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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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So we are completely flabbergasted. Our 7 month old CAG was asked by my other half this morning "How are you?" Apparently she responded "Pretty good (although it could have been "pretty girl")... how are you?" We're totally blown away, I didn't think they really got to talking till they were older. Sometimes she will just babble away, sounding vaguely human (definitely not bird noises) but for the life of us we can't pick out what she's saying. Other times she'll clear as a bell say "hello" or "I love you". lol... funny girl.

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THis made me laugh, because I have a 2 year old CAG and he does exactly the same. He says, hello in the right ways and contect and if I or anyone else talk to him or one another in his vacinity, he would say what. If I shout at the dog he wil say, ok,ok,ok mommy. They definately know how to use the words in the right context. Oh and he also goes to the cage door, nips at the lock and say come take me out, open the door pleeeeeeez, I want to go to granny.

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Ok so here is my question... I hear that between 1-2 years of age (typically) I know all birds are different. But I hear ... thats when their language and words really start to blossom. So, here we are, Marco turned 1 in December, and I dont want to be jumping the gun or nothing but in the last 2-3 weeks shes been doing so much MORE then her typical sounds and whistles YET not full words that you can make out clearly. So what I call mumbling and grumbling in what sounds like a deep tone, is that how this ALL begins? Like she'll do that for awhile and then one day the word will finally make its way out? I mean some times I swear she'll say ... What ya doing? while looking right at me... but in my head I think .... did she just say that? Am I just hoping thats what it was? Course I answer her with whatever Im doing but still I just wanted to know, do they go thru a stage like where its just a mumbled mess and then it clears up? Cuz thats where Marco seems to be at. She really does it alot when I get home or when shes excited and she'll do it right infront of me so shes not a closet grumbler lol ... maybe I'll try to catch it on video so ya'll can see what Im talking bout.

Edited by aerial.2000
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Ok so here is my question... I hear that between 1-2 years of age (typically) I know all birds are different. But I hear ... thats when their language and words really start to blossom. So, here we are, Marco turned 1 in December, and I dont want to be jumping the gun or nothing but in the last 2-3 weeks shes been doing so much MORE then her typical sounds and whistles YET not full words that you can make out clearly. So what I call mumbling and grumbling in what sounds like a deep tone, is that how this ALL begins? Like she'll do that for awhile and then one day the word will finally make its way out? I mean some times I swear she'll say ... What ya doing? while looking right at me... but in my head I think .... did she just say that? Am I just hoping thats what it was? Course I answer her with whatever Im doing but still I just wanted to know, do they go thru a stage like where its just a mumbled mess and then it clears up? Cuz thats where Marco seems to be at. She really does it alot when I get home or when shes excited and she'll do it right infront of me so shes not a closet grumbler lol ... maybe I'll try to catch it on video so ya'll can see what Im talking bout.


Yep, that's the way it all starts. Mumbling, grumbling and finally a word or two that gets clearer as time goes on. Just about eevry word/words they say will start out with the mumbling.

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thanks Dave ... guess we're in trouble soon LOL cuz she'll go on a rant of that mumbling stuff for 10-15 minutes and I'll listen and watch and think "Did she just say ...... ?" :eek: I always try to answer her regardless to what I think shes saying. It was really like over night she started it. My kids keep telling me no thats not her talking but I truly disagree. I thought this might be how it starts. Well Im totally excited! Course her first words are probably going to be Marco's no chicken hahahaha which we say ALOT!!!!!!!!!

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thanks Dave ... guess we're in trouble soon LOL cuz she'll go on a rant of that mumbling stuff for 10-15 minutes and I'll listen and watch and think "Did she just say ...... ?" :eek: I always try to answer her regardless to what I think shes saying. It was really like over night she started it. My kids keep telling me no thats not her talking but I truly disagree. I thought this might be how it starts. Well Im totally excited! Course her first words are probably going to be Marco's no chicken hahahaha which we say ALOT!!!!!!!!!


Well, now that the dams have burst, GET READY!!! Just remember-----Mumble, grumble, Mumble, grumble,

Mumble, grumble, BOOM!!! another word appears -. Use sentences though. They can handle 3,4,5,6, words all at one time. Good luck and have fun.

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oooh I didnt know that ... thats a good idea cuz when I thought I heard "What you doing" ... I jus said ... "Oh nothing" but I did say "What you doing" back to her .. but I will try to remember to talk in the longer sentences now to her ... omg its like christmas and my birthday all rolled into one LOL Im so excited

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Aerial... How exciting for you! We've all been there and all have beamed like crazy. Definitely starting to talk. Continue to encourage as you are doing. Be careful! This is the time they start repeating bad words you don't want them to say. I'm not talking about farting and burping. LOL! Nancy


yes I do worry that marco will have colorful language :( as to I have 2 teenaged boys 19 and 18 so ... I do try to control them so she doesnt pick up on it!

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I know what you mean there Aerial! I have a 20 year old who is in and out. He is in college and he is Timber's favorite person. I suspect some of Timber's more colorful language comes from Dakota and his friends. I don't hear a lot of it, but I suspect Timber does after mom and dad go to bed on the weekends!

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I know what you mean there Aerial! I have a 20 year old who is in and out. He is in college and he is Timber's favorite person. I suspect some of Timber's more colorful language comes from Dakota and his friends. I don't hear a lot of it, but I suspect Timber does after mom and dad go to bed on the weekends!


exactly ....

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Its not the kids that have to watch their mouth its me. I have a tendency to be just a bit vocal watching hockey. I have started either giving the tv raspberries or physically holding my tongue to curb my use of bad or negative words.

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Wingy...LOL! Sophie always say's what... as I can't hear much out of right ear.

Aerial... when kids were 13 and 16 i told them... " repeat after me, I promise to go in the garage and say the F word when I am upset or hurt. If I can't keep that promise, mom doesn't have to give me any money to play if she feels I am responsible for Sophie's foul mouth!" LOL! It worked. Even kids friends who came here kept a clean mouth. Money talks! Nancy

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It's fascinating to read all the stories. Toby is our 16-month old Timneh. The first thing we noticed about him is his beautiful singing - always tuneful, and very inventive. He sings along to music, and improvises little tunes, even riffing off sounds coming our computer. He has become quite a talker as well, starting to speak in complete phrases. We notice that he is selective about what words he learns, and even though we scold him for naughty behavior, he only gravitates towards self-praise - e.g., "what a pretty bird", "what a good boy", "sweet Toby", and stranger still, "what a pretty poultry". We've never taught him the word "poultry", so it's not clear how he picked that up! We can't tell if he really understands what he is saying. There are some words that I think appeal to him as sounds and he learns them really quickly - for instance, "stretch", "what", and "whatever" seem to be favorites. His longest phrase so far is "do you want some water?" , which we'll often say to him when we take him back to his cage for some water. But he's not using that phrase to ask for water, as far as we can tell, so he hasn't made the association with the action.


He's still very young, so we hope that one day he'll be able to express his wants and desires and have a dialogue with us, like many of the greys I've read about on this thread.

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