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well i have decided that it never hurts to try anything so I have been workign with Ozzy on words. Everything I hand him I tell him what it is. When I change his water I say "fresh water" stuff like that. Not sure if he will pick any of it up but cant hurt to try.

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This is exactly as you should be doing - exactly the same as you would do with your "human" toddlers when you are teaching them how to speak. Harvey has picked up a word that I don't repeat again and again (like the step up, hello, good boy etc), but a colloquial term from my neck on the woods in the UK "Howay" - which means "come on" - so you never know what they are going to say.


Good luck! :)

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I've been doing the same thing with Murphy to try & teach him words in context rather than him just repeating random words (not that he says any words yet). I also stand & yap to him, nothing in particular, just tell him what I'm up to & how my day is going etc.

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Perfect plan to get ozzie associating words with actions and items.


Never stop being consistent with those, whether you ever hear them repeated or not. I guarnatee you, he will know what each means whether he ever uses them or not.

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Great job! You dont realize how hard it is when you are home alone to just keep talking about things, And telling "someone" (your bird) what your are doing constantly...But once you get it into a habit, it is easy as pie...It will be second nature...But then everyone will just think your crazy for talking to "yourself" around the house all day. lol but hey WHO CARES! :P

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It's a great idea. Ozzy will pick up on the words and be able to place them no problem. Ana Grey loves apples and I always say "want some apple" and then give her some. If she wants some apple she now says, Want some apple and I immediately get her some. So your technique is a winner!

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We have been doing object naming with Brutus since We've had him. We also do reverse naming. Like when he barks like one of the dogs (he can immitate Tinker and Maxwell), we will say "What does Tinker/Maxwell say?". Or, when he does his Whee o wheet whistle, we will say "Call the doggie."

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Great job! You dont realize how hard it is when you are home alone to just keep talking about things, And telling "someone" (your bird) what your are doing constantly...But once you get it into a habit, it is easy as pie...It will be second nature...But then everyone will just think your crazy for talking to "yourself" around the house all day. lol but hey WHO CARES! :P


I am pretty sure my neighbors think I live with other people. Nope, just constantly talking to my bird all the time. It must be funny to hear me babbling on out the windows, "Who's a good boy, yes you are baby ,yeah. I love you." and to never see me come out with anyone or a baby or something. Never be afraid to talk to em all the time though. :) Good luck too!!

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