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Spocks Bedtime


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Greeting: Spock here....I HATE bed-time...I DETEST bed-time...there is always something interesting going on, especially when everyone else is in bed for the night. I am King, after all, I should be able to dictate my hours.

My "parronts" have a fun game they like to play with me...they call it Tag-Team. I just call it plain fun. They spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get me to go to bed. Maggie is short so all I have to do is fly from high spot to high spot, shower rod, curtain rod, bed-room door, top of the playpen...all are too high for her to reach me. Then Jay comes to get me...now the games begin! He makes me step up and I act compliant for a moment and then off I go again. I like to give Maggie a chance then, so I set down on Joey's cage. I don't want to make it too easy for them. When she comes for me, I reach down and bite her and fly off again. (I have to keep reminding them that I am the King!)

I can tell that Maggie loves these bites because she always jumps and yells so I do it again for her. By then, Jay comes over and grabs me. I hang upside down on his fingers and reach up to try to take nips of his fingers (if I am to be taken prisoner, I will go down fighting!) to show my displeasure at this high-handed treatment.

By this time though, I am tired although I don't let them see that! I wait dociley for the bed covers and then I rattle my cage door for a minute or two...

Last night, Maggie was eating what she told me was a rare Klingon delicacy, "Brussell Sprouts". She dipped them in a sauce and then popped them in her mouth whole...Facinating..I had to try one. Not only was it tasty but it was fun too! It shredded like a pinata toy. I took bites and then threw some here and there while I ate...such joy! Such Bliss! It is only logical...

They would not let me try their tubed meat sandwiches though (Hot dogs). I never saw a sandwich such as this before and I wanted a bite but they refused. I did get to lick it though when I flew over to Maggie's hand and she wasn't fast enough...Hmmm...interesting...

Well, I have to go...Jay has found his phone....and the little keys off to the side....

" SPOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?"



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I've stopped Harvey reading your posts Spock - you may be kind but you are also a bad role model - but it's too late - you've obviously already discussed this with your servants and Harvey is very good at tactical diversions too - and it's always at bed time!! What Maggie will have to do at bed time is get herself into her best high heels to give her that bit "lift" - then she might stand more chance!!! :)

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Dorian here. Spock, have you tried sucking up instead of flying off. For example, I don't understand why I can't sleep on my playstand in the same room where my mom and that darn cat sleep, but everynight she says 'time for bed-bye' and tries to remove me into my cage. So when she puts her hand out, I put my head down and ask for scratches. She can't resist! Then after a few minutes we have fun with her chasing me around the playstand while she says things I don't understand, like 'have you ever won this battle you little goof'. When she finally tricks me onto her hand and puts me into my cage, I put my head down again and get even More scratches!!!! When I can tell she's getting tired, making kissy noises can buy me another few scratches. Then, when she closes the door and starts to walk away, say something like 'I loooooove you', so at least she feels guilty for turning off the lights. I can put-off the dreaded bed time by at least half and hour by doing this stuff. They're suckers for it!!!

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Oh Spock, you are the KING! Dixie fortunately hasn't learned any of your tactics. She loves to go to bed, but she also knows she's the last one to spend time with me, and she can impose the biggest guilt trip. She too loves to hang upside down and try to nip my fingers, but her biggest method of attack on my guilt is to hang on the front of the cage and say "Help, Help Dixie!" What do I do with such pleadings? How do I live with the guilt?

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Spock, you have been mind melding with Java again, haven't you? She has started playing that some night-night game. My favorite trick is when she scuttles around to the back of my neck and bites when I reach for her calmly and reasonably, I quickly grab the hem of my tee shirt and whip it up over her and "bag" her. Lucky for my family, I wear a tank top underneath. LOL.

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Spock you are so clever, I'm beginning to win this particular battle with the humans in my life too, they have been tempting me into my cage with a treat but this has now increased to 2 treats and of my choice, if I fly away when shown a particular treat, they offer an alternative - Such suckers!


Live long & prosper Spock, I bow to your superiority.

Beau x

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Gee it's taking a long time for you to get your humans in line, Spock. My human knows that if she wants me in my cage at night she has to make the atmosphere inviting. A few healthy treats, perhaps my favorite apple or banana chips. A handful of seeds and nuts and I am a willing prisoner. So who is the manipulator here, her or me, me thinks me!!!! I get want I want, yummy treats and my human gets what she wants a nice quiet evening. Besides I get my beauty sleep!!!!! 1BEAUTIFUL_LuvYou_Girl_TBD-vi.gif007-15-1-1-1.jpg

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Greetings Subjects: Spock here...my humans know they can't bribe me with treats and toys...I will have none of this! There are no treats yet made or tried that will temp me into my cage at night, only subterfuge and treachery...I pick and choose my treats only when I want them and that is usually when Maggie is making up trays of food. Then, I pick and choose from the bounty, throwing off what I don't like and flying off with the food I do...and if she gets too hard on me, I just give her my sad face that says "oh, I'm a sick birdie" and the guilt trip begins...


Live Long and Prosper

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