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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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I have been reading about this for some time now, and this is one of the most amazing stories I have come across;


I am still not to sure about how happy and content the Greys are/were, involved in the project, but is shows the amazing ability of these specific parrots!


Sorry if I am reposting this, I read the first few pages and jumped to the end wanting to share this.

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I think Alex and his friends were treated really well... they had constant companionship between dr. p and all the students from the school. If you haven't read "alex and me" by dr. P it's a good story, she discusses how when he didn't want to work, he would ignore her requests, or just be a lil punk and give the wrong answer on purpose. I do feel that they're happy, because as you know, if a grey isn't happy, he will let you know one way or another... and she wouldn't have gotten the results she did if Alex or the others weren't happy...

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haha my favorite part of the story *spoiler alert* was when dr. P asked him to count out the blocks and he kept saying idk 3 or something (while the answer was 5) and she wanted to put him back, and he told her sorry, and the answer was 5... that was the moment that I realized greys knew humor... and I was floored when he figured out the concept of none... which is a skill that a human child doesn't learn before the age of 7 (concrete operational)

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Quinn is talking and, being the proud human companion that I am, I think already has a little comedian in him. He turned one in March and is learning to talk. It has been mostly barn yard sounds that I make to get him started. He learned them all pretty fast. Now he says Peek a boo and loves to create different versions of it and is so proud of himself it is really cute. The other morning I walked by his covered cage and suddenly I hear, as clear as can be, "Peek a boo", and nothing else. It certainly was funny, I wonder did he know that?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So lately Brutus has discovered the words, "Go ahead" and is using them as additions to his other sentences. The thing that boggles me is he is not adding the words haphazardly, he is using them selectively and appropriately. For example he says, "Want to go to the office, go ahead" or "Ready to go? Go ahead." He does not say something nonsensical like, "Brutus is a handsome boy, go ahead." This just blows me away.

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Brutus is certainly impressive at constructing sentences with the additional "Go Ahead". Isn't it amazing to watch them experiment like that? Thanks for sharing this. It is another prime example of just how intelligent these greys are and the are not "just parroting".


I would really love to see any video's you could share with us of Brutus. :)

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Misty has discovered the use of "NOW" as an imperative. I first noticed it when was he told me its "It's bed time" ( he means me I think, so I will turn off the TV and he can get some peace!) I ignored him and on about the third time of telling me he said "It's bed time NOW!" He also uses it with "Come here NOW" and "Can i come out Now!" and also "Stoppit NOW" (He uses "Stoppit" when he wants a taste of my food) In all instances the "NOW" is only invoked if he thinks I am not taking proper notice!

As Chezron said he never uses a word like "Orange" or "bye bye" in those contexts.

Every day he blows my mind a little more!


Steve n Misty

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Since quinn discovered peek a boo it has been non stop sounds and pretty much a new word every day. After peek a boo, kaboom, then sleepy and yawn, cuckoo, wow, and some phrases that are just human sounding but not words. There is one that seems like watcha doin? He amazes me. Like he rest of you,i am blown away. Quinn gets going in the evening, when he knows his audience is watching, and i would swear, has a really happy funny expression while he is doing it.

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Mistyparrot... Steve... GET TO BED! LOL I love when they learn a new concept. Misty knows " now", gets a response, and is learning its a " good" word, as something happens, and my moment is satisfied, hence, they learn " now". They assimilate the word with a response, and learn the meaning. Sucks to be you, because now you have to show her she is right, and thats what the word means. nancy

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............. Sucks to be you, because now you have to show her she is right, and thats what the word means. nancy

LOL. You are dead right. That is the way that they learn the use of new words. I always try to respond appropriately to Misty when I understand the context of his speech.

If I just stood back and thought "how cute" there would be no reinforcement.

It is much like one would respond to a child. I am grateful he has yet to learn "Why?" Anyone who has brought up children knows how exhausting that can be! "What cha doin" is bad enough!:rolleyes:

Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Where did you get this toy? If Quinn doesn't love it Scooter (amazon) will. He loves to do the little childrens play phones and animal noises are his favorite. Quinn has to get used to something first, but it would be fun to try it from a safe distance. It sounds great,



Casey Luria.... a VERY fun toy for your baby, would be a see N say Sophie's favorite. You pull the string... an animal sound is made.( turn the dial to the animal sound you want.) Sophie LOVES it! She knows them all and never gets tired of hearing it. Nancy
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