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purifier vs humidifier help needed!


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so i live in the beautiful state of Colorado, and as you may or may not know the climate out here is very dry. i was running a couple of humidifiers until i heard that they don't work hand in hand with air purifiers. i have to run the air purifier due to the high volume of dust in my rental. the carpet is old and this causes more dust than it is worth. i am looking to purchase a house in the next couple of years but in the mean time..... dust is what i must deal with.


so my ? is this....... is this a fact. you can not have purifiers running with the humidifiers. i do shower Mojo on a regular basis. he enjoys the time we spend together in the a.m. getting ready for work. and he does get soaked while in a shower (3-4 x's per week). is this enough for him.


I don't want to stop using the purifier as it is pulling alot of dust for me, and i can notice a difference in the air. should i use the humidifier in the same room. or will this ruin the purifier?


HELP! thanks in advance.

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No, you can use both as long as the machines aren't next to each other. That would defeat the purpose. Humidity will make dust heavier. A purifier won't pull in a lot of dust even though you feel a difference Purifiers are meant to suck in the type of dust that's floating around a room and stays floating around until it nears the purifier. That type of dust is invisible and it's in most rooms. In a bird area, there's constant dust and dust that's in a bird room is actually dander which is heavy. It's not the type of dust that stays in the air. It's heavy, falls on furniture, on the cage, all over the floor and everything that's near the general area of the bird/birds. You'd be better off having an exhaust fan that will really pull all sorts of dust in, heavy or light. When purchasing a purifier, there's different sizes specifing the amount of space that it'll cover so a purifier works best in that amount of space which usually involves a room that's enclosed. And those purifiers never state anything about their success with bird dander. Bird dander is much heavier than .003 microns

Edited by Dave007
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I agree with Dave, I run both a humidifier and a purifier in the bird room, just in different ends of the room. I know both are working as the humidifier makes it feel like a jungle, and the purifier requires a good cleaning of the filters once a week. The amount of dust and dander that washes out of it is incredible, plus I still get some dander on the my furniture, I can't imagine what it'd be like without it!

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