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You stop getting lost and everyone notices and starts asking you for directions to places. You cant get any work done because of everyone bugging you, and you run out of money for gas and cant go anywhere at all.


I wish every pet bird on the planet was as happy as the birds owned by this forum's members

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Unfortunately, having three days off, takes one day's pay away and the extra day of "fun" causes you to spend a whole day's pay, your credit cards are maxed, you have to work extra hard on your four-day work week to keep up with production. You get sick, and get fired for using so many sick days which causes you to become homeless and alone.



I wish I could grant three wishes.

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Your husband suddenly prefers chick flicks, Casablanca, Love Story, Pillow Talk, Gone with the Wind, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Grease, and Somewhere in Time, and on and on and on.... and calls you by the starring actresses first names after each movie he sees and wants you to dress like them, talk like them and be them . . .


I wish I could dance all night.

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Your clients all pay on time and want to pay in advance because they are so happy with your services and they all bring in new clients for you so that you are busy, busy, busy, BUT you are much too tired to spend any of that hard earned money.


I wish Brad Pitt would knock on my door and insist I go to dinner with him and only him.

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You go to dinner with Brad and he spends the while time bitching about Angelina and crying about how he wants Jen back. Then he realizes he left his wallet at home and you have to pay for his whining and dining.


I wish subway's flat bread sandwiches were juts a tad bit bigger, like 15%

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