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Simple Question, Why Are You Here?


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Why do I ask such a question? After a long day out, I came home late tonight and immediately checked on Yoshi. If I arrive home late these days, I always open Yoshi's cage while leaving the lights off in there so I dont disburb her. I get ready for bed, and she can see me from the hall light. She never fails to slowly climb out of her cage and wait on the cage door for me to say goodnight... If I take too long she even makes noises to get my attention. Tonight, she muttered her new word 'peekaboo' much quieter than usual... I walked in and she happily got on my shoulder and ducked down for a good scratching session :) these kinds of moments make me so happy, and while she usually goes right back into her cage and falls asleep again, tonight she is here with me in bed, snuggling and probably half asleep already. Ill put her back soon, so I dont keep disturbing her, but Im just thinking and wanted to share my thoughts...


I love this forum... But I have to say, I have been a little upset here lately... There just seems to be a lot of attention given to negativity and not to our precious birds that we want so much to talk about. So instead of assuming why others decide to post here, and their reason for checking back here so much, I thought Id just ask :) Maybe being asked directly and typing it out will remind others what's important to them and why they came here in the first place :) I hope this doesn't sound dumb... I just feel a simple question of what are we here for would help bring us back to focus!


So... I'm here, of course, for Yoshi first. I joined before I got her, and have used this forum and the advice and opinions here to help me form my loving bond that I have now with her. I give her the best life I can, and get so much help from my friends here, no matter what the topic. Second, Im here in the hope that my advice can help others... I'm no bird genius, but this is not my first bird and with how much Ive learnt through reading and experiences of my own, I hope to be able to help others like I am helped here at the forum. Third, I'm here for the fun of it! No one understands crazy bird love like most of the folks on this forum :D Ive been in love, obsessed, and compassionate about birds since I was about 8 and tried to save a dying pidgin I found at a park... It's crazy, but I love watching them fly... I watch all the local hawks nests this time of year and am fascinated at their activities... And having a parrot in the house is an amazing experience. Yoshi brings so much joy it's crazy... It's not all smooth sailing with her... She is not a tamed simple pet... But that's what makes her so special and so interesting! She is a challenge, but simple moments of love and affection like tonight make everything so beyond worthwhile :) I think most of you know what I mean!


If there was a fourth reason it would be to make more people aware of how special these creatures are... Not because I'm just another bird lover... But because of how smart and sensitive these creatures really are... They deserve a bit of respect!


Anyway, I hope this wasn't too long for y'all... I just felt like sharing my reasons for being here would love to hear others too!

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Why am I here? Well in the beginning it was for information, help and advice simple as that. Everything was new with the arrival of Beau and a little scary. After a while it became more to catch up with other members and their flocks, this place became more a meeting place. These days I find myself browsing but don't feel the need to post as much as it often feels like I'm repeating what I've or others have already said sometime before. For me though the overwhelming reason to visit parrot forums other than for advice is to talk with like-minded people, "bird people" who understand how special these birds are and the relationships we have with them. Other people simply do not get it, they visibly glaze over when you go into your birdy chat. It's nice not to be considered "whacky", well not all the time anyway lol.

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I came here to share my experiences with Murphy & also for helpful advise & to gain as much knowledge as I can about living with & looking after my grey friend. You are always learning through life & this is a great place to learn about greys.

Edited by reggieroo
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I joined four months before I got Morgan. I am here to learn. Maybe one day, I'll have enough experience where I can help other people as well. I have learned so much from the members here.


Books are good, but when I have a specific question, sometimes the answer is just not there. I have relied heavily on folks' experience on this board. I SOOOOOOO appreciate this board!!!

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I came here over 3 years ago in need of information on my grey and to participate in conversations with other like people, bird people, no one else understands us like we here do and I can ask questions and give my opinions on other's questions. I have made some good friends here that extend beyond being just bird chats and hope that continues for the remainder of my days here on this earth.

I could read books and have read a lot of them but it isn't the same as coming here and bouncing a question off other grey owners for a lot of them may have experienced the same thing with their grey, I can get their opinions and we have some very knowledgeable people here who I trust to give me sound advice, people who are longtime grey owners and breeders, you can't get much better than that unless you go to an avian vet.

I agree that occasionally some negativity shows its ugly head but I think most of us get past that and get along very well with one another, we are all individuals and as such we have a diverse set of emotions and feelings but we do have to remember why we came here in the first place and that is our birds and namely our greys. I think admin namely Penny steps in when the negativity gets out of hand and gets the board back to its main purpose and that is the welfare of each other's greys, they are first and foremost and the rest of us take a back seat.

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We started our bird rescue work in 1976, we've worked with almost every kind of parrot you can imagine, we never had a Grey...After all these years, when things calmed down, we got a Grey, A Grey is unlike any other parrot, we needed advice, after trying other Groups, we realized the forums were the most honest, and trusting, which proved to be right.......Jayd, Maggie and the Flock...[Hey, thats suspose to be SPOCK, not Flock!!!!!]

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I am still here after 3 years, because I enjoy reading about others Parrots, the great group of people that are and helping others if I can.


I came to this forum before I had decided to get a grey. Soon after wards, I started visiting Dayo at the breeders when he was just 6 weeks old.


Regardless of a few wanting to start negative comments, I still enjoy this forum and many times stop reading a thread once it becomes negative, unless it becomes so out of control that I or Penny decide to just lock it and stop the madness.


I have learned a ton about Greys since joining this forum and still learn something new almost everyday from reading experiences others have with theirs. No one Grey is the same in personality, food likes etc. or issues that come up at times. We all learn through others.


I have seen many people come and go over these last 3 years. It is just something that goes on in every forum and will never end. There are all types of personalities out there and sometimes they just can't get along for very long with people.or deal with being told a different point of view exists. Each person has a different point of view on almost everything in life. WE ,must learn and grow through considering those other points of view. This is because no one point of view is normally 100 percent correct and or complete. Different points of view normally brings out things others had perhaps not thought of and thus increases the knowledge they were previously lacking or perhaps brings out a fact that perhaps we have prejudices against something unjustifiably so.

Edited by danmcq
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I came here last year when I was expecting a baby Grey I had a million and one questions, each was answered, and I would get varied opinions on whatever it was I asked I was welcomed right away and never looked back, I took a vacation last year after the loss of my baby, as I felt coming back and seeing pictures and listening to the fun experiences would just add salt to the wounds so to speak, as soon as I thought that another Grey was a possibility I came running right back to the Grey family and was welcomed back like I had never left :) And also I believe this being a forum things will inevitably get a little heated the varying minds are what keeps all of us coming back, if and when something gets to negative I skip over that post I don't need to know who wrote it or who is responding. I have been very happy with everyone here and look forward to my time on Grey Forums.

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Negative about what? What areas are you referring to? What types of subjects are you referring to? Many times, negativity is necessary in order to make a strong statement after hearing and reading certain things. If only positive things are posted,basically this board will turn into a *fluff* board. I've seen it before and lots of people eventually leave.

Edited by Dave007
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I came here to make absolutely sure I have all the best ideas and facts from those who care for these beautiful birds themselvs. I am a person who likes to know all the angles before I amke a decision, and the folks of this forum deliver......every time. Thanks all.

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I found this forum after Dorian made it clear he'd decided I was his human and he needed to come home with me. I knew nothing about birds and set out to find everthing I could about making his life as good as possible. Starting my bird experience with a rescue grey was a huge leap into the unknown. What saved me is that I knew that I knew nothing. That, and I've never been afraid of appearing stupid by asking questions. From the moment I asked my first one, everyone here has been kind, encouraging and supportive. Dorian's life, and my life with him, is getting better every day because of the knowledge and support I've received.


A forum like this one, and the internet as a whole, are wonderful tools, but they have their limitations. Some are language based, as we all know that english is not the first language of all our members. A huge part of human communication is done through body language and vocal intonation, something even the most creative emoticons can't convey. Then there's the fact that any person concerned enough about their animal's quality of life to be an active member here is obviously a caring, loving person. We animal lovers do tend towards the passionate. I offer a piece of advice I got from a wise college professor. She believed in the therapeutic benefit of writing letters, or journalling, when you felt slighted by someone else, but she also believed it was important to get your thoughts out on paper, then walk away from them and re-read after you are in a calm state of mind, before you take any action. Keeping her in mind, whenever I read something here that upsets me and I am tempted to fire off a response, I may type it in, but I never ever ever hit send or post when I am still upset. If I find I can't join a conversation while staying calm, I don't join the conversation at all. When emotions run high positions become entrenched and progress is almost impossible. So take the advice of a woman who is much wiser than I'll ever be. Taking that deep breath helps to focus your thoughts and makes others more likely to hear what you're saying. I love this community and the way share our knowledge, experience and humour with each other. That's what keeps me coming back.

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I joined this forum because I love greys. I love talking about them, reading about them and sharing experiences and knowledge about them with other like minded people. None of my friends or family are really bird lovers and this forum helps fill that gap in my life. This is really the best bird forum I've come across. Even though I don't stop in every day, whenever I get the free time and opportunity I love to stop in and see what's going on with my grey forum family.

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I keep coming back because I love this forum! I love learning about greys and I love sharing my pictures and experiences with other grey lovers. This is a place where I can come and brag about my grey and not feel weird about it. None of my friends understand the love you can have for a bird, none of my friends really understand birds at all. They are amazing creatures that deserve tons of love and respect. I've learned so much from this forum and I've met so many great people on here who are as passionate about their greys as I am about mine. :)

P.S. This is a great thread! Thanks Jess for starting it!! :)

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I am here because most people cant relate to me as a "bird person" normal people just dont get "bird people" LOL


So I love to share my photos and new milestones in the raising of my Grey. I first joined though for help and Advice since I was handfeeding a 4 week old. I had knowledge of handfeeding, But not with Greys...So there were a lot of differances. And everyone helped me SO much and I am forever thankful to all that helped me in my adventure :)


I also like to be able to give others advice...When I can, I am certainly no professional, But I have done scads of research on Greys, and love to help when I can.


And also because I love to hear about others stories with thier birds, And look at everyones pictures, and videos. Because we can all relate to each other with most of us all being bird owners! :)

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I came here because it was the only site that accepted my membership - only joking!


Although I had been a bird owner all of my life, I knew relatively nothing about the complex needs and activities of the African Grey. My priority was my cockatiel, Spiky, and I'd always wanted a parrot - not necessarily a grey, just a parrot - but whilst Spiky was alive, he was never going to be in competition with anyone. He was delicate, he was rescued - he was mine.


I lingered for two months whilst Spiky was poorly, not getting ready for a replacement, but ensuring that I had all the answers to my questions before I decided on giving a grey a home (I'd decided by December 2008 I wanted a grey) and then poor Spiky was helped over rainbow bridge in January 2009. I hated the house without the sweet whistles - and I knew it was time to take the plunge - so brought Harvey home - the rest is history.


I'm here to hopefully help people, to guide them through that year and a bit I've been through - I see myself as the "primary school teacher" - I don't have experience beyond that first 18 months - but with each month that progresses I learn more and therefore able to advise new members through what I've learned myself.


What I find interesting in this post is the mention of "negativity" - there has to be negativity as we all don't have the same ideas or logic - and if we all agreed on everything then we would all have dull, boring bird lives :)

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I guess by negativity I mainly mean the negative answers given to people asking for help, and an increase in upsetting posts that spark all these negative responses...


Perhaps I should have said there has been a lot of attention given to arguing about something someone said and everyone getting upset, rather than trying hard to help the person and focusing on the topic. But it happens... everyone has their own views and their own level of tolerance.


Anyway... I love reading why people are here, so thanks for the posts :)

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I guess by negativity I mainly mean the negative answers given to people asking for help, and an increase in upsetting posts that spark all these negative responses...


Perhaps I should have said there has been a lot of attention given to arguing about something someone said and everyone getting upset, rather than trying hard to help the person and focusing on the topic. But it happens... everyone has their own views and their own level of tolerance.


Anyway... I love reading why people are here, so thanks for the posts :)


I feel a bit responsible for this feeling you have. All I can say is that sometimes personal issues infect other areas of our lives and it can result in ugly happenings. I do personally apologize for any ugliness that I may have brought, as it is not in my normal character to allow things to get the better of me. I hope you continue to enjoy the greater portion of the posts which are loaded with awesome stories and advice. Cherrs! :)

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I feel a bit responsible for this feeling you have. All I can say is that sometimes personal issues infect other areas of our lives and it can result in ugly happenings. I do personally apologize for any ugliness that I may have brought, as it is not in my normal character to allow things to get the better of me. I hope you continue to enjoy the greater portion of the posts which are loaded with awesome stories and advice. Cherrs! :)


Oh please don't... things get the best of everyone at times, especially with something that's important to them. I love the greater portion of posts on this forum... and love almost everything about this forum, or I wouldn't spend so much time here :P

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I remember the first time I saw a Grey when I was about 15. My good friend's mother owned one and I was intrigued by her relationship with it. I could tell there was a stong bond between them. I was taken back with how sophisticated and intelligent it looked. Compared to the two parakeets I owned at the time (who liked each other much more than they liked me!), I could tell the relationship was much more rewarding. I told my self that one day I would have one.


Here I am more than a decade later and I finally dove in last week, having the means to actually provide for one. Before the purchase I scoured the internet for information. Grey information sites, while very informative for the basics, were a little too general and could not answer all of my questions. I searched for a forum and found this wonderful site. It helped me realize the great responisbility that I was about to partake in and opened the doors to hundreds of other questions. Luckily it seems like most of the questions I had have already been brought up by other fledging owners. This seems like the most logical place to lurk before commiting to a African Grey, and getting you aquainted with your new friend.


I felt like this was a secret society, some kind of "African Grey Guild". It is a special world that only a few people are able to enter. It made the purchase even more exciting, and solidified my dedication to it.


Walking through the pet store, I knew I made the right choice. Walking by the flashy and preening cockatoo cages and past the bucking and screeching macaw section (I likened that area to a bird version of Silence of the Lambs :P) I saw the lone, sophisticated looking form of my Pazuzu in his cage, quietly and cautiously eyeing me. I knew there was something special about it and I wanted ot make it happy.


That is also the main reason I am here, I know this is the right place to help me hone my novice Grey-keeping skills. This place is a wealth of information, and the "bird sages" of this community seem more than happy to offer their advice which seems to stem from a genuine love for this species and birds in general. I plan on being here for a long time and I am very excited about the road ahead for all of us here :)

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