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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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Maggie and Jay, I was thinking it must have been about about a year. I must admit to tears welling in my eyes. What more to say except Love, Howardine

Thank you, yes, it's been just over a year, Spock taught Joe so much. No the tears are always there....Thank you our friend....Jay and Maggie



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Thanks all for sharing. Just like dw310's Grey, Cosmo knows when I'm not my usual self. He'll say "Rick, are you OK?" then he'll say "Come here, Up, Up, Up". I'll walk over to where he's perched, he'll lift up one of his claws for me to reach out my finger, he'll hold it and say "It's OK". He also reminds me to check the mail, and to check the humidifier, "Rick, check the mail... "Rick, check the humidifier". He'll say good by to me when I leave the apartment, at 7:30 every night he'll say, "Time for sleep" where I have to cover his cage and keep real quite or else he'll express frustration. Same thing with his afternoon nap, "Time to take a nap". One day, I brought home a foraging toy called Tiki Take-out. It was a hard plastic hut where you would put a treat into the hut and cage it in with wooden dowels through a hidden door on the bottom of the toy, securing it with a swivel lock using a dime as a key. I set this up out his site (not trying to test him or anything). I hung it in his cage where he began to feel out the dowels with his beak. He then started to look around the top, sides, then the bottom of the hut. When looked at the bottom, he quickly opened the lock and the treat and dowels fell to the bottom of his cage, he scurried down to eat the nut I put in there. I was flabbergasted! This took all of about 2 minutes for him to figure out! Cosmo cognitively realized that I had to put that treat in the hut somehow. Just as my signature states, I think he's smarted than I am.

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Here's another one, One day about two years ago, I was sitting in my kitchen having a cup of coffee when I heard from the living room a load crash. I ran into the room to find Cosmo on top of his cage door (which was opened backwards) holding a large bolt in one of his claws. He unscrewed the nut and bolt that holds the door on it's hinge, opening it backwards. I stood there looking at him, he was looking at me waving the bolt in his claw. When I tried to screw the nut and bolt back on the doors hinge, I found that it was impossible to get any wrench (or even my fingers) between two bars where the hinge was located. The cage had to be put together when it arrived some years ago, but the door was factory installed on the front part of the cage. I had to call the manufacturer and explain what happened (the lady on the phone took silent for a second) and they sent me this special wrench to reach the bolt when in place, and tighten the nut, however I put a little Lock-Tite on the threads first. How in the "...." did Cosmo do that! (I said to myself). I've attached a picture of his cage.


Cosmo's Cage.JPG

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oh, yes! what a mind! That reminds me that Precious figured out how to remove all of the decorative nuts on the outside of her cage. I was always afraid she might swallow one. It didn't matter how I tried replacing them. She also managed to remove picture hooks from the wall that were behind the pictures. Down came the pictures!

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"He unscrewed the nut and bolt that holds the door on it's hinge, opening it backwards. I stood there looking at him, he was looking at me waving the bolt in his claw."


LOL - That paints a GreYt mental image. He was just using perfect grey logic. Rather than having to open and close a door for entry and exit, why not just remove it? :P Thanks for sharing this.

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It was a funny scene. It was almost if he was saying, "Aaa-Haaa, I don't have to wait until you let me out".


This escape artist routine was a problem for a while. He would get out of cage all kinds of ways. I'd come home and find him sitting on the back of a kitchen chair, on the curtain rod in the living room...one time, I came home and Cosmo was on the floor next to the fish tank cabinet and Sylvester, my cat was on top of the cabinet. Cosmo was saying, "Hey...Hey...". I opted to put a pad lock on his door, he hasn't got out since (that I know of). I'm disabled, so I spend a lot of time with him, and he has ample out-of-the-cage time, so I guess he doesn't like it when I go out.

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So far so good, Quinn hasn't tried this. My Cockatoo had to have his cage checked every two weeks and all the nuts and bolts tightened. I leave the door open for Quinn, because he spends most of his time in the cage when I am gone anyway. I have found him out and waiting for me on the bottom rungs of a chair a few times, I figure he does that when he hears the car come in the drive. He doesn't mind being in his cage, perhaps it is all the toys he has in it. The padlock sounds like a good idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jake is allowed 1 peanut at nite nite time and I say this each time he demands a peanut. Yesterday afternoon he climbed onto his door and yelled go nite nite, want peanut and closed his eyes. The little stinker was trying to cajole a peanut out of me by pretending he was going to sleep for the night.

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Jake is allowed 1 peanut at nite nite time and I say this each time he demands a peanut. Yesterday afternoon he climbed onto his door and yelled go nite nite, want peanut and closed his eyes. The little stinker was trying to cajole a peanut out of me by pretending he was going to sleep for the night.


Hahahahahahahahaha, I love it!!! Pure Grey logic. They are so stinking smart, we cannot but admit their logic is impeccable and follow suit with their reward. Then break the bad news, the rules just changed and it must be the actual TIME to go night night. But, knowing them, they would just say "Well it's night night time somewhere"..... hmmm, sounds like a song. :P

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I'm so happy that after a decade plus.... they all go like crazy.... then all of a sudden it is quiet! Must be 8pm. YAY! They put themselves to bed now. Once in awhile.... I have a stray. Always Sophie. She will tell me " shhhhh!" Mostly I ask her " what are you doing up past bedtime?" Sometimes I let her hang with me and she is delighted that she is pulling a " fast one", on the other birds. Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

The little stinker has now gone from saying "want pork chop" to telling me to "go cook, want pork chop". I have considered telling him to go cook them himself but one of these days he might surprise me and do it.

  • Haha 1
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