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Spell check


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I use Google Chrome - it checks as I type too, but since I am such a good speller, and such a fluent typist, there is rarely a need for the little squiggly underline :) :) :) Ha Ha Ha!!!

You northern lot could not speel til we tout yu toe so stpo beaing so smug



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Well Jill, if you have to ask, then you are in denial so no matter what I say it won't sink in!!!! Besides, I can understand his spelling also!!!!!


Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Of course, you are soooooo correct!!! (and I meant to put all of those "o's - and it underlined it)!!! happy-smiley-541.gif

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Look Enrebie - you are from ENGLAND. The spoken language here is ENGLISH (yeah - these American's can't spell - but we understand why they miss letters out of words :P). Get yourself a dictionary - the poor folk of the world can't understand you!!!

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You Brits crack me up! Jill, as long as the first and last letter of any wrod is in the crrocet oedrr tehn we are albe to raed it. Our birans raed the wrdos in thire enterity.


There are web-browsers out there that spell check? Wow, who knew!? Like Jill, I'm a crack speller and an excellent typist, even on my iPhone! So any errors that I make, are purely intentional! LOL!

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You Brits crack me up! Jill, as long as the first and last letter of any wrod is in the crrocet oedrr tehn we are albe to raed it. Our birans raed the wrdos in thire enterity.


There are web-browsers out there that spell check? Wow, who knew!? Like Jill, I'm a crack speller and an excellent typist, even on my iPhone! So any errors that I make, are purely intentional! LOL!

Well I cant even speak American, ONLY- Engrish, Austwalian, New Zelandic, a bit of Jock, Welk and Irishiwasinmajorka. Oh and German.

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You Brits crack me up! Jill, as long as the first and last letter of any wrod is in the crrocet oedrr tehn we are albe to raed it. Our birans raed the wrdos in thire enterity.


OMG! You're right Ryan (either that or it's yet another incredible talent of mine)!!!


As for the skype conference - none of you would understand Bernie - he's from the South of England - they tend to talk quite funny down there - us up North can't understand them - so the Americans & Canadians won't have a cat in hell's chance!!! :)

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Hahahahaha! All I know is that I don't have an accent. I speak with perfect Canadian pronunciation. About becomes aboot, car becomes care, oh, and of course after every statement I will finish it off with 'eh, turning my statement into a question that I don't expect an answer to! But we still spell the way the Brits expected us to!

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OMG! You're right Ryan (either that or it's yet another incredible talent of mine)!!!


As for the skype conference - none of you would understand Bernie - he's from the South of England - they tend to talk quite funny down there - us up North can't understand them - so the Americans & Canadians won't have a cat in hell's chance!!! :)

EH! excuse me young lady from up there in the Norf place, we down here, can speek proper Queens Engrish like wot you shuld do eh, snif

we carrot crunchers EAT pasties, you lot up north, drink it out of bottles from France. And I bet you dont chew straw eaver.

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