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2 Questions


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Hello to all I have 2 questions that have been on my mind..My first Question is my tag is 8 weeks old how soon can we start practicing things such as him being on his back and how do you go about doing it ? My second one is what is regurgetation I know what it is is human term is it the same ?

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Not everyone has luck getting their birds to accept being on their backs. Actually, from what I've seen on here, this is actually quite unnatural behaviour for AG's, so many will not tolerate it. I have an 11 month old CAG, I tried to get him to accept going on his back, but he hated it, and I felt that it was just going to damage our relationship if I continued to push it, so I gave up... Perhaps some others will have better suggestions for you, but I think that its fewer AG's that do this than those who refuse. Not worth losing my thumb over, and unfortunately, they aren't as pliable and easy going as what you are currently experiencing at a year. However you try to teach it, just please be sensitive to your bird, and respect it's reaction.


As far as the regurgitation, it isn't as nasty as humans. This is a very strong sign of "love" from your bird, where they are offering you some food that they are holding in their crops. Mine started to do this at about 5 months, but I didn't recognize it for what it was, I thought he trying to dance, and foolishly kept dancing with him until he mastered the art and was able to actually bring food up for me. Now I recognize what he's doing when he is bouncing and swinging his head and neck, different from the normal "parrot bob" that I see. This is inappropriate behaviour, so I simply tell him that I love him, and then walk away.

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Harvey is 17 months old and he has lain on his back ONCE - and this was just a couple of weeks ago. He flipped upside down whilst I was standing up and I slowly sat down and rested him in my lap - but he wasn't too confident as he lay there, clinging still to my finger for dear life - so although he was resting on my lap - his thoughts were that he was hanging upside down!


As for the regurgitation - I'm "lucky" in the fact that Harvey doesn't love me in that way - Ryan's completely right in the diversion technique, just walking away and not responding to their actions is the way to go :)

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Some greys love to lay on their backs to play or get scratches and some don't and Josey fits into the second category, I have tried to flip her on her back and she won't have any of it so I quit trying, you will soon know if your grey will allow it.

I have had Josey try to gurg for me a couple of times but I knew what it was and ignored it and walked away but I had a big smile on my face.


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