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Im just asking to see if someone could breefly let me know..How much to feed my baby greys. they are 7 weeks old and Im feeding then 35cc every 4 to 5 hours.I have 2 greys and the smaller one is eatting that much bit the bigger one was eatting more then that but i isaw that for there age they are to get 30 cc a feeding. My biggest one seems still hungrey..He was eatting 45 cc.but his crop was very lg after that. so, i cute him back.I also have seprated them. I put them into diff. boxes during the day and let them sleep together at night. Is that ok. I also am giving them a little water after there feedings.Also. my biggest one quicking(talking) alot after he eats. he still nobs his head for more...sorry this is everywhere but Im wanting to remmber to ask as it comes to me. Yes, I agree that I should of waited to get them till they was older but the breeder would not wait.Yes, I agree that Im not ed. to do this but Im sure giving it my 100 % plus for them. I love them already and im just wanten to make sure i do the right things for them. I did call my vet and his out of town till monday and will be calling then.If someone has a few mins to help I would be so thankful.....

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Your doing grey't, keep as your doing...Make sure the crop is spongy, not firm, if you stretch the crop it loses muscle tone. I feel it is best to stick with a exact feeding times, maybe 5 times a day right now. At night make sure the crop is empty. Personally I like Zupreem plus formula. Give your big guy 40cc,s. There's no reason to part, them keep them together for warmth and companionship.

Jayd Good Job...

Example: 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 10pm.

Edited by Jayd
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Ok will do...Ill put them back together..They just like to butbeaks together.The small grey is my friends.I picked the bigger one bc he seems to like me more.Ill give the big one 40 and keep the little one on 30cc??If the big ones crop is stretcg will it go back since i have cute him back some on his feed.Ive been feeding 4 times and ill add a feeding if u think I should. maybe every 4 hours...How long should they be together?and should they still be under a light??thanks so much for getting back with me

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Crops ok now, you want to work them up to 50-60cc over the next 4 weeks, you'll be surprised how much they'll grow each day. If you feel they're ok, than stay at they're feeding, give them a little more each day.I'm hoping Dave007 and Spinner we'll read your posts, it's always good to have a 2nd opinion, and if there's is not the same as mine, there's is correct also...Remember, don't rush hand feeding, their only young once and this age is extremely important to they're growth. They can stay together till their eating good and fledged, they train each other....Jayd

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Jayd is spot-on!


First off, how are you feeding the babies? Is it by spoon, syringe, crop needle...?


If you are using a spoon or syringe, then know that the chicks will typically only accept what they need. In other words, they tend not to overeat. When they start to regurgitate food, it's time to stop. If they readily accept more, than gently provide what they need. They will either regurgitate or shake their head flipping food all over when they are done. Or, they might simply stop opening their beaks.


If you are feeding with a crop needle, then all bets are off and you need to get with a vet immediately.


Secondly, know that there are no hard and fast rules as to how much to feed. The recommendations are just that...recommendations. Use them as a guide as to how much to feed. It is more important to pay attention to whether the chick is accepting food or not.


Third, be sure the temperature is in the 100-105 range. They will accept a higher temp, but you run the risk of burn. And do NOT trust your arm to test. Get a digital thermometer. Also, do not feed them formula that has cooled below 100 - that will cause some crop flow problems. And, they'll usually start to refuse cool food and you may confuse it for a full bird.


Finally, keep them together. At this age they are still temperature sensitive and need the collective warmth and companionship. It is too early to separate them.


And, when you get a chance, go back and smack your breeder. He should be doing this for you or at least providing more mentoring on what to do. I'll send you a 2x4 to use if needed :o

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Thanks so much on gettingh back with me....I am syrimge feeding and the bigger one will eat from a spoon. but i use a syring.I do a therometer...but sometimes the food get cooler before im done feeding. I try to go slow to give them a chance to breath.I do give them a little water which they hate.im scared they will choke.i ahve put them back together. they are starten to play asome. i gave them a ball and stuff animal to sleep with. they are picking on the stuff aniamal and chewing on the ball.I also have them under a light.How long do i keep them under that??also, i do agree that the breeder should help me more but i guess she has her money she dont care.I feel like im lost with them but Im willing to give them what they need and ask for help which i am.what should i look for if something is wroung about feeding them??I have called petshops and they dont seem to know much or they just dont care to help.also, they squeal alot..is that there talking???they are learning how to kick there beding out of there boxes lol.....ok one more thing...i will need that 2x4..im just nervus with this but im writing everything down that im reading and learning with them...Thank you to everyone getting back with me....also why do they beak fight with each other????what should ill be looking for next???thanks again!!!

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Tanya you are being given some good advice from Dave and Jay but that breeder you bought these two babies from should have offered to give you more info so you would know what you are doing, I have to give you one thing, you are one brave girl to take on handfeeding two baby greys but now that you have them please heed their advice, this stage of their development is critical.

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I am Judy,Im writing everything down and doing what they tell me....I agree that Im over my head but I do have them now and I have to have faith that i can do this with help of friends.I already love them both and I want to do everything i can for them.I taking them VERY SEROUS and I dont want nothing bad to happen to them.Im n for doing everything i can for them...Thanks for ur help and just put a little prayer up for us...

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Good girl,, They don't need water, the formula has water in it...Get a Pyrex measuring cup and a bowl of hot water.. Mix your formula to 109 degrees and start feeding, when the tepm drops to 105, set cup in bowel of hot water and stir til 109 again... There playing is all. soon they'll start sleeping less and playing more. Cuddle them on your chest and baby talk to them after you fed them, and hold them as much as you can get little wood toys and 1/2inch beads to play with. Will keep you informed as time goes on.

Grey't job mama.... Jayd

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You won't need to give water as they get what they need from the formula. It sounds like you're doing things as they should be. Continue feeding with the syringe. It's truly the best way to balance getting them what they need while letting them taste the food. And, it's a lot less messy than a spoon.


As far as the beak play, it's actually a feeding response. They are thinking each other is their mother bird with a mouth full of food. It is a normal response.


Regarding how you might know if something is going wrong? The best measure is to weigh them every morning, prior to the first feeding. Track their weight each day, religiously. The first indicator of trouble will be a weight loss or lack of weight gain. Although they will have ups and down on weight gain, if there's more than one day of loss, I'd get a vet involved rather quickly. You will not know visually if there's a problem as they hide illnesss well.

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Todays I had to be somewhere at the time it was time to feed.so, I gave them half of what they was eatting 1hour before time then I when i got back it was 3 hours after and they was hungrey.I gave them there reg, feeding then.I think they ate a little to much . so, Im going to hold them off for 41/2 hours or 5 before there next feeding befor bed.Do you think they should be ok???Did I do wroung about feeding them??Or how would I handle this .when I have to be somewhere and it in between feedings?

Today grey 2 new mommy came to see her and played with her grey.which was nice to see her coming to see her grey.Im going to miss grey 2 when she goes to her new home.I beleive I have picked the bigger grey..and named him alex or jackson.he seems to like me more. he fellows his head around watchen me when im walking around the house.

nothing much happened new today.they sleep alot today but we was up late with friends over last night.baby greys are doing ok....

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Todays I had to be somewhere at the time it was time to feed.so, I gave them half of what they was eatting 1hour before time then I when i got back it was 3 hours after and they was hungrey.I gave them there reg, feeding then.I think they ate a little to much . so, Im going to hold them off for 41/2 hours or 5 before there next feeding befor bed.Do you think they should be ok???Did I do wroung about feeding them??Or how would I handle this .when I have to be somewhere and it in between feedings?


My personal feelings are you have to basically give up your life when hand-rasing a baby bird, this is my personal feelings, they need to be fed the same time every day, no exceptions...You have to arrange even going to the bathroom around their schedule.LoL....Luv You Jayd........[These are my feelings only]
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I have never handfed any baby birds so I wouldn't know but if Jay says they should be fed regular as clockwork then that is what you should be doing and he has had much practice at it so from now on you should stick to the schedule and arrange everything around them. You can do that for the next couple of months can't you Tanya.

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To me a baby is a baby is a baby, human or animal and they have to be fed on schedule. Jay is right, you will have to feed the baby birds on a set schedule, just like a human newborn no exceptions if you want them to grow strong and healthy. I know you can do this. It is a sacrifice that when you brought the babies home you committed to. You can do this!!! Dave and Jay will help you just ask. I have all the faith in the world in you Tanya.

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THANKS!!! I have been with them every min of the day,i even get up with them at night but today i was pulled in every dir. there was.I have kept on the same schedule since I got them. I do agree with you and I have made most of my plains around them and will keep doing this till they are older.I can say this I have learned so much with them and they are such a wonderful gift to have.I already love them both and its going to be hard to give grey away to her new mommy after Ive taken care of them.

I had a neighbor come over today wanten to see them and i made him wash his hand before he touch them and WILL NOT let anyone hold them yet.Im very careful with them myself and I just dont want anyone to hold them and drop them.

Whats should I be doing this week?they will be 8weeks tuesday.

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Your doing Grey't, increase their food a little, cut back on a feeding if you think it's ok. Example: If your feeding them 30cc's 5 times a day, thats150cc's, if you go to 4 feedings a day, they need 150cc's at least. Hold them more, hold them on your chest, pet their ears. keep some seed and crumbled pellets in their cage, give them a Cheerio's or two, they'll waste it, It won't hurt to start socializing them. If you haven't, cet them a cage and a couple of perches, put the perches about a inch above the bottom of the cage.[screw on perch] Put your soft towel, stuff toy in with them. I don't put anything hard in the cage. Bars on cage must be close enough so they can't put their head though them...Your going to start, "Abundant Feeding" you'll put more food in their cage then they can eat, that way the'll never stress that they have no food..You'll do this till their on their own....Pick out a pellet, a seed mix and start keeping them in their cage. Check the forum therds and posts for pellet and seed advice. Keep up the good job. more to come later. Jayd

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Tidbits........Walmart and Petsmart sell a small fleece blanket, Talons don't get stuck as bad! Start warping your babies in a small blanket to get them ready for a vet visit, hold them on their back and nuzzle them!, In a couple of weeks, get a pop-cycle stick,[eat the pop-cycle first] Hold their feet while playing with them, drag the stick across their nails like you were filing them, do this often, when they get older, you'll be able to file them! One of my favorite is to rub their ear with your finger tip saying, "ear" softly, when they get older, they remember it, cuddles and love... Jayd

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ok.Im to put them in a cage now???together??they been under a light bed.and i have giving a stick of mellit to them. the small grey like it butt the bigger grey dont even try....also my question is...one grey is going to be on seeds ,my grey is going to be on pellits.how do i do thid them together??also do u have a fb. i was going to put pics on there of them up close for you to see them or you have a email?i dont know how to put pics on here yet.I have fleece blanket for them. I laid them on the floor ona blanket yesterday and laid with them. they dont walk really...thank you soso much for sticking with me. the nurse called from the vet today and the doc vet will call me tomorrow.talk soon

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ok.Im to put them in a cage now???together??they been under a light bed.and i have giving a stick of mellit to them. the small grey like it butt the bigger grey dont even try....also my question is...one grey is going to be on seeds ,my grey is going to be on pellits.how do i do thid them together??also do u have a fb. i was going to put pics on there of them up close for you to see them or you have a email?i dont know how to put pics on here yet.I have fleece blanket for them. I laid them on the floor ona blanket yesterday and laid with them. they dont walk really...thank you soso much for sticking with me. the nurse called from the vet today and the doc vet will call me tomorrow.talk soon


Question, they should be walking around? Don't worry about seeds and pellets, it's ok to put them both in the cage.Jayd

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