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It's good to be king!


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Greetings, Spock here (King of the Terrible Two's)...it has been a while since I have addressed my subjects...some of you have been a little testy lately, not reading all threads through before replying. It's not logical...So, let's get back to me...:rolleyes:

Yesterday, I snuck out of my cage. No puny human locks will keep me from my escape. I was standing on my favorite perch (the curtain rod) while my silly humans uncovered my cage and found out I was gone. I had slipped out from under my covers while they were preparing my feast. It was amusing to watch them running around trying to find me. I let them wander aimlessly for a moment and then said "Good morning. Wanna eat!" So with my appetizer of peanut butter, main course of Smash, with side dishes of split peas, lentils, pasta dish plain and with tomato sauce and a pine nut for dessert, I was ready to face the day and terrorize some of my flock.:cool:

I said to myself, "I think I'll pick on Salsa today"...Every time Salsa would sneak into Joey's cage for a snack, I stand in the doorway and torment her until Jay or Maggie would yell out "Spock! Leave Salsa alone!". I'd just answer "WHAT?" They would come and rescue her. They didn't let me play that game too long.

So fine....I decided to play with Maggie's hair. She had a new thingie in her hair, I heard them say it was a "rubber band" so I bit it like I bite everything. It snapped me in the beak, I yelped and flew off to the fridge. That's somewhere where NO bird should ever have to boldly go to...:mad:

Later on that afternoon, I flew back to her head and had revenge on that thingie...I took my giant dump on it....so THERE!!

I guess I'd better go, Jay found his phone and ....you think keyboards are fun...try a phone with text buttons...those are really fun! I removed three....I removed keys w, e and a funny symbol one....oooopppsss!!!


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That's somewhere where NO bird should ever have to boldly go to...:mad:



Spock, Spock, Spock what are we gonna do with you, you been a bad boy but you had fun at it didn't ya and you keep Jay and Maggie on their toes so no grass grows under their feet!


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OMG Spock, you have become Mr. Bizerko x2!!!


I had to laugh several times, I just couldn't hold it back. But, this illogical behavior of a Vulcan is causing a huge disturbance in the force.


Sorry, still laughing, gotta go ..... hahahahahahahahahaha, big breath, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

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But, this illogical behavior of a Vulcan is causing a huge disturbance in the force.

Whether my behavior is logical or not is irrelevant due to the fact that two of my earth bound parront's are human. [Humph, if I had a eyebrow I'd arch it] besides it was fun....[talk about the force when that rubber band snapped!] I can't wait till I'm 7.....


Live long and Prosper

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you sure fit alot into your days.

Spock here! jacarul, thank you, after you read some of my old threads and new threads, you'll learn this is just a small portion of a day. danmcq keeps me focused on my Vulcan Roots......


Live long and Prosper

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Spock, glad to hear you are keeping everyone aware of their surroundings in case The Borg (cats) should show up! Jay and Maggie will be more prepared to battle their feline appeal as long as you can keep them occupied enough to ever question their avian devotion! Keep up the good work.

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All Hail Mr Spock! I've come to the assumption that this little "icky" spell you were having was all a ploy to draw your human counterparts closer in order that you can have your own way at every juncture! Very clever!!!


I'm sure Maggie wasn't brimming with joy at her new hair conditioner - but could you point out to her that it's actually deemed lucky for a bird to "go" on your head - so when she wins the lottery this weekend she can thank you for it!


Silliness asides - I'm so pleased that you are back to your demonic ways - a sure sign you're on the up :)

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Spock, You are the best!! I DO read all your posts as I never know what to expect next! You keep those parronts of yours on their toes, that's for sure!


I read your post to Talon, Riki, and Nilah...they don't understand why your parrots don't have a sense of humor! You keep it up, I love your visits here! :) :)

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