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How do you get him to stop trying to land on your head?


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I now wear a hat indoors so his feet don't get tangled in my hair. Also, if I see him coming I stick out my hand and he lands on my fingers instead. The reason this whole thing started is I have another bird, a quaker, who lands on me, and Brutus, the grey, learned by example. The quaker is no problem because he is small and sits quietly on my shoulder. Brutus, on the other hand, weighs over a pound and does not sit quietly. They sometimes compete for my time and affection. I know I could lock them both in their cages, but it usually just a temporary annoyance. So Reggieroo, if you figure out an answer let me know!

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How do you get him to stop?

Duck! If he realises it is an unsuitable landing spot, he might stop trying. I think that he is landing on your head might be him trying to assert his authority, but not sure, one of the experts will have to chip in on that. Alfie hasn't tried landing on out heads very often, but she will have a go with visitors! The odd time she has done it with us we just don't allow it.

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Good point, that is what my husband says as well. He ducks and Brutus doesn't try to land on his head as often now. The problem is the little quaker is relentless and sticks like glue. Also, most of the time I am sitting at my desk and cannot avoid being an easy target. I guess I should have ducked from the start, but I was afraid of hurting his feelings. I realize now that Brutus is not nearly so sensitive.

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Kate just ducks if she has time or if she knows he's about to do it she puts her hand up palm facing him & says "stay"..............................................1 minute later he tries again! He does give up in the end, learning slowly but surely.


It annoys the hell out of her sometimes though especially when he gets caught up in her hair & now she has little scabs on her head from his sharp talons :P Kate was scratching her head last night cussing the little monkey & I just said "he just loves you"........lol

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