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Flash, Subway's flat bread sandwiches are 15% bigger but the waiting line to get one is 3 miles long and when you finally get to the front of the line, 6 hours later, they are all out of flat bread sandwiches and they close the window in your face.


I wish I could swim with the dolphins!

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Attention all European countries exempt African Greys from the quarantine restrictions so you immediately book tickets for you and Schroeder to travel all through Europe and have a wonderful time. Unfortunately the US still has quarantine restrictions so you can not bring Schroeder back home!!

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All of a sudden you come up with the best darn dream in the whole world, lights flash, church bells ring and birds fly but then the next poster comes along and crushes your spirit and once again corrupts that dream....



I wish all birds could fly free and have no fear or regret of returning home to their loving human whenever they wanted without fear of ever being caged again. The whole flock both bird and human are happy and free!

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Suddenly, all birds can fly free and have no fear or regret of returning home to their loving human whenever they want without fear of ever being caged again. The whole flock both bird and human are happy and free! And then the predatory raptor type birds figure out all of the sweet pets are easy to see and catch so they eat them all and there are no pet parrots left.

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Flash, a fully self-cleaning bird cage has been invented by SchroedersJen and they are very inexpensive so every FID owner buys them for their beloved companions, unfortunately they self-clean any time anything is dropped in the cage and they fully clean the cages from top to bottom including any FIDs present in the cage, causing multi-million lawsuits against SchroedersJen who loses everything including all her FIDs because her FIDs are too embarrassed to want to reside with her!!




I wish I could climb Mt. Everest!!

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You start to climb mt Everest and just as you get within site of the summit... the biggest parrot in the world swoops down and picks you up in his beak. After flying for hours he deposits you in your living room and says to your little companion.' She was lost....I found her trying to get down off a giant hill'



I wish that all frideges replenished themselves, and I never had to go shopping again.

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You wake up one morning, to find the most georgeous hunk, dressed in full chauffeur uniform sat in your Limo. As you leave the house, he sees you and instantly falls in love!! You run into each others arms in slow motion....Unfortunately, he forgot to put the brake on and the limo careers down the hill and smashes into the brick wall at the bottom of the road. The wall falls down and your limo is no more!


(well....you gave me left over piza......lol)


I wish I could go just one day without someone moaning at me.

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Has you come into the room waiting for everyone to start moaning and groaning at you, you are immediately delighted to hear laughter. You go up to your best friend and tell her how your date just cancelled on you and she just laughs at you, your boss just laughs when you ask for a raise, your grey just laughs when .....


I wish I just got a $1,000,000 tax free.

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Praise be---Buddy stops picking fights with Schroeder and Jen is happy as a lark---until Schroeder gets bored because he really enjoyed all the attention he got when Buddy pestered him and so Schroeder starts diving bombing little Buddy and the melee is on again. Except this time it is Schroeder bugging Buddy, oh my!!!!


I wish there was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/03/25 18:33

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{Feel-good-00020069}One day after it has rained for hours, the sun starts to shine and, as you look into your garden, you see that the rainbow ends in the middle of the lawn.

On closer inspection you thing you see something shiny. You run the length of your garden and sure as eggs are eggs......ther is the crock of gold!!

You pick up the gold....and just as you start to dream of what you will do with it........you here a strange commotion. You look down and there they are......a million leprachauns!! They grab your legs and pull you over....you drop the crock and they pick it up and run. Before you can stand up......they have vanished with your crock of gold!!!




I wish I didn't have quite such a vivid imagination!! {Feel-good-00020069}

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Imagine going to sleep one night full of ideas and things to do and waking up the next morning with a totally blank mind!!! You sit there looking around but can't imagine doing anything so you just lay there. Your family talk and talk to you but you can't imagine what they want you to say or do so you just lay there. They try to get you dressed but you can't imagine why so you just lay there. Awww the joy of a blank mind!!!!



I wish I could be on Dancing with the Stars.

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Your hubby starts taking multi-vitamins and is full of energy, he wants to go dining and dancing with you every night. He wants to go free-fall skydiving with you but you are terrified. Bungee-jumping and wild river rafting are some of the things he wants you to do with him. Wild and fast things are all he wants to do 24/7. This energetic husband of yours is totally a thrill addict and it is too much for you. You become a nag and are too tired to go anywhere so he divorces you for 18 year-old triplets. These little ladies love to share everything with each other including the love of their lives your ex-husband!!!



I wish I got a penny doubled every day for a month!

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The genie in a bottle follows the letter of your wish, and not the spirit of it, giving you 2 cents a day, for a total of 56 cents, because it happens in Feb.....then uncle sam takes 17 cents, the state takes 8 and you are left with almost enough to buy a gumball.


I wish I had a set of 18 year old triplets to go skydiving and bungee jumping with....18 year old male triplets that I was not related to.

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You are all set to go bungee-jumping and skydiving with unrelated 18 year-old triplets when the three 18 year-old triplets your hubby knows come by to pick him up to go skinny dipping. The 6 eighteen-year-olds meet and lights flash, bells ring, and stars shoot up into the air as the 6 of them fall immediately into love and walk off into the sunset leaving you and your hubby to console each other!



I wish I were an astronaut.

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You are an astronaut, the best there ever was and ever will be. You go places that are only in comic books, do space walks and collect samples of stuff that cures cancer, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes....all sorts of stuff. One day in a news conference, you decide to bring your bird and everyone is so in love with your performing grey that they totally ignore you. The following month, you fart in your space suit and it rips a hole in the back and you shoot off into space never to be heard of again....The following day the papers read "Famous Grey abandoned by Crummy Owner"


I wish all groceries were free and tasty.

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Oh my gosh news flash all groceries are free and tasty and there is no more paying for food. Unfortunately the government now needs something to tax to make up with the enormous deficit in taxes this causes. So they make every person and all the living breathing assets of each person wear 25 lbs meters so that the government can tax everyone and their breathing assets 1 cent a breathe!!! Go figure we always pay one way or another!!!



I wish I had a 36' yacht.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/03/28 20:44

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