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Im new here and new to birds, I have a house full at the mo though. I have a mixture of animals and reptiles.


Bearded Dragons: 1:0:0 Normal - 0:1:0 Sandfire - 0:1:0 Citrus

Boas: 1:2:0 Common

Corns: 1:0:0 Anery - 0:1:0 Snow - 0:2:0 Amelanistic - 0:1:0 Lavamel - 1:0:0 Motley

Geckos: 0:2:0 Leopard Normal - 1:1:0 Crested Flame/Fire - 0:1:0 Madagascar day

Royal pythons: 1:7:0 Normal - 1:0:0 Bumble Bee - 0:1:0 Pastel- 0:1:0 pinstripe

Burmese pythons: 1:0:0 Hi-orange Albino

Monitors: 0:1:0 Bosc

Collared Lizards: 0:1:0 Common

Tortoise: 0:1:0 Sulcata

Green Iguana 1:0:0

APH - 1:3:0 Various colours

Dogs - 1:0:0 Black Lab

Terrapin - 0:2:0 Red-eared


I have joined to get info and learn about african grays as I would love one at some point to come and be part of our family.


As i am a primary school teacher me and my partner are looking into setting up a buisness going around schools doing animal talks and teaching children how to look after and respect animals, we would like to introduce the african gray into this if it suited the animal.



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Hello Clare and welcome to our family, we would be delighted to have you join the ranks of grey ownership and an african grey may just fit into your program you are about to undertake.

My you have a lot of reptiles and you do know of course that you would have to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the reptiles and before touching your grey, will require some dilligence on your part but it is necessary for the health and well being of your grey.

You havecome to the right place looking for information and to talk to other grey owners and get their opinions and of course we will help you in any way we can.

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Thank you so much for your kind reply, we use hand sanitiser after handleing all our animals before we pick another up so this would be nothing different for. will the african gray be ok with hand sanitiser gell? If not we will just use good old fairy :)

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I don't see why it wouldn't be.


Are you going to try to get a baby grey or are you going to look into rescuing or rehoming a grey? There are many out there that people thought they wanted but when they find out how much time and attention they require they give them up or maybe an owner can't care for it any longer due to health problems.

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to be honest im not sure yet, we do rescue animals at the mo, (just had to put in for an extension LOL) but i need to find out more about african grays before I decide. Id love to rescue but I dont know if i would be better getting experience with a baby gray first so i can learn with a bird that has not had any other issues before coming to me. I wouldnt like to make a mistake with any bird but esp not with a bird who is going to find it hard to trust me anyway.

Plus need to find people, breeders, rescues near me. As id want to do pleanty of visits before bringing them home.

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I understand completely and some people are more comfortable with starting off with a baby for with rescues you never know about their past and how they were treated, I just thought I would mention it.

I see you are in the United Kingdom, we have quite a few members who are from there and maybe some of them will have some ideas and suggestions on where you might find good breeders near you.

To learn more about the grey just read thru the many threads we have here for lots of useful information.

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Hi Clare, what a great thing you want to do for the children and especially for animals so that children will learn to be responsible with them. As Judy has said there are oodles of threads here at the forum so you can learn all about greys. I spent 2 months here before I got my Ana Grey and the information I learned has been invaluable. Welcome to the Grey family!

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Love your family and your plans. Have a lot of respect for you for doing research ahead of time. We have both new and Re-home/Rescue, love 'em all, if you truly know the history of a re-home, it can be very rewarding, on the other hand you can more easily help mold a weaned baby to your future plans, [socializing] if the baby be willing, LoL, Grey's do have a mind of their own...Welcome.....Our flock writes under the tags of, Jayd [me] Maggie [my better half] And of course Spock [1 of our Grey's] and the rest of the flock.......

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