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just asking


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they do walk but on there beak and very low to the ground.they will stand stright up and look around but they dont walk stright with there heads up. when i pick them up they use there beak to hold my clothes first before the feet or legs and body even touch my clothes.is this making sence? maybe they are scared?the other grey mommy is pushing to pick out the grey i want and i think i want the bigger one but not sure. he fellow me with his head raound the house.also,the bigger grey will climb out of the box. his learned to use his beak and feet to pull himself up....his the quacker.the big quacker. the small one is lay back and watches everything he does first...i really wanted to send u a pic bc of the size and the diff. in how much feathers one has then the other...the small one is 3 days younger....thanks

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sorry, i just re-read your post....and i see i can put hem in a cage. i will do this tonite....nomore light for the warm....the lg grey was begaining to get hot in the light box.i will send pic of the cage tonite on your email...please tell me what u think...thanks again

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Thank you. ive been trying to rub that off after i feed them but it dry so fast.I will.Thanks for telling me how with out hurting them.i was told not to rub the hard feathers that it hurts but the dry feed is stuck in them..will do....the smaller grey has white toe nails...i thought they was to be black.shes the shy one...(smaller grey)

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i was talking to jjhoney and she told me the alful news of her grey dieing..omg,i just put mine in a cage at 8 weeks and herws 14 weeks when died in the cage.i put a blanket over the grate on half od the side of the cage, which they are a sleep on.

i also covered them up but one conner is uncover.they seem to like it

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