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Grey takes 1 hour naps with mom

Codys Mom

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Rudy and me been takeing a hour nap before I go to work for the last 3 days, she is getting so use to them that she flys over to the couch and it's like she is waiting on me to snuggle with her and take our nap :) is this a good thing or could it be a bad thing? she actually sleeps on my chest with her eyes closed , I make sure she is very comfortable before I close my eyes and I don't sleep sound just incase just a short drift off but not totally sleeping, to scared to actually go into a deep sleep I have heard of to many people rolling over and crushing their birds , but she does go to sleep eyes closed and all

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Aww they are so lovable sometimes :)

Yeah Yoshi will fall asleep on my shoulder sometimes when watching TV after dinner, and just tuck her head back and get all comfy... it's fine in my opinion, just don't squish her :P

Since you are not laying down and she is on your chest you should be fine lol.

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It is perfectly fine.


Dayo used to do this when he was younger very often when one of us were in a recliner or laying on the couch. He still does, but not very often any longer. He will now normally go to where he wishes to perch, lift one leg and dose in and out.


Enjoy those endearing moments while you can.


In the wild, most birds gather different times of the day and nap. It is a natural instinct.

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Paco falls asleep on me while I am on the couch as well. God help me if I fall asleep too, I either wake up to him peering at me with his beak pressed against my nose, or he nips my nose to wake me up. I don't worry about squishing him, I can't flip around on the couch at all, and I'm one of those people who can slide out of my bed in the morning and not need to make it! I don't sleep, I die I think.

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