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Don't know what to do...


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Hi guys, its been a while since I've been on here. Wow did this site change or what? I need to get use to it again lol. Well I'm kinda going through a hard time right now because I have a very tough decision to make. I got accepted into UF which is very exciting but sooo hard for me. I live 4 hours away from UF and I wouldn't be able to take my precious babies with me. :( I just don't want to leave them. I love my animals so much and I feel like I am going to be soo lonely without them. Do you think if I leave Ecko is going to forget about me?? Our relationship isn't that good to begin with, he is a total daddys boy so I feel like he is going to hate me even more. :( I just don't know what to doooo.. any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated.


Thanks, Caitlin

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Spock here!!! I've missed you! Will you move and leave Ecko forever? or be with him on weekends? He's my Brother from another mother! I didn't know you weren't getting a long. You have to go on with your schooling, but it will be at the expense of Ecko!!! Re-read all your Ecko threads... In this case, go to school, but wait to get another baby till all is stable....

Your Friend

Spock [Jayd and Maggie]


I assume he's going to be with his daddy!!!

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Hi Spock, I've missed you too! Yes he is going to be staying in the same house with his daddy, its just me thats leaving. I can't take him away from his daddy so he has to stay. Ecko is in his forever home, I would NEVER give up on him but I know I have to go away for a short time to do whats best for me so I can achieve my dream on becoming a vet. I just hope he doesn't forget about me.

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From what I have heard, they do not forget you. That is for certain. Will you get to visit them often? Some things you just cannot do much about. If you have to be apart, that is just the way it is, and I cannot be sure that there is a way to say how your birds will react. I would sugar coat it, but I am pretty sure that is the way it is.

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Hi Caitlin - I was just thinking about you the other day! Welcome back!! Your schooling is so important - and by taking the step for applying for further education must be commended! I presume Ecko is going to stay at home with his daddy? Daddy's not coming with you and you are just going to go to school during the week and come home weekends? If that's the case (I don't think for one moment you're thinking about giving Ecko up) then perhaps he'll miss you and think "where's my mommy" - when he realises Daddy's just a complete stinky so and so!!


Either way - I'm sure you've got a while until you leave - make the most of it :)

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Thanks Jill, your post made me smile, I appreciate it. I forgot to mention that I got into both FAU and UF. FAU is 45 minutes away and UF is 4 hours away. UF is a wayyy better school for me but FAU would mean I don't have to leave them so thats what I mean by I have a tough decision to make, I never once thought about not finishing school, my education is very important to me.

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Hey Caitlin, Glad to hear from you!


Sorry you have this hard decision to make, I cant imagine....I have no advice for you cuz I dont even know what I would do! Actually, I am happily married and happy with my little family and personally I could never leave them. So Thats just me and my personal opinion. But everyones circumstances are differant, Cuz I know you are happy with your little family too, But schooling is obviously very important to you and your family.


So Congrats on you acceptance to these schools! Thats wonderful! and I know whatever you decide will be the best cuz I know you care for your babies ;)

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You have been missed Caitlin but I understand about your schooling, you must get that education and I don't think it will harm your relationship with Ecko for like Jay said it may make it even better but one thing for sure is he won't forget you, they have a good memory. This separation will be harder on you than it will be for him but he has his daddy to take care of him for now, you do what you have to and Ecko will still be there when you finish and then it will be so sweet, keep is informed.


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Thanks you guys, I feel a little bit better now. I am going on a tour to UF on May 22nd to make my decision, I will let you all know what I decide. I've been busy at work today so I don't have much time right now but I will be back either tonight or tomorrow to introduce Sport, a quaker that I rescued the other day.

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Congratulations Caitlin on getting into two schools! Go with the one that will get you where you want to be for your future. Ecko will not forget you, no more than you will forget him. Four hours is not that far away and with all the internet gizmos you could set up a daily cam talk if you wanted. So enjoy your education. It's great to hear from you by the way!!!!!!

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Hi Caitlin. Man, that's a bit of a toughie, but I think you know what you have to do. You know your baby will be well taken care of, and maybe the old adage of "absense makes the heart grow fonder" will apply here, and you will come home to find Daddy has been kicked into touch and you are the flavour of the month!! Let us know how the visit goes.

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