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Kookie has a Grey visitor


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Hi everybody,

Just wanted to share some action with you..

A friend dropped his grey "Rambo" a while ago at my place. He will leave him here for a week, while he travels abroad. Ramo is around a year and a half old, and it seems Kookie fell right in love with him.

Rambo is kinda scared of Kookie and a bit aggressive.

Kookie flies to Rambo's cage and they start to touch beaks, but seems that Rambo, want to play rough.


Kookie tries to show off his beautiful feathers, but still Rambo is quite uncomfortable.....

Now Kookie seems a bit uncomfortable too, so Im keeping a close eye on those two to see how things will turn up


Kookie used to live with a maccaow and a cockatoo when he was at his previous owners, so he loves being about other birds, but for Rambo, this might be a strange situation....


Anybody can give some advice on what is the best way to get them to accept each other, or shall I kkeep them sepaarted for now? (kookie free to go around the house, and Rambo in his cage)?

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Kookie is theolder one, around 5 years, while Rambo is only a year and a half (quite aggressive for his age)


Kookie seems so in love with him, and want to share even his loved almonds, but still Rambo wants only to bite him.

Today I left for work, keeping them each in his cage, with cages on opposite sides of the room. Kookie was telling Rambo ''hey...pppsssttt, I love you..."and Rambo nibbling on his food

I came back to find them both napping


Lets see how their friendship will develop...

Ill keep you posted and post some pictures this evening



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They sound like a normal pair of new birds getting used to one another. :)


Get photos and video if you can. It sounds like both are enjoying being around another grey, even if it's at a careful state right now.


Are they interacting verbally at all?

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Hi Everyboody, sorry for my late update, but you know the time needed to care for one grey...and now I have 2 in addition to my full time job...


The daily mess they create is huge...competing who throws his food further in the room...LOL but Im loving it...


So now they are more familiar, Kookie still loves having his friend here and wants to play and interact, but the little Rambo wont let him.

Everytime they get a bit close they both fluff their feathers and start the head bobbing (i am a scary beast) action


Kookie still wants to share his food (banana today) with Rambo, and Rambo still doest want Kookie close to him


Rambo is a little shy, although I kept his cage door open when Im around he didnt come out till today, and he is sitting on top of his cage looking wearily at Kookie


This evening they are communicating, cos Rambo is whisteling (ear piercing) and Kookie is responding with the same tone


Every now and then they look at each other and you hear a "hooooo" from Rambo and an echo from Kookie


I dont know if its a language or what but Kookie still says to Rambo I love you and Rambo was saying Hello


Rambo is allowing me to scratch his head today but he wont step up on my hand even though I showed him how Kookie does it


He looks at Kookie playing on his play stand, but I guess he is still not sure if he wants to be there or not....

I guess thats all for tonight and will update you with the new stuff tomorow


Hope you enjoy the pix

Rambo fluffing his feathers..jpg

Kookie with Mango Seed..JPG

Rambo  ..jpg

Kookie talking to Rambo..jpg

Kookie and Rambo ..JPG

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And today...they are both competing who talks more....its like they are continuously reapting any word they ever learned in their lives....OMG Ive always known that Kookie is very talkative...but Rambo....he talks nonstop, doesnt even stop to catch his breath.....

What I noticed is that Rambo learns words very quickly from Kookie...he is talking in arabic now few words that Kookie always repeats...very funny though


Kookies voice is much much louder than Rambo...so is it quite normal that some greys have a much higher voice than others??? Just wondered



I am recording a video of their conversaions now, Kookie is a little shy around the camera, but I hope it comes out well and I will upload it to this thread

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Wow..what Im whitnessing is amazing...they way they interact...and they are so funny...

So yesterday Rambo decided to fly a little, he landed on the f loor and was discovering the room floor. Kookie joined him and started walking behind him following him. It was quite clear that Rambo doesnt wanna play with Kookie, but Kookie kept following him around the room on the floor. The funny thing is whenever Rambo stops and looks back at Kookie, Kookie would stop also and he would lower his head. I found that funny and strange...


Today Rambo stepped up on my hand, and as I took him around the room, his eyes were fixed on Kookies playstand, so as we went near, it was obvious he just wanted to look but not to touch. Again Kookie did the same as we went closer to his play stand, Kookie lowered his head, I guess its like a peace sign that he doesnt wanna fight and only wants to play...


Anyone seen this before...


I feel like a wako now observing them and trying to figure out their body language and their communication

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