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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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So Darwin was walking around exploring the upstairs, and he comes over to another bird cage stand and crawls under and says" ohhhh" very matter of factly, and then he continues his escapade into the kitchen,(still walking on the floor), and starts to walk near the fridge where I was grabbing something. He saw the fridge door open and walked as fast as his little legs would carry him over to see what was in there, well, I shut the door quick (too quick in his opinion) and he YELLS out a really quick, starled, "oh my god!" hahahhaa it was the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. I almost peed my pants. After he said it and jumped back, I told him "im sorry, its okay" and he says "phhew" hahahahahaha I cant stop laughing about it , even now, every time I tell the story. He also says "whoa" when he scares himself, or almost falls.

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I've always believed that animals understand far more than we give them credit for. Just because animals don't have a communication method like ours, doesn't mean they don't comprehend or understand. I remember when I was in university doing my Psychology degree and one assessment was one I really went to town on. It was basically asking the question, "Are animals conscious?" Of course they are! Humans seem to think that they're the superior species in every aspect - well, a lot of species of animals on this planet have been here longer than we have so I'm guessing they've had longer to master the ways of the world.


Due to birds being able to mimic sounds, now they've picked up language. From all the studies done with Alex we can see that animals definitely understand what they're saying. There was a chimp called Washoe (again, one I studied in university) who mastered language through grunts and signing. Sadly, chimps and other apes don't have the ability to sound out words like parrots and other birds, like mynahs. But it's clear that animals do understand the concepts that we have always believed beyond them. Being a huge animal lover, I'm always ready to stand up for them. Maybe when I go into my Veterinary Nursing course September 2013, my degree will help me show people that animals aren't dumb! ;) It would be very interesting to combine the Psychology and Vet Nursing to help with this area of science.

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Well, I start September 2013 (had no official date yet), but I need to get a training placement with an approved veterinary practice to go alongside my studies. If I don't get offered a placement by a surgery, I can't do the course. I've sent out CVs (or resumes) to quite a few, heard back off a couple and had rejections, but there are a lot I'm waiting on and about 10 I haven't applied to yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :) I'd really like to get in with my dog's vet but there's also a surgery which specialises in exotics, too. So because I've got Tui, I'd more so opt for the surgery which specialises in exotics (although they do still see cats and dogs, too, but there are specially trained vets there). It's something I've always wanted to do and I did my degree mainly because I felt I wasn't good enough to be a vet (which was my dream job growing up), but now I've thought, "What the hell? I'm going to go for it! A vet nurse is the next best thing to the vet!" ;) I just ask that you keep your fingers crossed for me that it goes well. I feel old though as at 25 I'm classed as a 'mature' student. Lol.


Then I can learn from the best people about my own pets and really delve deeper.

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Joe, where do I start? words flow like honey, were behind on his updates. Okay, how about "I want that" Joe will fly or walk to something he see's, he'll say "Want that or I want that" and fly back to his cage with it.....When Maggie takes the veggies to the small birds, Joe will ride on her shoulder,when she gets to the cages, Joe will climb down her arm and ask them "Want some" hehehe lol....

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Awwww, I love our Birdies. They are something special! Cheshire Cat- I finish my two years next semester and am then transferring to a four year, to the Zoology program. I am so excited to get started, but I too at times think I am not smart enough or good enough. I did the same thing you did...finally said "Why the hell not"??..lol I have worked int he retail community for over a decade and have seemed to have lost my patience with people and their demands, I get along better with animals I think at this point! lol Good luck to you, your going to do great!

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Kristan and Cheshire Cat.... you guys are BOTH going to do great. I believe you are both smart enough to do well in school. Interestingly enough, I never was the greatest student in my late teens and early 20's... BUT since going back to do a very intense class at work ( got a 90 by the way), I know that if I went back to school now, I would be an A student. Nancy

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New word! I put an artichoke on Timber's skewer this morning (he will usually eat some of that). When I got home, he hadn't eaten much of it. I was pulling on the leaves and talking to him. He put his beak on it and said "artichoke" clear as a bell! I always tell him what I'm putting in there when I hang the skewer.

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new word! I put an artichoke on timber's skewer this morning (he will usually eat some of that). When i got home, he hadn't eaten much of it. I was pulling on the leaves and talking to him. He put his beak on it and said "artichoke" clear as a bell! I always tell him what i'm putting in there when i hang the skewer.


right on.....................

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Beezer (15 yo CAG) passed over a week ago due to a raccoon attack. He hated being grabbed with a towel and would always scream. After the attack, he didn't want to come out of his cage to go to the vet. My mom had to use a towel to grab him, he barely fought her and when she hugged him with the towel, he relaxed and said "I love you."...I'm going to miss that smart little bugger.

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