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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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Brutus has figured out if he asks a question he gets a response. So now the tables are turned because he is asking what I used to ask him. He says, "What's a chicken say?" and I cluck like a chicken. He thinks this is funny, so he asks the question over and over to get me to cluck. Plus, we tried to get him to sing, "I Left my Heart in San Francisco" by saying, "Hey Brutus, where's your heart?" Now he is asking me, "Where's your heart?" to get me to sing. Funny and annoying because as soon as finish my answer, he asks another question.

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They can " turn things around all the time!" LOL! Its all part of how amazing they are, and how much they CAN learn! Sophie and I have a favorite game. Either one of us start a whistle. The other repeats it, and adds more. We do this in separate rooms. When Sophie starts to lose due to my more complex whistle... she breaks out into "rap". She knows I don't have a clue! She wins.... as usual. nancy

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They can " turn things around all the time!" LOL! Its all part of how amazing they are, and how much they CAN learn! Sophie and I have a favorite game. Either one of us start a whistle. The other repeats it, and adds more. We do this in separate rooms. When Sophie starts to lose due to my more complex whistle... she breaks out into "rap". She knows I don't have a clue! She wins.... as usual. nancy


I do almost the same with Misty except when I flake out Misty will often laugh! We love our whistle games:D


Steve N Misty

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Joe can be as demanding as any three year old LOL...yesterday, I was making their dinner and Joe had been yammering away. When I was dishing up the plates, he demanded "Want a good nut!" and I replied that he had to have a good dinner first. He kept at it..."Want a good nut!!" I just kept telling him "No, good dinner first". The third time he said "I want a good nut!!!!". Again, I replied "Joe, you can have a good nut after your good dinner." He thought for a moment and then said "Fine!" and moseyed over to his plate to eat. It was too funny...I had to go into the other room to laugh. After he ate a fair amount, he again asked "Want a good nut?"

I guess he knows what he wants and is not afraid to ask for it...LOL...

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What Quinn can't do with language he is beginning to use body language to express himself. It is very important to him that he sit on my shoulder and have his head scratched before bed. He snuggles in and after a while I say it's time for bed now and he does a funny little nudge to my face. I say one more time and repeat the same and he gives me the same reaction. After the third time he knows that he is going to be put to bed and he makes a funny little grumbling sound. I think he is starting to understand what I am saying and hasn't quite mastered the responses. He sure is vocal though. He was chattering away this morning, and I said it is time for breakfast, he stopped in his tracks and went to where his food was going to be.

  • Haha 1
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Casey Luria EXCELLENT job with Quinn! Keepup the good work! Be ready when Quinn shakes it up a bit, and carries out the most " dramatic play", you have ever seen. They are natural " stars" when it comes to drama.( of course it takes several years.) All my guys put themselves to bed around 8pm. Once in awhile... Sophie will scream a couple hours later... " ROM ( mom)... come quick! I always come running. She will say " Hi!"( she's just checking I'm always going to be there). A kiss goodnite, and she's good. Nancy

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Joey knows what "gone" means and is not afraid to take advantage of this knowledge...Yesterday, I had just given Joey, Tango and Salsa their warm breakfast and had turned away to the counter to make up veggie plates for all the birds. Joe and I had been talking back and forth and when he told me that he wanted a good nut, I told him that when his food was all gone, he could have a good nut. The next thing I know, he had pushed his plate to the floor, said "Gone, want a good nut!"...hahahahahaha...save me from an intelligent bird...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, your article on Grey Cognition and Language abilities has inspired me to buy a grey for myself.Wonderful to keep such

communicative creatures in our company.It is really surprising to know that they too can process emotions at this level.Many thanks.

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Maggie here:

Joe's confidence is growing by leaps and bounds in the last week. He is exploring new areas that were formerly only Spock's territories, becoming more assertive and certainly shows no compunction when it comes to letting us know what he wants. LOL...

He is becoming more vocal about asserting his needs but he doesn't use new words or sentences until he knows they are correct. (I think he waits until we are gone to practice his new speeches). We are a little worried because now, Joe knows what bye-bye means, which means he wants to go out the door. When Jay is on the patio or when Jay is in bed with the door closed, he emphatically states "I want to go bye-bye! See Papa! See Papa now!" If Jay is in bed, I have to open the door and show Joe that Papa is night-night at which time Joe will say "Good night Papa". If Jay is outside, I have to bring Jay in to see him. If it is daytime and I am in the bedroom with Jay for what seems like a long time to Joe, he will call out to Jay "Papa, Are you ok?"

The other day, Salsa was flying around, yelling like a pterodactyl (Like Dayo) when she came too close to Joe. Joe just turned to her and said "Watch it!" and went back to eating his good nut. Too funny! What is really amazing to us is Joe applying body language with verbal responses. When Joe dances, he bobs his head up and down. What he does now is answer yes and moves his head in an up and down motion. I asked him if he wanted a good nut and he answered "Yes" with a nodding of his head. This morning, I asked Jay if he was ready for his breakfast when Joe turned toward Jay (he was sitting on his shoulder) and nodded and said "Yes" before Jay had a chance to answer. We almost died laughing while Joe looked at us like we were crazy. He appears to be applying body language with appropriate verbal responses. He has done this on more than one occasion. I can't wait to see what Joe has in store for us this week...

Maggie and Jay

Edited by Jayd
Maggie posted this....
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