHeHe, keep quiet a little longer, I'll tell you when! Soon!!!Spock]


Live Long and Prosper

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