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How's Salsa doin'?......


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Salsa has become quite the character, including trying to be a Casanova....When we kiss our birds, we always ask for kisses or kiss with our nose (Mine at least is certainly big enough to pass as a beak...) Salsa goes straight for the French Kiss...beak open, tongue touching our nose...no shrinking wall-flower is our Salsa...lol...:D:D

Salsa loves to eat. She goes from cage to cage and samples all day. It doesn't matter that all the seed/pellets are all from the same container...it always tastes better when it is in someone else's cage and she can steal it out from under their beak. :pShe also has good manners. She likes to eat with her spoon. We had to change from plastic to metal though. After she was done, she liked to recycle the spoons and chomp them up...She likes to clean up after herself too...When she is done, she walks to the edge of the cage before flinging all food off of her beak, thereby ensuring that the food lands on the floor, not anywhere near her cage.

She loves to play with Jay too. Whenever he sits down on the couch, she runs over (literally) and jumps on his shoulder and flips over on her back on his chest, wings spread, feet in the air and wants him to play with her and rub her belly, while she flogs her legs and bites him back....too funny...

She is not above using the helpless damsel in distress cry also. She climbs in Joey's cage to play with his toys and when she gets caught by Joey or Spock (who likes to climb in Joey's cage too and play with his toys), she cries like a baby, sounding pitiful and saying "Step up, step up!!" until I come to the rescue...lol...




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Salsa sounds wonderful!! and most definetly keeping her parronts busy...I would love to hear the damsel in distress call HaHaHa this post made me smile..

I had the opportunity a few years ago to take in a poor zon, her owner fell ill and was wheelchair bound and could not properly take care of her anymore, I thought long and hard about it but decided against bringing her home not knowing anything about amazons or how to deal with her needs (she was severly plucked and scabbed poor thing) which her owner said happened around the time he got sick I often think about her and wonder what my life would been if I had taken that leap, and what happened to her :(

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Ha Ha! Salsa sure does love to eat - little piggy!!! Salsa must be an absolute gem to have around - I am picturing her hopping over and flipping over for a tummy tickle! How sweet!!! As for the snogging - dirty, dirty girl - have you taught her about morals and the expectations of a mother and father :)


Great pictures of the clan - thanks for sharing these!

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