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Both our greys are 13 months old and not a single word. They mimic every other freaking sound under the sun, including the theme to the Sprout channel and every wild bird for 5 miles. This is in addition to the screams of our sun/jenday/gold cap. yay. lol.


Anyone else have late bloomers?


In contrast, our green cheeks (who aren't known for talking) said their first words at 4 months old and continue to learn more. Go figure.

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Yes we do have some late bloomers among us, my grey did not talk until she was a year old and yours is 13 months, it is way too soon to think you may have greys that will not talk, more than likely it will happen all of a sudden and then you might be thinking twice about what you wish for, nah no way!

I have a sun conure that does not talk at all even though a lot of them do but I love her anyways.

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Spock didn't say his first words till he was a year old, he still has a small vocabulary, but he answers you correctly, and asks you properly. Now when you call him or question him, he says "What" and "you're kidding". We're using danmcq's technique, talk and answer him correctly and promptly. Maggie

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:) Yoshi is just over 13 months old... Says 'peekaboo' but whistles it more than actually pronouncing real words... Does a few simple whistles and that's it! Hoping for more someday! Her 'peekaboo' is relatively new though so perhaps she is trying :)


It sure is nice knowing others are in similar situations!

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Be careful what you wish for......! I had the same feelings about Harvey - he'd reached that one year old stage and was mute. I had a mute parrot. Of course I would still love him if he wasn't as entertaining, but it would be a blow........


Then the light switch was flicked! He's just turned 17 months and now actually "back chats" - If I say "Harvey" - he will say "what"!!! The cheek of it!! (my fault entirely, because if he says "hello" I say "hello Harvey, what?")!! He is sitting now mumbling and grumbling on the top of the door - and I have just heard him say "clever boy" - he's just a late bloomer!!


So, in the end of "be careful what you wish for" - when watching a movie, and you're right at THAT part, the important part and the bird is going "what", "what", "what", "what" (over and over again and won't shut up) you think back to that lovely mute you once had!!! :)

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*****Both our greys are 13 months old and not a single word. *******


Many times, having 2 or more greys around each other lengthens the amount of time before they talk. Right now, it's possible that they find other bird's natural parrotese language much more attractive which isn't unusual. It may also shorten the amount of things they'll say in the future.

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I am so glad I have people I can relate to. Houdini just turned a year old April 17th and whistles up a storm, I whistle back at him and we go back and forth , but I also talk with him and if I ask him if he likes something he gives that same party like whistle hard to explain it. but I love him no matter if he ever talks or not. but still it is nice to come on here so that I can see it is very normal for him not to be talking just yet. he will give me kisses when I ask him to. and he will put his head down for me when I ask so I know he understands me it just seems like he cant express hisself yet. He knows where the shower is and if I am in that room he will come in and expect to take a shower with me . and of course I do let him its fun...lol

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Paco is on and off with talking. At 8 months, he was talking up a storm, and it was clear as a bell. Then he started to molt, the talking stopped, and now at 11 months, he is muttering but not nearly as much. He did say "Paco" really clearly tonight though. I don't think you can give up hope in not having your talking African Grey yet though, remember, it is supposed to be 12 - 18 months to start talking.


The vet's technician told me that some Greys prefer noises over talking and vice versa, she suggested that Paco would be a noise bird, although probably still talk, just not with the largest vocabulary, has anyone else heard/experienced this? He is like your birds Lambert, noises and every wild bird in Canada except the loon, which is ironic considering he is a bit loonie! I even heard a mimic of the owl that hangs out in the forest near my place this morning, after the crow of course...

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Ana Grey starting talking at about 10 months. She has always used phrases not just one word although I think I heard her say "Hello" once. She does a lot of whistling and can bark and caw like a crow. So I would continue to talk to your grey and continue with the whistles also. They seem to pick up what they like the sound of or what gets the most reaction. Sometimes when I talk to Ana Grey she cocks her head and listens intently watching the movements of my mouth. When she does this, I always repeat what she is so intent on over a couple of times. Her favorite phrase right now is, "Want some apple. I'll be good.' And of course I immediately get her some apple or other fruit so she will associate the phrase with fruit.

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I read somewhere that if you teach them to whistle lots they will more often do that than talk as they find it easier to whistle. Does anyone know how much truth there is in that?


Murphy only does the one whistle at the moment, I taught it him as a contact call instead of the shrieks he was doing. He has also been doing the mumbling thing a lot, since we got him even but this last few days he has done it loads more. I tell him "good boy" when I hear him trying to speak so his first words will proabably be that, he is 5 months now.

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Ana Grey does whistling and talking. As I said they mimic what they like. Ana Grey makes sounds also. She loves to go Woo Woo because I do it with her. If Murphy is mumbling then he is practicing. So relax and let your grey get on with the learning.

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I sure hope its not my fault he is not talking yet. He swauks when he plays...and listen really hard to see if anything else comes out...and nope just parrot noises...lol


Thats ok, I love him anyway, I was hoping to hear someone had the same exact response from their grey...

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Yes, that's very true. Greys are one of the most natural whistlers in the parrot world. Just about every grey whistles. The last thing you need to do is encourage it. They'll whistle at sounds coming from a TV--music from CDs etc and any other thing that remotely sounds like whistles. They have favorite musical instruments they'll also whistle to.

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Cleo is 17 months and not a big talker. She says hello, occasionally mutters and mumbles, but seems to prefer to whistle Colonel Bogey and mimic my two lorikeets.


She might not speak, but she sure knows how to communicate, and it's very clear she understands what is being said. Her behaviour is a dead giveaway if I ask her if she wants some yum yums, come out of the cage, have a shower.

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