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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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I've seen lots of TV shows and articles that say a major indicator of intelligence is the ability to use tools. For example, last week I was watching a PBS doc about crows using sticks to gather their food. Today I saw Tyson using a tool.


He climbed down to the bottom of his cage and came back up with a large flight feather which he must have shed. Once he was back on his perch, Tyson took the feather in his foot and rotated it around so that the quill was facing him. He then began using it to scratch himself on the head, neck and upper back. He did this for some time, then finally dropped the feather and preened the rest of his body in the usual way. So there you go - Tyson used a feather to give himself the spa treatment!

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Timber pulled a new one out of his hat over the weekend. Hubby was playing a little game with him (he is the "playmate"). Long story, but it involved a plastic comb. At any rate, Gary pulled the comb away before Timber was ready and Timber said "hey, now!" Progress from the last time, when he said "asshole." ;)

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At any rate, Gary pulled the comb away before Timber was ready and Timber said "hey, now!" Progress from the last time, when he said "asshole." ;)


LOL! I like the a-hole, it is a true description of what one would think of a person taking away something you were enjoying. :P


Thanks for sharing this. :)

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***********LOL! I like the a-hole, it is a true description of what one would think of a person taking away something you were enjoying. :P


Thanks for sharing this. :) **********



**********LOL... I'm with Dan... I like the a-hole better.
It would fit**********



HEY!!!! Both of you better watch your language. I won't tolerate such inuendo ESPECIALLY when it comes from the Super Moderator. Shame, shame


You've upset my day. I,m a baptist and we do it with the lights out!

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Wow!! Really....I didn't know Baptist cursed with the lights out...That must be why I've never heard my grandmother curse... Dang, I guess ya learn something new every day :)


LOL, good one Elliemae!


LOL Dave!!! Please pick up your bible and go read genesis. There you will find that adam and eve ran around naked and did it outside in full daylight.. I guess that's why I have the "Super" designation. I read things from beginning to end and BTW, the entire bible was written before lights were ever invented. Now, I suggest rather than just sitting in church yelling amen as that preacher gives their interpret of scripture, that you read the bible from beginning to end and yell out "That's a Lie!!!", wheres that in the bible?" instead of saying "Amen". :P


Ok, I know I have just taken this thread way off topic, so I apologize for my non-biblical behavior, ask for your forgiveness and repent from this sin. But, I have to admit, it did feel good doing this! :P

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You two are nuts... I'm going to like it here :)


LOL! True, a bored Dave and Dan are NOT good. :P


Now back on topic...


I was replacing a leaking kitchen faucet yesterday afternoon and having a real time of it trying to get the fittings underneath the sink off so I could remove the old faucet assembly. Dayo started getting verbally invovled while I was grunting and groaning under there. He gave moral support by sighing at times, then when a big clang sound came from under the sink as I dropped a heavy pipe fitting tool on my head, Dayo came out with "Shoot, Goddangit!!" and a heavy sigh. :P

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I believe Sterling has named me. When he ways "Open the door let me out. I want out." After a few times and with more emphasis with each repetition. Finally he will say, "Open the door, Damn Bird!" And then stops asking.

Edited by luvparrots
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LOl Jeff. Yes he said shoot. Early on at around 15 months old he said both Sh*t and Goddamn it. I quickly replaced those with what he now say's. A grey will clean your mouth up very quickly. :P



Very true. I watch a lot of hockey and have a bad habit of being a foul mouthed couch coach. Now I bite my knuckle instead of cursing out the tv.

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I believe Sterling has named me. When he ways "Open the door let me out. I want out." After a few times and with more emphasis with each repetition. Finally he will say, "Open the door, Damn Bird!" And then stops asking.


LOL Janet! I guess I will need to start calling you "Damn Bird" then. Too cute. :)

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Please forgive me if I feel the need to brag on my little girl too much. She is just coming into her own these days and amazes me with her mind and language. I want to share two stories.


1. Last week a friend of mine, Pam, came over for pizza and a movie. Gracie knows Pam, but is unsure of her. She is much more familiar with another friend of mine, Marie, who comes over every Thursday and dotes on Gracie. Well Pam came over and went to greet Gracie. She said, "Pam is here!". Gracie eyed her for a minute, backed away and said "Gracie wanna see Marie!". It didn't end there. For the next four hours Pam tried to engage Gracie. Every time she talked to Gracie, Gracie said "Gracie wanna see MARIE! Marie come see Gracie." She actually emphasized the name

Marie" as if to say=="You are not the one I wish to see. I want to see Marie."


2. Today I had to have a new sink installed in my condo. There was a chance that some chemical sealers would be used, so I had Gracie stay at my parents for the day. I went to my parents for dinner and afterwards started to pack up for the journey home. Gracie reads all the signs and knows what is going on. As she saw me getting my jacket and keys, she said "Gracie go bye bye in car. Step up. Back in cage. Go to Gracie's house. Bye bye!"


When I tell people these things, I worry they think I'm making this up. My parents and Pam know better. I mean, Gracie is almost 20 months old--would a 20 month old human behave differently?


In all fairness I have to confess that when I started reading this thread, I thought, "surely these people are exaggerating. Is this really true?" I'm a believer now.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Please forgive me if I feel the need to brag on my little girl too much. She is just coming into her own these days and amazes me with her mind and language. I want to share two stories. <snip> " She actually emphasized the name Marie" as if to say=="You are not the one I wish to see. I want to see Marie."


2. Today I had to have a new sink installed in my condo. There was a chance that some chemical sealers would be used, so I had Gracie stay at my parents for the day. I went to my parents for dinner and afterwards started to pack up for the journey home. Gracie reads all the signs and knows what is going on. As she saw me getting my jacket and keys, she said "Gracie go bye bye in car. Step up. Back in cage. Go to Gracie's house. Bye bye!" In all fairness I have to confess that when I started reading this thread, I thought, "surely these people are exaggerating. Is this really true?" I'm a believer now.


Jeff, never think anyone here views this as bragging. We love hearing of each persons updates on the cognitive abilities of their greys. I just wish more people here would post them. I know there are tons of these abilities and new ones everyday and would love to read of them.


You better listen to Gracie on getting Marie over more often. Greys know these things better than you. If you would not get killed over it, have both over at the same time so Gracie understands they are both ok with each other. However, it is obvious Gracie truly enjoys Marie's visits.


I love the story of Gracie vocalizing her wish's to ensure she was going with YOU! I suspect she has been left there before and wanted to ensure you knew she did not desire to stay this time. :)


In regards your skeptical thoughts about grey owners stories of cognitive abilities, I flick my nose at you and say nee ner nee ner nee ner.... you Thomas the doubter! :P

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Joe has learned how to say no, and emphasizes his point…(oh boy!) Last week, I was in a hurry because we had to catch our bus for an appointment and I was running late trying to play catch-up. I finally had corralled everyone else back to their cages with their snacks except for Joe. When I approached him, I told him, “Come to mama, Joe, we have to go bye-bye.” He looked me in the eye, turned his head and said “No!” OMG, it was so funny! I started laughing, even though I didn’t have time for that. Joe had always been the most docile of the bunch, never giving me a hassle when it was time to leave. The next morning, I was fixing their breakfast and I had just called Joe to come over. He stopped for a moment, stood still and then slowly shook his head side to side…I was shocked. I had Tango do that to me as a NO when she did not want to go back to her cage but Joe had to take the time to shake just his head back and forth in a conscious effort.

Joe loves to help me with the other birds and their instruction…This morning, Salsa had been more “exuberant” than usual and Jay had had a bad night so I was trying to keep them quiet. I stood holding out a piece of toast to Salsa trying in vain to distract her while holding out a piece of wood to Tango who had decided to start her vocalizations in sympathy. Joe popped up with “Want this Salsa? Want this Tango?”

An interesting point concerning Joe…in the last few months he has undergone a complete metamorphism once again. Instead of the normal behavior of asking questions, saying cute things, random sentences, etc., Joe had become an authority figure….an equal to Jay and I. His speech, his actions are matter-of-fact…staying to the point of the conversation at the time. Joe offers his own opinion and advice now and often gives us his two-cents as an equal entity. It seems he regards himself as on par with us humans…he makes statements now, “I want dinner”, “I want to go bye-bye”, “I want to go see Papa”, etc. He states his likes and dislikes now…What other changes are in store? What new wonders will Joe surprise us with?

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