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Bird To Go Please :)


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So I am looking for the community's recommendations for good travel cages. While he is refusing his harness, I still want him to see the world and maybe socialize him a bit more. So help me determine the best mode of transportation for my baby Issac. He will thank you for it. Cheers :)

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I will be interested in the input from others on this thread too. We are going to see my granddaughter at the end of this month, and it will be about a 12 hour car ride each way. We want to take Brutus with us, rather than leave him home with a pet sitter. He is so attached to me that I don't want to leave him alone for 4 days. I won't enjoy the trip, and I'm sure Brutus would be upset as well. We have time to get a nice travel cage before we go.

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Im using PAk o Bird, for travelling back and forth in the car. It is also a back pack you can take hikes with. I have been waiting for a nice weather day to do this and see if he likes it. It is very lightweight and you can carry it easily in one hand.

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I will be interested in the input from others on this thread too. We are going to see my granddaughter at the end of this month, and it will be about a 12 hour car ride each way. We want to take Brutus with us, rather than leave him home with a pet sitter. He is so attached to me that I don't want to leave him alone for 4 days. I won't enjoy the trip, and I'm sure Brutus would be upset as well. We have time to get a nice travel cage before we go.
In your case, the only way to go is with a small cage...I will post a example later.. Jayd



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Thank you all for the links and suggestions. I do like to collapseable cages as they store easy as well as provide ample space. And, they are under 100 bucks which is also nice. I will most likely start with something like that as I am not sure I want to drop 250 bucks on a back carrier.


Thank you JayD for the link regarding various cage types, very informative :)

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Jayd gave GreYt advice and links.


We have the Pak-o-Bird for short trips around here and we have a larger travel cage as well for long trips and it works well as a sleep cage when we are out of town somewhere. :)

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A small travel cage deffinitly, a cheap and practical way, and is ideal for spending the weekend visiting a friend, also works well in the car, I fasten the seatbelt around it to make sure Kookie is secure in place while I drive.

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Yeah...it looks like the more economic travel cages are going to work for me, probably a collapseable one. I just want to get him out and take him to different locations to see other people. And you can be sure I will fasten his seat belt. ;)


LOL...look at Issac....."Oh...get my good side"



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