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Interesting AVIATOR experience


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Just a quick recap on Alfie's aviator history, she took to it like a duck to water last year, then around october started to refuse it vehimently! She was moulting at the time so I let it be, didn't try it over the winter, and it's been hit and miss since we started again with it last month - sometimes she accepts it - no questions, sometimes she wont even look at it. Today we'd been away most of the day, so when we came in, just packed everone up and took them out for some fresh air. We got to where we were going, with Alf in her travel cage, I tried her with the harness before we took the dogs for a walk, but she said " no thank you" in no uncertain terms. We didn't argue with her, just put her back in her cage and went for our walk. Came back 20 minutes later and offered her the harness again, and she said, "well, ok then" !!!!! Still not 100% convinced, but she would obviously rather have it on and go with us, than refuse it and get left behind, and she made the decision to do so!! It just goes to show, give a bird a chance and they will generally figure it out for themselves!

Me loves me bird.


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That is so precious that Alfie made the choice herself about the harness, she is smart enough to know that not wearing it means she is left behind and no way, what a hoot that must have been when she said that, thanks for sharing that with us Lyn.

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and she said, "well, ok then" !!!!!


Ooh sorry - she didn't actually "say" that - I meant she implied it with her actions. When I read it back just now I realised how it read - Sorry! Lol - this story just got a whole lot less interesting!!!!

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As you know, I've had exactly the same experience with Harvey. He can refuse it violently (!) in one breath, and then half an hour later sit there like an angel whilst I slip it over his head. It's part of his plan to firmly establish himself as "boss". It is so frustrating though, because it's usually refused when it's an absolutely smashing moment to go outside, then that moment passes. Deviant little so and sos! :)

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  • 3 months later...

Just a wee update on Alfie with her harness, she has never once not let me put it on all summer. She even leans into it and puts her head through herself when given the chance. I have tried to video putting it on her, but I have to just set the vid up and mostly the action moves out of shot lol! And David has tried to video it once, but as soon as he is in the equation all bets are off!!! It's too cold really to take her out walking with us now, but I'm def going to keep her accustomed to it over the winter so we don't have the same hoo-ha come Spring!

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That's absolutely great Lyn! How lucky are you!!! Harvey just kept up the same stance of "bugger off, I'm not wearing it" and so has been cage bound all but once in the garden this summer! I got some very good bites in the process of trying tho!!


Alfie knows what she'll be missing when she sees you and David going out - she's not a stupid girl!!!

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I had the same kind of experience with Tobie. He never has gotten so that he "leans into it" but he puts his head down now and holds still puposefully to let me drop it over his head. Last spring was a different story - I had to start over with the training. He go stubborn once and I said O.K. and took the dogs outside to play with the frisbee. Tobie was on his playstand watching from the window. When I came in Tobie waited until he saw me coming up the stairs and said " let's go outside ". I tried the harness again and with just a little effort he let me put it on. I never know if he really means what he sais. That was what I said to the dogs as I took them out earlier.

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