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I was on facebook the other day and I saw a status that one of my friends posted, or I should say one of my "acquaintances" because I could never call someone a friend that would do that to a poor innocent bird. It said "setting my Quaker parrot free unless someone wants him. Cage is already outside. we need to get rid of him because of my moms home business. come pick him up today for FREE or find him flying around the estates." It really made me mad. I commented on it immediately and told her DO NOT let that bird go I will come get it right now. I had my mom go because I was at work. She said he had a filthy cage with no toys in it and they only fed him seeds, no fresh fruits or veggies. He also plucks his wing. She said she couldn't stand his screaming anymore thats why she wanted to let him go, so she probably yelled at him all the time. :( He is a very mean bird too, he lunges at you when you open the door, probably because he didn't get any love. Hopefully we can help this bird.


Here are some pictures that I took outside when we were cleaning the cage.




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Thanks so much Caitlin for rescuing this bird, some people must have empty space where their brain should have been but I hope you are able to do something with this bird to make him happier, he is probably happier just to be away from that awful woman.

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What a wonderful thing you did Caitlin, poor quaker and sadly that isn't the first time I have seen that happen and until people start thinking about what they are doing it won't be the last :(:mad: I have a quaker and can't wait to see how he fits in with you :)

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Caitlyn please give us an update on Sport and some pics would be nice if possible.

You can't see the pics? Its kind of hard to get good pictures of Sport because he is very mean and tries to attack me when I open the cage. I will try to get more pics sometime soon. But he is doing pretty good, he started talking in his cute little voice. He said peak-a-boo, what ya doing, hi baby, kiss kiss, and a couple more things. He will not touch his fruits and veggies, won't even go near the bowl, he might be scared of it because he's probably never seen those kind of foods before. So we will keep trying.



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Poor little dude, Quakers are such big birds in a little green suit. You did good saving his little self and if you try chopping those veggies very fine and mixing them into the rest of his food he cannot help but get a taste. I see no photos either.POUT

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Caitlin, What a WONDERFUL thing you have done rescuing this little gem...Quakers are so much fun...I love thier little voices too, too sweet.


What an AWEFUL person for saying she was going to let him go, I would of rescued him and called animal control on her, lol Its a shame that so many animals fall into the hands of totally STUPID idiots that just dont care. I am so glad you found him soon enough. He will flourish in your home....How does Ecko like him? I mean I am sure he is quaratined right now so he doesnt get Ecko sick if he has anything...So I guess you wouldnt really know, haha, Stupid question I guess.


My quaker doesnt touch fruits and veggies ethier, So I just put them in birdie bread and he LOVES it then, lol So maybe try that.


Oh and I am sure you already know, But Quakers are prown to Fatty Liver Disease, So they shouldnt have any sunflower seeds in thier Diet Since they are so high in fat. But oh how they love them, lol....I will give my Quaker (kokomo) one every now and then for a treat. But thats it.


Its good he is already talking in your home, He must feel very comfortable there :)


Keep us updated on Sports Progress! :);)

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Thanks Hannah :) I actually didn't know that about quakers being prone to fatty liver disease. Too bad though because he's been eating ONLY seeds his whole life. We give him a pellets mixed in with his seeds but he only eats the seeds, will keep trying new things though. Yes he is in quarantine but he is staying at my moms house because I live in a small apartment and couldn't have another animal so Ecko hasn't met him yet.

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He will get used to the pellets...The transiton is so hard when they are used to eating just seeds thier whole life. But it isnt too hard to find a seed mix with no sunflowers in it and just mix that with the pellets, And hopefully he will start eating the pellets too.


Glad I could help :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Super huge good on you for this rescue !!!!!!!!!!!! Hope some of this might help transition this poor baby.


Mine is very funny about fruits & veggies. Fresh grass & seed heads are a compromise, if you can find untreated ones. Charm changes her mind a lot, too. When it seems like she's more interested in playing with them than eating them, I incorporate them as part of her toys. She enjoys wrestling with anything oversized. She loves to get things out of "treasure" boxes & is very fond of anything she can swing around, bash & destroy. You might also try replacing her water with juice for a couple of hours at a time & offer fruits & veggies that have obvious seeds.


Also, she tends to want what everyone else has. She will usually have at least some interest in whatever the other birds are chowing. So, that might help once Sport's out of quarantine.


My first rule for bird rescues is don't want too much too soon & add to the problems. Concentrate on what's life threatening first. Second I go for the most achievable goals. Every success improves the bond between you.


Quakers are very territorial & cage aggressive. Coming from such a bad place has probably made Sport even more so. They can display very bad tempers. They bite hard & don't let go easily (I have the scars to prove it :) From my own experiences, I'd suggest that you give him that space, for now. Maybe take him out before you clean his cage or dishes, or work with him. Once he's out of quarantine & moved to his new territory, you might change cages or wash & rearrange everything & move onto cage issues. Hopefully, you'll have earned some trust by then.


For the most part, Charm is the busiest, happiest bird in my flock. I think the only sad thing is that she'll never understand that they squeezed a full sized parrot into such a small body. When in doubt, I've learned to always treat her like the big birds. The size of her cage, her toys and her food seems like they'd be too big for such a small bird. But that's how Charm likes it.


Good luck with Sport.

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my quaker Bazil is the same way!, everything has to be "full parrot size" or he is NOT happy with it LoL I have giant toys in his cage and those get more attention than the ones that are for his size, but I had to remove him from a large cage because he started becoming really territorial (more than usual)


Caitlin how is Sport doing??

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