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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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Wow, Joe is really getting with the program. The underlying principles of his cognitive understanding of the human language and applying it real-time of events or even transition of a certain length of time and wanting to know if Jay is ok clearly indicates just how truly intelligent these sentient and caring greys are. Joe obviously has a strong bond with Jay to fret over him as you indicate. Keep these updates coming!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since it's been so hot & because I've been trying to encourage Phenix to socialize w/Kura, I've been giving them baths together. It's been going pretty well. Phenix only tried to grab Kura's tail twice.


Today, I got Phenix set up, then went to get Kura. But she was busy in her cage. Rather than stress her I went back & did Phenix first.


I left Phenix to drip off while I went back again for Kura. I got her all settled. I reached for the mister. Then Phenix yelled, :eek: "Kura!! Duck!!"


Yeah, I completely lost it.

Edited by birdhouse
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my 7month old cag has learned from the children if there is a loud bang or crash i say what was that or who did...? and da vinci responds now with kota did it or if he falls while playing hanging from toys he says im ok or oh baby be careful

Edited by Terra1981
mis spelled word
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my 7month old cag has learned from the children if there is a loud bang or crash i say what was that or who did...? and da vinci responds now with kota did it or if he falls while playing hanging from toys he says im ok or oh baby be careful

How funny! This made me laugh soooo hard! When Kiki our Amazon say's " UH..Oh" we know something is broken. Nancy

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Maggie here, using Jays log-on. Okay, Joe's at it again. We always say "Got to go bye-bye" or something like that when we leave, Now when we say that Joe asks, Where ! We tell him and he reply's "Okay, see you later"...... Thanks Maggie....lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah... I finally get to add to this thread...


Neytiri is 19 weeks old and on Sat she did two funny things... First we have a sound activated musical animated reindeer and she figured out what notes to hit to turn it on... then she "sings" along to it. Second she was standing on her tree stand and holding a nut in her foot... when she got to the point that she coulnd't get to the nut thru her toes anymore she stopped and looked at her foot. FIrst head tilted one way... and then the other. Back and forth she went like this even turning her foot. Eventually she looked down and dropped the nut... then she ate it.


YOu could almost see the gears working in her little head to solve her problem.



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Ohhhh I miss those days of them trying to figure it out! Now Sophie at age 12 figures it out in seconds! No tricking her anymore. Yes... she still believes in Santa. Nancy


Then you need to work hard to challenge her. While it is just my opinion I think we humans get old and grumpy when we stop learning and being challenged. I imagine it is similar for our feather babies. The little ones play and learn and explore and have a desire to do it because things are fresh and stimulating. We humans need to keep that up as our babies get older. In the wild animals are mentally and physically stimulated with finding food and a changing environment. We have to maintain that for them.

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Timber said a new word last night! Big deal for a not-so-often talker. He said Dakota (my son and his favorite's) name. I've been careful to say goodbye Dakota and hello Dakota when he comes in and out and was hoping Timber would pick it up. Dakota came home from college for the weekend last night. He said he went in the living room and Timber was saying "come here" which he does pretty frequently. Dakota would respond, "no, you come here." Finally he said he heard his name "Dakota" and thought I was calling him from upstairs. Then he heard it again and realized it was Timber! Not rocket science I know, but he definitely recognizes "Dakota" is the name associated with my son. Woohoo :)

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Some new things have developed over the last few weeks...Joe's mind is expanding. Our little rescue Grey has become very asserting in what he says now. The other morning, I had been up for a few hours with them and Joe had been asking to see Papa. I had told him numerous times that Papa was still night-night. Giving me the impression that he was fed up, he stated "Wake up Papa. Go Papa now!!" Earlier that morning I was sitting and having a cup of coffee, while talking to all the birds, telling them about all the tasks that I had to do that day. Joe apparently thought I had been sitting long enough and he popped up with "Go to work!" and then laughed. ;)

A couple of days ago, I got Jay home from the doctor and took him to the bedroom before getting them out of their cages. As I went to open Joe's cage, he looked at me and said "Papa!". I told him Papa's in bed. He said "Go Papa" and flew off to the bedroom. I took off after him. He landed on Jay's chest. "Papa go bye-bye. No! Joe gotta go bye-bye Papa". :mad:

I believe he was mad at Jay and if Jay was going to go bye-bye, he wanted to go too!

Later on that day, Jay was sitting in his chair in the living room and Joe was on his favorite perch in the kitchen. Joe called out to Jay "Come here Papa. Want a good nut! Now!!!!" :rolleyes:

As a side note: Tango, our extra-large 'Too will respond with a head shake no or a head shake yes to questions asked of her. She has been doing this for quite a while. Example: If I ask her if she wants to step up, she will shake her head no and walk away if she does not want to come with me. If she wants to step up, she will shake her head yes and lift her foot to step up on my hand. When it is time to go to bed and I tell her it is time to go, she will emphatically shake her head no and runs across the top of her cage. If she is cooperative, she will shake her head yes and climb down into the cage. Is Joe rubbing off on her? Hmmm.....:confused:

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