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Grey Cognition and language abilities


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My girl, Rosa, because she's an African Grey, I named her Rosa Parks. She just turned 3 on Dec. 19th. She loves to go on walks with me and my dogs. She's learned that loud garbage trucks and the like are not to get scared over. But she is impatient with me when I stop to talk to bird/dog fans. One day I was with a small group of people talking in front of their house, when Rosa said in a whispering voice, "Whisper.) I told her no, so she said in perfect english, "well then, let's go!" She was just 18 months at the time. She seldom says a complete sentence so I was blown away!

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Hello Dan and everyone, I've been carrying around in my head a couple of things Marcus said recently, and since I have the time and everything now I just want to share them here before I forget them. :P


I always enjoy these amazing cognitive stories of Marcus. They always bring a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing the,. :)

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My girl, Rosa, because she's an African Grey, I named her Rosa Parks. She just turned 3 on Dec. 19th. She loves to go on walks with me and my dogs. She's learned that loud garbage trucks and the like are not to get scared over. But she is impatient with me when I stop to talk to bird/dog fans. One day I was with a small group of people talking in front of their house, when Rosa said in a whispering voice, "Whisper.) I told her no, so she said in perfect english, "well then, let's go!" She was just 18 months at the time. She seldom says a complete sentence so I was blown away!


LOL GreYt Story! Thanks for sharing it. :)

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Thanks for the response to my post! Since Rosa is only 3, I decided that I would teach her 1 song and 1 saying. The song is sung to the tune of the OFFICIAL Air Force anthem and it goes like this: "Off we go into the wild blue yonder, up we go, high in the sky. Cause we are birds and we can fly, so stop and wave as we fly byyyyyyyyyyy!


Because she LOVES to be scratched right where her beak meets skin and tissue, she positions herself for this sweet love bonding session and I always say to her... "Does my Rosa need some chewing tobacco between her cheek and her gums? I don't give her tobacco, it's just a fun way to "humanize her."


She carried on a brief conversation with me yesterday. She asked me what I was doing, so I explained that I was cleaning the floor. Her reaction was, "alright, but whisper." She's really interested in that whispering stuff. She also enjoys razzing me. I do this silly head tossing and say "rah rha rah rhra wraw" while she fluffs and shakes her head and repeats the razzing. She's so darn cute. I've decided to harvest bird excrement and make millions on it by selling it as a non corrosive, unlimited supply of super glue. It won't dissolve and is guaranteed to work or your money back!

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Her reaction was, "alright, but whisper." She's really interested in that whispering stuff. She also enjoys razzing me. I do this silly head tossing and say "rah rha rah rhra wraw" while she fluffs and shakes her head and repeats the razzing. She's so darn cute. I've decided to harvest bird excrement and make millions on it by selling it as a non corrosive, unlimited supply of super glue. It won't dissolve and is guaranteed to work or your money back!


Rosa sounds like a real sweetheart and highly responsive to verbal speech in human. I use "whisper" with Dayo as well. I don't know what it is about whispering, but it intrigues him an the uses it many times throughout the day.


LOL @ bird excrement! It is most certainly a GreYt glue.:)

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Greys have a hard time usually with the letter M. Saying MOM, is quite an accomplishment. I'm happy to be " Rom". I hear all the day... Rom, come quick, Rom where are you? ETC! The fact that DAYO, can say your complete name is amazing! Very inteligent in my book. So your not " dad".... but you are! Just called by your full name. LOL Nancy

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dejavu... LOVED the song! LOL! I wish Sophie would whisper once in awhile. She's a noisy girl, nonstop talking. If she runs out of " words", she breaks out into baby talk. She talks like a " valley girl", from California. I always say... " I wonder why she talks like that?" Kids laugh and look at each other with some secret. I get it. Thats how I sound, and I NEVER stop talking! Nancy

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Marcus just made a joke!!


Or at least something like one. ;) I've read before how Greys have senses of humor and will sometimes say funny things that reflect that, and this is the first time I've ever heard Marcus apparently say something with the intention of being witty... Just a few moments ago, he was out here on his playgym and we told him it was bedtime. He stepped-up nicely onto my wrist and I started carrying him through the house to the birdroom. As I opened the door and turned on the light (he helped me 'knock' first by putting his beak to the door), Marcus suddenly said, "It's shower time." I looked at him and said, "No, you know it's bedtime," but he had already started up with a jubilant version of my husband's laugh: "HahaHAHAHAhahaha!"


I couldn't help but laugh, too--actually, it was contagious! And once he was in his cage and I was running to tell my hubby what he'd said, I heard him back in the birdroom, repeating rather gleefully: "It's shower time. HahahahaHAHAHAHahaha!" :)

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I agree they have a sense of humor and they love to make us laugh. There is something about laughter, when they imitate it it makes us all laugh. Quinn is just about a year old and becoming very chatty. only one phrase so far but a million sounds. he performs at night when I am sitting on the couch near his cage. He likes to hear me laugh and ramps it up a bit when he knows he has my attention. I swear I can almost see him smile.

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I agree they have a sense of humor and they love to make us laugh. There is something about laughter, when they imitate it it makes us all laugh. Quinn is just about a year old and becoming very chatty. only one phrase so far but a million sounds. he performs at night when I am sitting on the couch near his cage. He likes to hear me laugh and ramps it up a bit when he knows he has my attention. I swear I can almost see him smile.
:D :D :D :D great story
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My birds, are you crazy? Just when i was thinking that there might be some value in mixing poop for paste. I have an amazon and a grey and a tile floor thank heavens.


LOL! I have a phony wood floor. And I keep a 2X3 rug on the floor to catch 95% of IT. I have a special way to lay that on the ground so it is strategy wise-the best for poop catching!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest danielsingh

Dear All,


Thanks for the amazing stories, I have enjoyed reading each one.


I just have a few doubts:


1) By what age does CAGs start speaking?

2) Can anyone compile or has compiled already a step

by step document which shows how to teach and further enhance

the abilities for a CAG/TAG.


Waiting for replies.


thanks in advance!

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my CAG Elvis always seems to make sense when he "talks" and it scares me a little bit sometimes ... When I'm sad or upset he often asks me "You okay?" He also asks me what I'm doing a lot and not too long ago while I was in the shower with him, I was talking (a lot, apparently) to him and he looks at me, turns his head and says "You're really annoying this morning" .. LOL I about fell over despite having my feelings hurt a little bit haha He also talks to my other animals ( 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 rabbit ) and knows them by their names, which I think is pretty impressive that he can tell them apart from each other.

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We brought our CAG home when he was like 3 months old and he was talking and mumbling a lot before he was even a year old. I started to keep a notebook of eveything he was saying. Every bird is different though and will start talking when they are ready. Elvis is now almost 4 years old and if I want him to learn a phrase or something I find that about 5 days of repeating the phrase at least a few times throughout the day he will have it down. I like to talk to him like he's a person and he responds really well to that. But not all birds are talkers either so you will have to keep that in mind.

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^^ It would be funny if our Dahlia dog ever listened to what Marcus tells her, she just completely ignores him now! (And, oh, does he try to get her attentions sometimes!) But it was funny, I heard the greenies, Tybalt and Beaker, fussing at each other in the birdroom the other day when suddenly Marcus' voice called out sternly, "Eh-eh-eh-eh, Beaker!" He was such a good baby-sitter! :P

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Took isnt a big talker and she has been getting into a lot of trouble lately. Well, the other day she was perfect and we gushed all over her for finally not terrorizing us by giving her love and she responded by giving herself a huge compliment-- "Took good, good, good, good, good good, good girl!" :) I love that she knew which word was the praising adjective to repeat for greater affect!

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