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The Strangest Thing


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The strangest thing just happened. Issac started flying around and doing his battle cry. Raaawwwwk. He was flying back and forth swooping and diving. There was a spider on the wall, I wonder if that got him going. But it was strange...anyone ever see this?

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I can assure you he didn't see the spider - he would have eaten it, not swooped away from it!!! When Harvey does this (regularly) we just move out of the way - I have no doubt that should we get in his path then we would just collide!!


Perhaps he didn't fancy a feed at that time - but perhaps next time there's a spider loose a little flavouring might tempt him :)

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They do this at this at times with no apparent explanation other than they are just feeling a little pteradactyl at the moment.


I guess the spider could not be ruled out though. That would be hard to say one way or the other.


I always wish I could this type of behavior on camera. But, those moments are short and the camera is normally not even in the room at that moment in time.

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My Syd does that once in a while as well, no apparrent reason goes for a couple of laps thru the Family/Kitchen area and screams like he was a star on Jurassic Park,,,As pterodactyls are extinct I think this is the closest we can come to hearing one!

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LOL...as I read this...about 5 minutes ago Issac did it again. Sometimes his final destination is my shoulder and I am wary of what will happen next. If it were anyone else, he would have them running away for sure. I find it entertaining though. :) It reminds me of a bird battle cry.

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